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NSM discusses the state of affairs

Started by Dude, March 26, 2016, 09:01:52 PM

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@winter: Not true. There is a difference between blowing off steam and actually making decisions. As healthy people, we blow off steam privately rather then publicly, and most things said there don't actually happen.

"Man, so and so did this and it annoyed me!"
"We should ban him!!"
"I'm hungry"
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I have a solution. Ready for this?

Arrange some great music, and don't give an eff about anything else.
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 02:24:21 PM1) Omg you have no idea - Team Kefka has it's own Skype chat named after their goddess Ruto
I thought it was Ruto and maestro who made it first and then maestro went on an ego trip thing and got the boot.


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on March 27, 2016, 02:53:18 PMif you stood by idly then why are you a mod in the first place 
Probably because I'm not a mod. I'm an Updater given moderator privileges to assist with my job.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 02:57:20 PMProbably because I'm not a mod. I'm an Updater given moderator privileges to assist with my job.
You're still a staff member who was in the chat room and able to do something about it or at the very least try.
Quote from: Bespinben on March 27, 2016, 02:56:30 PMI have a solution. Ready for this?

Arrange some great music, and don't give an eff about anything else.
I'd love for this to be the case, but we have clearly biased mods who, when they aren't shutting down anything more controversial than "I love apple pie", are taking clear favorites.
what is shitpost


Speaking of unnecessary staff members, when was the last time you even updated?


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I'm sorry, Ben, but if we could all focus on music and little else we'd have a) no need for so many mods and b) this struggle. I can't agree with you simply because this is an issue that permeates the music. I can see how you would be detached from it but that's just not a solution that we can use here.

@PDS: Not to mention nobody in the chatroom made decisions about NSM that actually were put into practice!

Waddle Bro

Nah fuck, I'd have better things to do and other posts expected to be written but this crosses the fucking line

First of all,
Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 01:03:04 PM*quotes*
Instead of addressing the point he has, you decide to go dig for dirt(quotes from 2009 hello) in an attempt to make him look bad or somehow invalidate the point he has? This is reaaaaally petty and the definition of ad hominem. This sort of attacking definitely doesn't help off shaking off the biased vibe the staff supposedly has, honestly I wouldn't have expected you to handle this so immaturely.

Dude was banned for three days, for no valid reason other than posting a tumblr meme in a callout post:
Quote from: Dude on March 20, 2016, 04:38:00 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on March 20, 2016, 04:46:36 PMEnjoy your ban.
which wasn't even against the rules:
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on March 20, 2016, 07:06:34 PMSnarky insults that are commonstock are not covered by that rule.  I can't say for why he was banned beyond some mod telling me they didn't like that he was disrespecting authority.  That is also not against any rules.
Also no nsm rule about it either.

Like as much as I would like to avoid this "mod hate bandwagon", it's really fucking clear these decisions are incredibly inconsistent, they don't even follow NSM's rules and are inflicted from people's desire to punish someone even if there's no valid reason to do so. This needs to change now and I know NSM is capable of better.
"how about showing us some of these "biased" decisions" Surely if you weren't convinced by the example above
here's another hypocritical/biased decision from Dudeman who has provenly previously said,
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 01, 2016, 08:26:05 PMbeing an atheist is as confusing as believing the earth is flat
(also if you think I'm manipulating the context, go ahead go check the convo yourself)
Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on February 01, 2016, 08:29:36 PMCare to explain why and not just make blanket statements about a point of view? Because otherwise it's just as fair for me to say stupid shit without any arguments like
"heh christians iz stoooped cuz tehy is offunded by a 5 point star wif a goat but der symbowl is a dead jew on a cross"
(although, even still, that one at least has some sort of underlying joke. Your statement is just purposefully inflammatory)
Quote from: Dudeman on February 01, 2016, 08:43:48 PMConsider yourself warned.
Quote from: Dudeman on February 01, 2016, 08:56:35 PMYou could have made a conscious decision to just let Noc's comment slide, but you decided to do this the hard way and take it as an attack on you. And I don't believe he's the only one who makes "blanket statements about a point of view." We all do that, and calling someone else out on it doesn't make you look any better.
^this quote shows ridiculous bias, and it's clearly not universalizable.
An easy argument here is since Dudeman is provenly a conservative Christian, it's easy for him to be ignorant towards other people's other beliefs(especially atheism). But I'd rather focus on the actual shit that has been said, not the person behind the text.
In this instance he was letting Noc's disrespectful comments that mock people's faith slide without any valid reasoning, yet he still tried to indict PDS over doing something worse? You can't justify Noc flamebaiting(for the umpteenth time) with "it's just a blanket statement we all say those". First of all, hasty generalization. Second of all, people have every right to call someone out when someone upright goes and is disrespectful to their beliefs. You can't be expected to do nothing when someone is attacking you or your beliefs for the sake of attacking them.
It's up to you moderators that there shouldn't be a need to call anyone out for flaming. Not allow this garbage from happening.

