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NSM discusses the state of affairs

Started by Dude, March 26, 2016, 09:01:52 PM

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It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Let's bash me even more, thanks Winter.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: MaestroUGC on March 27, 2016, 03:44:21 PMThe point is Dude called into question the character of certain members of the forum and accused them of bias, and immediately went to use himself as an example of said bias. The immediate counter argument to that is you cannot possibly be unbiased about actions taken against you, so the fact you're accusing others of bias for said action is already questionable.
Whereas others who have taken a look at this objectively have still come to the conclusion that the incident in question, while perhaps able to be linked to a longer strain of general dickishness, was not an appropriate situation to ban him in.
QuoteSecondly, this is entirely a debate of character of people and the perspectives thereof, so Winter's quote wall goes a long way to showing the long term behavior of Dude, who's actions are now being called into question. It clearly demonstrates a pattern of outbursts and relative silence from the moderators, when in most cases he should've been punished. Winter also brought up the Kefka was the only acting mod since roughly 2011-2015, until I came on board.
Most of those quotes were from over 4 years ago.
Dude's case is not the only one; I've brought up mine and there are plenty of others to go 'round. There have been multiple complaints of the two new mods either not doing anything or taking relatively little action.
what is shitpost


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on March 27, 2016, 04:12:11 PMDude's case is not the only one; I've brought up mine and there are plenty of others to go 'round. There have been multiple complaints of the two new mods either not doing anything or taking relatively little action.
Kinda hard to do that when you get crucified for taking action on something that should be common sense.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Common sense =/= warning one person who made a satirical equivalence about an actually serious derogatory remark.
what is shitpost


I would think telling off Noc in some degree for intentionally baiting should also be common sense...


If you're referring to what I think you are, he was.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: MaestroUGC on March 27, 2016, 04:29:23 PMIf you're referring to what I think you are, he was.
This thread:

The only time Dudeman did anything REMOTELY close to that was when:
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 01, 2016, 09:06:37 PMas a side note, when do I put time or effort into anything?  That pretty much renders your entire argument invalid
Quote from: Dudeman on February 01, 2016, 09:08:00 PMAs a matter of fact, that does put you into a position where you could get yourself into a lot of trouble if you're not careful. So. Try to avoid that.

And that's hardly doing anything. By contrast, when I pointed out that I was only making an equivalence to what he said, this happened.
Quote from: Dudeman on February 01, 2016, 08:56:35 PMExample, shmexample. You could have made a conscious decision to just let Noc's comment slide, but you decided to do this the hard way and take it as an attack on you. And I don't believe he's the only one who makes "blanket statements about a point of view." We all do that, and calling someone else out on it doesn't make you look any better.
what is shitpost


Quote from: MaestroUGC on March 27, 2016, 03:44:21 PMI was invited in by Mashi and was promptly kicked upon my promotion to forum moderator, completely unprovoked. Said room was well established before I was there.
wait I wasn't paying attention to this. What? You got pissy about something and left and we just never added you back.

