The Undertale Interactive Story: Chapter 3 : Your Best Friend

Started by BrainyLucario, February 26, 2016, 08:28:48 AM

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Quote from: Oronoco on March 30, 2016, 07:43:57 PM3. Make Noctowey my role model.

Oh dear. Is that allowed?
Thinking outside the box, there. I like that.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


now what
am I morally required to make good decisions now?


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 30, 2016, 08:14:28 PMfrick
now what
am I morally required to make good decisions now?
This is going to be hilarious to write!
Oh yeah.. I should announce that Sans and Papyrus will have their dialogue typed in their corresponding fonts... all is now right with the world. This means no capitals for Sans and all caps for Papyrus!
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


(Olimar12345 chose choice 2) (Waddle Bro chose choice 4) (Oronoco chose choice 3~Noctowey)


Chapter 3: Your Best Friend

Gastar continued to watch, waiting for the moment to act. Charity looked at the monsters she had helped save....they all lowered their heads. She looked at Brisk, who was staring at the ground, his head hung low. I.....I...I don't want to die again....I can't die....I WONT DIE!! Charity thought. She began to glow a bright green color as she rose off the ground. She shined so intensely that the room filled with the beautiful green light....until, the light split into 2 colors. Red and Green. It faded away causing Charity to fall towards the ground. Gastar saw his moment and snapped his fingers. As she was about to hit the hard ground, a Grey Monoco Kid rushed out from behind one of the 4 wooden doors and caught Charity on his back. She slid off and landed on her feet, completely unharmed. The group stared at this...this..Monoco Kid look-alike with confused looks on their faces.
This..."Goner Kid" watched the group with his wide white eyes and said, "It's best if you just forgot about me...just go to the're destiny starts there...bring the following monsters with you: Sans, Papyrus, Doggo, Muffet, Alphys, and Temmie." He vanished into thin air. Stunned, the group kept staring at where "Goner Kid" stood. Brisk snapped out the gaze and looked at Charity. On her chest, was a heart made of both Kindness and Determination. He smiled.
"Charity! You've stopped  fading away! It looks like some of my Determination rubbed off on you. If it wasn't for that," Brisk pointed to Charity's heart," You'd be dead." Charity smiled and approached Brisk.
"I'm really glad I got the chance to meet you, Brisk. Your a great friend, but..I want to ask you you..want to..uhh..grab a bite to eat or something after we visit the barrier?" Charity asked hopefully. (Brisk's next choice) The room around them began to they were hurled through time and space. As the group was thrown back to reality, Gastar's voice echoed around them.
"Remember...I'm always listening...your close to your goal..don't fail now...your victories during my test was poof that you could overcome this fate. This was the real reason I attempted to kill and destroy you. If you were to fail, the underground would have been doomed. Good luck......." O. L. Gastar declared. The group hit the ground in front of E. Grill's with a thud. From behind a tree, Noctowey stared at the group as they got up from the cold snowy ground.
"I've had it with them...Why can't I kill them/ I've killed most of them multiple times before..but now..I can't kill a single thing. What's wrong with me?" Noctowey growled.
"Maybe it's because you aren't really yourself, Nocriel Shadowmurr, you're just a wimpy little flower." Chara had appeared behind Noctowey, juggling her knife.
"Go away Chara...I'm trying to think..." Noctowey snapped. Chara's eyes grew red.
"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO..NOCRIEL...I HAVE A FAVOR TO ASK AND YOU'RE GOING TO FULFILL IT. YOU OWE ME, REMEMBER?" Chara stated in a demonic voice...memories came flooding back to Noctowey.....
"Wait up, Chara!" Nocriel chased after Chara, as she led him towards the Castle.
"Why Don't you hurry up, instead, hahaha!" Chara heckled. "We need to hurry or else we'll be late for dinner, Mom's making Butterscotch pie for us!" The two hurried towards the castle door. There, they were greeted by the Queen, Toriel, waiting for them.
"My Childs, hurry up and clean up before dinner, you're Dad's starting to get impatient. Nocriel could here Asgore inside.
"But, Tori...why do we have to wait for the kids? Let's just dig in!' Asgore shouted.
"Fore the last time, we're eating as a family and that's final!" Toriel shouted back. Asgore huffed but stopped complaining.
"Come on, Nocriel...I need to show you something!" Chara cackled. She dragged Nocriel into their room and pulled a box from under her bed. Nocriel gasped as Chara pulled a knife from the box.
"Chara, what are you doing with that? Mom and Dad said you weren't supposed to play with knives! Give it to me!" Nocriel reached for the knife.
"No!! It's mine!" Chara shouted as she swung the knife at Nocriel, impaling his chest. Nocriel gasped as Chara pulled the knife out of his chest. Blood began to seep from the stab wound, soaking Nocriel's striped shirt with blood.
"W-why? I-I though I was y-your brother..." Nocriel stuttered, as blood began to fill his mouth.
"Nocriel! I...I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!" Chara said as she fought back a smile. Nocriel fell to his knees, as Chara attempted to cover the wound with her hand.
"I...I...I d-don't w-want t-to d-die!" Nocriel sobbed and began coughing up blood.
"Shut up, you're not going to die..." Chara grumbled. NOT YET ANYWAY... she thought. Chara closedher eyesand emitted a bright red beam of light from her hand. The light filled Nocriel's wound, healing it completely. The blood soaked into Nocriel's stripped shirt disappeared, as well as the blood Nocriel coughed up. Shocked, Nocriel began to shake violently. "You owe me big time, bro." Chara laughed. Nocriel stopped shaking and rose from his knees.
"T-thanks,sis...I promise...I'll repay the favor one day... I promise..." Nocriel hugged Chara. She cringed at first, but eventually hugged him back. As they hugged, Toriel and Asgore burst into the room.
"What was that noise?" Toriel and Asgore yelled. (Chara's, Nocriel [Noctowey's] next choice) (Group Choice- for E. Grill, Burgerzeilants, MettaYears EX, Lesser Braixen, and Monoco Kid)

 Nocriel choices
1. Tell on Chara
2. Don't tell
Brisk choices
1. Say yes
2. Say no
Chara's Choices
1. Lie
2. Suck up to Toriel
Group choice
1. Continue to the Castle
2. Make a detour
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.




When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.



Waddle Bro



2. Let's not go where we're supposed to go. It'll be more fun.
Quote from: Yellow on October 13, 2015, 05:18:40 PM
...Really though. Don't let them take it away from you. That desire for something more, for adventure... for destiny. Don't let them turn it against you, either.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Since you guys banned Chara....She had to tell me her choice....1
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.




added spoiler warning to the OP...I wanted to put the Toriel one instead..but I wasn't able to copy that image from the wiki...assistance, plz?
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: Yellow on October 13, 2015, 05:18:40 PM
...Really though. Don't let them take it away from you. That desire for something more, for adventure... for destiny. Don't let them turn it against you, either.