There are so many more examples of this kind of biased decisions and I can easily go fetch some more if you honestly need me to. There are tons of example of biased blind eye given to flaming, baiting those flames and provoking fucking suicide.
If you're gonna ban Dude for not breaking any rules and not even warn someone, or ignore report notices when they flamebait or suggest someone to kill themselves, there's clearly a problem to be addressed.

Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 01:50:03 PMFeel free to click on any of the quotes. They are all hyperlinks and will send you on a nostalgia fueled adventure and you can see for yourself the context of the quotes. I highly recommend the Universe-X event. Perhaps the TZP event where TZP feels empathy for Dude and says she will pray for him, and Dude attacks her religion. The "The Person Below Me" thread has some awesome passive aggressive remarks you should check out. There's even a suicide related comment in there that is loads worse than mlf's comment. If your excuse for your comments is that they are sarcasm, then that means that mlf can also be forgiven for his post because it was also sarcastic. Therefore your argument is invalid.
This entire argument is invalid because it's literally a logical fallacy.

Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 02:02:27 PMWell, one of the first things you mentioned was favoritism by mods, such as Kefka having favoritism for you, Ruto, and some others? (Being the sole reason why you were not banned for those comments)
When you're talking about favoritism, please provide examples comparing to other punishments given, to prove your point of favoritism. Like I compared Dudeman's punishment towards Dude and lack of punishment to NocturneOfShadows(with multiple other provable examples like that).

Quote from: Winter on March 27, 2016, 02:13:12 PMTeam Maestro and Team Kefka. Yeah it really is immature, but it's to be expected as it is basically human nature to divide into parties. Team Kefka members get pardoned by Kefka if they slip up, and team Maestro is basically everyone else on the forum.

As far as mods being leniant/harsh, well the reality is that we have lenient mods, and we have harsh mods. Jamaha wants that. It allows an event to be brought into question, to be discussed by the mods, and to have a compromise made. It's how it should be. In team Kefka, however, it's a decision made by solely Kefka, and has the opportunity to be biased.

Jamaha intended all the mods to work together, however they aren't. 3 work together and the other one doesn't do much, and when he shows up and makes a decision, it's without consulting other mods. Or so I've heard.
Are you serious right now, you're generalizing the entire forum to be divided into two groups? Where do I belong in this? I'm literally part of no group or chat like this, and yet I have valid concerns of the bias shown by the mods. So far you on the other hand haven't even proven your claims of how Kefka seemingly is biased. While you're at it, please address my arguments that I've brought up of the bias shown on the forums, since they're clearly in conflict with your unbacked claims!! None of your claims concerning Kefka or Jamaha so far really show any rational reasoning or proof behind them. What makes your view unbiased about this matter? Please use rational reasoning and proof behind your claims and arguments.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

With all due respect, though, deleting Winter's post is unnecessary.
EDIT: Daaaamn Waddle back at it again with the superior arguments
what is shitpost


Yeah. I'm being a jerk right now. I'll admit it :P

But I really do feel that I can't work with you.

Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on March 27, 2016, 03:01:29 PMWith all due respect, though, deleting Winter's post is unnecessary.

I deleted my post. I was out of line.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Touche, then. I thought Olimar had deleted it, my bad.
what is shitpost


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on March 27, 2016, 03:03:52 PMTouche, then. I thought Olimar had deleted it, my bad.
I did not, cannot, and would not. If he wants to look like an ignorant bigot, then I'm only here to correct him when what he says is wrong.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!

Waddle Bro

Afterwords: Terribly sorry if I came across hostile!! I get a little annoyed if people try to justify their shit with invalid bs, please don't take anything I said as personal attacks, even though there was none!!

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: Olimar12345 on March 27, 2016, 03:05:49 PMI did not, cannot, and would not. If he wants to look like an ignorant bigot, then I'm only here to correct him when what he says is wrong.

Duely noted; my apologies for making a hasty assumption.
what is shitpost