Waddle Bro

Quote from: MaestroUGC on March 27, 2016, 03:44:21 PMThe point is Dude called into question the character of certain members of the forum and accused them of bias, and immediately went to use himself as an example of said bias. The immediate counter argument to that is you cannot possibly be unbiased about actions taken against you, so the fact you're accusing others of bias for said action is already questionable. Secondly, this is entirely a debate of character of people and the perspectives thereof, so Winter's quote wall goes a long way to showing the long term behavior of Dude, who's actions are now being called into question. It clearly demonstrates a pattern of outbursts and relative silence from the moderators, when in most cases he should've been punished. Winter also brought up the Kefka was the only acting mod since roughly 2011-2015, until I came on board.
Let me break this through
QuoteThe point is Dude called into question the character of certain members of the forum and accused them of bias, and immediately went to use himself as an example of said bias.
Dude didn't use himself as an example, I used him as an example? It's whatever though, since the person throwing out the arguments has no meaning.
QuoteThe immediate counter argument to that is you cannot possibly be unbiased about actions taken against you, so the fact you're accusing others of bias for said action is already questionable.
This is a clear ad hominem(I'm sure you're aware what it means by now), like with Winter. You're focusing on the person behind the arguments, which has absolutely no effect on the presented arguments. Going about this as if Dude is uncapable of reason is ridiculous, you're claiming it's not possible, but you're not even providing a reason as to why that isn't possible. Why can't a person approach their sentence rationally and with reason? I'm doing it, so why couldn't Dude possibly do it, do the arguments change because he was the one sentenced and not me? I don't think so.
QuoteSecondly, this is entirely a debate of character of people and the perspectives thereof, so Winter's quote wall goes a long way to showing the long term behavior of Dude, who's actions are now being called into question.
Again, you're throwing out claims without reasoning to back them up. "Entirely a debate of character of people and perspectives thereof"?? Are you completely sure you know what debate is? Debate is contention in argument, in this case the argument was about having no valid reason to ban someone, not about what kind of a person Dude is(because that can't give you a reason to ban him). Your entire argument is based around the ad hominem, a logical fallacy.
QuoteIt clearly demonstrates a pattern of outbursts and relative silence from the moderators, when in most cases he should've been punished. Winter also brought up the Kefka was the only acting mod since roughly 2011-2015, until I came on board.
You can not justify banning Dude with just the things he has done in the past, considering how he broke no rules in this case. Also it's clear how the ban from Dudeman wasn't even for ex post facto reasons(as shown by the event itself), and even his past mistakes shouldn't be enough to ban him currently. And like I told Winter, if you're implying Kefka is biased, you should be able to prove that to everyone when doing so.


Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 02:24:21 PM1) Omg you have no idea - Team Kefka has it's own Skype chat named after their goddess Ruto
2) You are not enough of a sample size
3) When you say "any other mod" the only other mod IS Kefka.
4) All mods are biased if they have friends on the forum. It's a complex web of relationships
5) Yeah I was gonna ask for clarification, since I wasn't there.

Quote from: Dude on March 27, 2016, 04:38:56 PMwait I wasn't paying attention to this. What? You got pissy about something and left and we just never added you back.

I think that was winter after I didn't spill the beans on my current relationship news and he got mad I wasn't going to post it in a chat. Yeah, this is totally worth bringing into a discussion. /sarcasm And why the hell did you even bring me up otherwise? -.- It seems that reason was personal and I won't have any of that. *snaps fingers*

If I sense a troublemaker, they get removed. That's not being a victim, it was just the chat members going nuts about another thing related to your posts, not "your promotion." Heck, I would have removed you before for those comments about my professor's son because that was just wrong. Like, if you were to comment like that about "friends stuff," what made you think I would let you around more of that? I know lots of the people on the chat personally and if they didn't feel comfortable with one person on the chat, what do you think I would do?

Nice going Waddle. Without bringing up dirty details.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: Ruto on March 27, 2016, 05:03:12 PMIf I sense a troublemaker, they get removed. That's not being a victim, it was just the chat members going nuts about another thing related to your posts, not "your promotion." Heck, I would have removed you before for those comments about my professor's son because that was just wrong. Like, if you were to comment like that about "friends stuff," what made you think I would let you around more of that? I know lots of the people on the chat personally and if they didn't feel comfortable with one person on the chat, what do you think I would do?

Are you talking about me? I'm not sure what you're referring to


no b/c you left and weren't kicked.
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Ah, I was getting confused what some of her pronouns meant.


i'll address a few things. Yes, MLF should have been banned for making that remark on suicide.

Dudeman issued a warning and Dude's response was "What are you waiting for, you dumb stupid fuck"
That did not warrant a 3 day ban but I really don't know why anyone was surprised a mod might react like that.

I don't think the problem is too many moderators. Some people are being assholes and other people aren't reacting well.
This definitely goes for both sides and on both ends of the spectrum.
Some of you have surprised me with this. Others... I don't know what I was expecting. I guess it's the internet, after all.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]