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NSM discusses the state of affairs

Started by Dude, March 26, 2016, 09:01:52 PM

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Team Maestro and Team Kefka. Yeah it really is immature, but it's to be expected as it is basically human nature to divide into parties. Team Kefka members get pardoned by Kefka if they slip up, and team Maestro is basically everyone else on the forum.

As far as mods being leniant/harsh, well the reality is that we have lenient mods, and we have harsh mods. Jamaha wants that. It allows an event to be brought into question, to be discussed by the mods, and to have a compromise made. It's how it should be. In team Kefka, however, it's a decision made by solely Kefka, and has the opportunity to be biased.

Jamaha intended all the mods to work together, however they aren't. 3 work together and the other one doesn't do much, and when he shows up and makes a decision, it's without consulting other mods. Or so I've heard.


1) team kefka doesnt exist
2) I have never been at a forum where people are polarized over mods like this, so "human nature" is inapplicable
3) the 3 mods that "work together" more accurately are just always agreeing on issues and not allowing dissent from any other mod
4) ok, Jamaha can have harsh and lenient mods, but that does not correlate with BIASED mods
5) pds what happened to you pls post what you are referencing bc that sounds dumb (getting warned)


Quote from: Altissimo on March 27, 2016, 02:23:13 PM1) team kefka doesnt exist
2) I have never been at a forum where people are polarized over mods like this, so "human nature" is inapplicable
3) the 3 mods that "work together" more accurately are just always agreeing on issues and not allowing dissent from any other mod
4) ok, Jamaha can have harsh and lenient mods, but that does not correlate with BIASED mods
5) pds what happened to you pls post what you are referencing bc that sounds dumb (getting warned)

1) Omg you have no idea - Team Kefka has it's own Skype chat named after their goddess Ruto
2) You are not enough of a sample size
3) When you say "any other mod" the only other mod IS Kefka.
4) All mods are biased if they have friends on the forum. It's a complex web of relationships
5) Yeah I was gonna ask for clarification, since I wasn't there.


I don't see how that's supposed to mean anything, honestly.

At this point you're just being salty about individual members and not contributing to the discussion at all. If you want to keep derailing it fine, but we're interested in having an actual discussion.



@winter: you're post is so backwards, if you're referring to present times.

Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 02:13:12 PMTeam Maestro and Team Kefka. Yeah it really is immature, but it's to be expected as it is basically human nature to divide into parties. Team Kefka members get pardoned by Kefka if they slip up, and team Maestro is basically everyone else on the forum.

This mentality I will agree is immature, and I have noticed a degree of it. However, it looks more like the opposite: Sheep that seem to blindly follow maestro's bizarre modding and rules without question label anyone that doesn't think that way as a group and puts kefka as the "supposed" leader. Newsflash sheep: kefka doesn't lead some secret army of rebels, you imagined that up. Just because he has common sense and thinks rationally (which will contradict other mods; what a world) doesn't make him super special, it makes him normal. People who don't think logically in this manner are what I fear.

Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 02:13:12 PMIt allows an event to be brought into question, to be discussed by the mods, and to have a compromise made. It's how it should be. In team Kefka, however, it's a decision made by solely Kefka, and has the opportunity to be biased.

BS. Until recently, there has been almost 0 viewable discussions between maestro and the two new mods, and what little discussion can be seen is: maestro saying something absurd and the other two blindly agreeing (most likely out of intimidation). The reason we wanted more moderators was so that there could be discussion before decisions were hastily made. Unfortunately, the opposite occurred: rather than discussion taking place, maestro will propose something, the other two will quickly agree with it, and majority is free to stamp blind approvals. Ffs, look at what he's done to the rules. In an effort to make things more "clear," it's more convoluted than ever.  The old rules were fine, and kefk and I both said that.

Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 02:13:12 PMJamaha intended all the mods to work together, however they aren't. 3 work together and the other one doesn't do much, and when he shows up and makes a decision, it's without consulting other mods. Or so I've heard.

From what I've seen, kefka is playing clean-up duty. Not to mention ofc. your mods aren't going to  work together if you're excluding one from a private mod chat. That shit is childish.

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Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: Altissimo on March 27, 2016, 02:23:13 PM5) pds what happened to you pls post what you are referencing bc that sounds dumb (getting warned)

It was the "Rant" thread, and Noc said
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 01, 2016, 08:26:05 PMbeing an atheist is as confusing as believing the earth is flat
Because I ranted about how Satanism =/= Devil Worship.

I responded with
Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on February 01, 2016, 08:29:36 PMCare to explain why and not just make blanket statements about a point of view? Because otherwise it's just as fair for me to say stupid shit without any arguments like
"heh christians iz stoooped cuz tehy is offunded by a 5 point star wif a goat but der symbowl is a dead jew on a cross"
(although, even still, that one at least has some sort of underlying joke. Your statement is just purposefully inflammatory)
You said
Quote from: Altissimo on February 01, 2016, 08:35:28 PMYeah, and you're falling for it. Look, PDS, I know you mean well and I'm an atheist too so I know exactly where you're coming from, but literally nothing good can be accomplished by you taking the bait. Internet arguments never go well, no matter who's involved and who's on what side.
I responded with,
Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on February 01, 2016, 08:40:03 PMThere is a lovely device called a forum ban for people who make openly inflammatory remarks.
Dudeman said,
Quote from: Dudeman on February 01, 2016, 08:43:48 PMI wholeheartedly agree.
[insert previous attempted equivalence about Christianity]
Consider yourself warned.

Quote from: Olimar12345 on March 27, 2016, 02:41:09 PM[snip]

what is shitpost


Oh yeah, that. I have to agree: not only is it kind of shitty to punish one inflammatory remark but not another, but Dudeman handled it poorly. Much as I think he was just baiting for the sake of it, that shouldn't be encouraged and is a prime example of the issue(s) at hand.
@Olimar: thanks!!!!


I don't know how nobody else is aware of the Team Kefka circlejerk that's been going on since '08. Just because it's not visible doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

If it's not visible or detectable, I'd be very curious on your evidence for existence.
what is shitpost


I've left that chatroom out of disgust about a couple of months ago, so I won't be able to show you. It's not likely they're gonna add any new people to that Skype room NOW either since I've mentioned it in this way.


You seem to be taking this personally. I'm going to have to ask that you continue this conversation logically and rationally, without biases so that we may progress with the issue. Pls keep personal issues/beefs to yourself so that we may be productive and not degenerate to shit flinging. c:
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


It's not personal. I was never attacked in that Chatroom, rather, I stood by idly while I watched Dude, Ruto, Kefka, and others discuss and make decisions on the fate of other members in NSM.


Nvm i dont feel like continuing this line of discourse

Pianist Da Sootopolis

if you stood by idly then why are you a mod in the first place 
what is shitpost