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WaluigiTime64's Arrangements: [RHF] Remix 10 (because special occasion idk)

Started by WaluigiTime64, March 17, 2016, 04:10:07 AM

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Guess what?

I don't care.
Guess what?


Back to fixing:

Touhou 10: Mountain of Faith:
 - Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me: MUS

Things fixed:
 > Tempo slowed down from 170 to 161.
 > Bassline changed throughout.
 > Added repeat to save space.
 > Measure distribution and spacing optimized (the usual).
 > Slightly altered chords in the right hand.
 > Fast notes in the last 4 bars fixed.
 > Last (what used to be 6) 8 measures changed to 3/4.

Wow. That was a lot. Eh it could be worse, like some other arrangements I've yet to fix...
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Fix Six:

Touhou 10: Mountain of Faith:
 - Dark Side of Fate: MUS

Things fixed:
 > Tempo slowed from 170 to 168.
 > Measure distribution and spacing optimized.
 > Left hand altered slightly to properly represent the chords.
 > Slightly altered chords in the right hand.
 > Added staccatos and slurs.
 > Altered dynamics slightly.
 > Added E Minor section.
 > Added repeat barline, "D.C", "D.C al Coda" and "Coda" to save space.

I don't really like this theme that much. The stage theme is just that much better.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


I love this game too much.

Shoot Shoot Nitori:
 - The Human Village (Stage 2): MUS

Before anybody asks "what the hell is 'Shoot Shoot Nitori'?", it's basically a Touhou fan-game made by Twilight Frontier (the people who make the fighting games) which has a fun gimmick and doesn't take itself seriously, and I think it's great. One of the most enjoyable experiences I've had with a videogame in a while.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Here's another one:

Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism:
 - Corpse Voyage ~ Be of Good Cheer!: MUS

I'm not even going to go over what was wrong with this sheet. There were just so many small things (and large things, don't forget those!) that were wrong, and it would take ages to list them all. I really don't know why I listed it as blue, because it was really bad. Probably the worst mistake was the third chord at the start. I don't know how I messed that up.

I've added more to the red group, because I realise that they could be so much better. More to fix...
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Yes, although the date is the 9/9, our beloved ice fairy will not be getting any new arrangements. Besides, the character I did pick for this is (arguably) better.

Special Update #1: Tengu Update (Aya Shameimaru)

Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View:
 - Wind God Girl: MUS

Touhou 10: Mountain of Faith:
 - Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain: MUS

Touhou 10.5: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody:
 - Wind God Girl (Two Pianos): MUS

Umm... I could've put the DS version of "Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain" in there too, except that would be pointless because it's almost exactly the same as the version in MoF (only slight instrument/soundfont changes). Also I skimped out on fixing up the solo piano version of SWR's remix, because I feel like fighting game remixes in general should only be "Two Piano" or "Duet" arrangements. If I missed a song, feel free to tell me! I still don't know a whole lot about anything outside the main series of games (I'm working on it though).

This started because one day I thought "Hey, I've already fixed up Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain, and I want to arrange Wind God Girl... you know what? I should make a tengu update lol." Then I remembered what the date was...  Ah relax, there'll probably be a Cirno update in a year at some point.

I plan on doing more of these "character updates", because it's kinda fun. Sadly I only have a certain selection of characters to pick from (ones that have more than 1-2 songs associated with them), so these will only come on occasion, and won't take over standard updates. I don't feel like doing another one anytime soon anyway.

Edit from the Future: By the way, now they're called "Special Updates", and can be related to anything.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


As I said, not taking over standard updates:

Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism:
 - Walking the Streets of a Former Hell: MUS

This arrangement made me realise 2 things:
 1. I don't use enough slurs. I don't seem to get many good opportunities to use them, but this song gave me plenty.
 2. This is one of the only (if not the only) Touhou arrangements I've made that uses the dynamic "Piano" (p). The quietest they go is "Mezzo-Piano" (mp). I guess it's the style of song.

I'm quite divided as to whether I should submit this or Stirring an Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect. Mooned Insect is decent enough, and already formatted (for some reason), so it's tempting, but doing that would break the SA submission chain I seem to be creating.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Two rules about deciding what songs to submit.

Rule #1 If it's Touhou IN, submit it.
Rule #2 See rule # 1


I had a big feeling that would be the case lol.

I'll get Mooned Insect checked soon. (As in, whenever I feel like actually doing something I tell myself to do days before)
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Umm... err...

Mega Man 10:
 - Polluted Pump (Pump Man Stage): MUS

Now here is where I can be creative with slurs, and not just slurs, but dynamics too! I had a lot of fun arranging this one.

Also uh... I'll get to Mooned Insect... at some point...
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Well that was certainly unexpected. I didn't forget about arranging, I just wasn't feeling it (and I was busy). Anyway:

Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character:
 - Dullahan Under the Willows: MUS

I kinda want to go on a rant about how DDC is one of my least favourite Touhou games, but I'll save it for later. This is one of the only songs (if not the only song) in the game that I actually quite like. It uses that annoying guitar sound-font, but it's not as irritating as some other themes with it.

With the holidays coming around soon (as in, tomorrow lol), I should be more consistent with arranging for the next 2 weeks or so.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Yep, consistency:

 - Mr. Vile's Game: MUS

Surprisingly I couldn't find an arrangement for this on the forums (maybe I didn't look hard enough lol), so I arranged it myself. I have two main issues with this arrangement:
 - I feel like the tempo changes in the last section are off. Is there an easy way to figure that stuff out?
 - Should I replace the glissandi with grace notes? It might have a better effect, but I'm not sure.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.

The Deku Trombonist

-Tempo should be a flat 170 (aside from 171 looking really odd).

-A natural should be A# in the LH of bar 1, beat 2+

-This can also easily fit on 3 pages.

-I'm not sure about the glisses. I'm inclined to lean towards leaving them as glisses because that's really how it sounds (it definitely doesn't sound like grace notes, or even just a quick slide). But if you are going to use them, make sure they look good. In pretty much each place you've got them, the one going up looks much flatter than the one going down, even though they're travelling the same interval.

-As for the tempi at the end, you don't necessarily have to notate them precisely (unless you really want to). You could always use text eg "Faster", "Faster!!", "Fast again!!", "Still faster!!", "Hey presto"


Quote from: Deky on September 24, 2016, 06:04:46 AM-Tempo should be a flat 170 (aside from 171 looking really odd).

Quote from: Deky on September 24, 2016, 06:04:46 AM-A natural should be A# in the LH of bar 1, beat 2+
Whoops. Fixed.

Quote from: Deky on September 24, 2016, 06:04:46 AM-This can also easily fit on 3 pages.

Quote from: Deky on September 24, 2016, 06:04:46 AM-I'm not sure about the glisses. I'm inclined to lean towards leaving them as glisses because that's really how it sounds (it definitely doesn't sound like grace notes, or even just a quick slide). But if you are going to use them, make sure they look good. In pretty much each place you've got them, the one going up looks much flatter than the one going down, even though they're travelling the same interval.
Yeah, I think I'll stick with the glissandi. I also adjusted them, as you've suggested. Fixed.

Quote from: Deky on September 24, 2016, 06:04:46 AM-As for the tempi at the end, you don't necessarily have to notate them precisely (unless you really want to). You could always use text eg "Faster", "Faster!!", "Fast again!!", "Still faster!!", "Hey presto"
If I could, I'd use the text and hide the tempo markings, but good ol' NotePad doesn't allow it (unless there's a way through MuseScore). I did slightly alter the tempo though.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


This was more than I thought it would be:

Mega Man 10:
 - Fireball Strike (Strike Man Stage): MUS

This is one of my oldest arrangements, being one of the starting ones for this thread. Finally it gets the fix that it deserves, and naturally there were plenty of mistakes to go over. So many chords were wrong, the second voice didn't play some parts, the bassline was wrong in some parts, the title was off, etc. etc. Funny enough it was marked blue, so now I've added even more to the red category.

Also I feel like I don't need that purple category, since I never use it. Ah well, I guess it'll be useful at some point.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


I'm trying to prioritise fixing above making new arrangements:

Touhou 10: Mountain of Faith:
 - The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field: MUS

Looking back at it, this is probably one of my favourite final boss themes ever. Every single part of it is just sounds amazing, and reflects exactly what it's supposed to. Sadly, you can't have all of those chords in a solo piano arrangement, but I tried to fit what I could.
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Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.