
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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The NSM Adventure

Started by Trainer Ave, February 25, 2016, 09:21:00 PM

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No one threatens me and gets away with it....( i'm feeling risky today..)
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on March 01, 2016, 07:10:43 AMThe guy gets up. Walks over to Sophie, pulls out a knife and cuts the pinky off from her left hand. Sophie screams in pain.
No regrets.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

Trainer Ave

Scenario #13
(BrainyLucario chose option 2)

The fire stops about three inches away from this man.
"Very well then. Death it is. Starting with the girl."
He turns around to see that Sophie is not in her chair or anywhere. There is nothing but a huge puddle of water beneath the chair. The water begins to move swiftly towards you and suddenly Sophie springs out of it. Er, no the water becomes her.
"Since when can you turn into water?"
"Water earth air and fire."

1. Stay and fight
2. take Sophie and run
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1. Stay and fight for my friends

Trainer Ave

Scenario #14
(Zeila chose option 1)

You turn and get ready to attack when Sophie grabs your arm.
"Let me get this fool."
She gets right in front of you and then disappears. She reappears in front of the man with her fist wrapped in earth. She punches him in the face and he heals instantly. She then switches the earth for fire and tries to hit him but her fist can't move toward him. She then summons a gust of wind that sends him flying into a tree. He gets up and heals instantly.

2. Yell at sophie to run.
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This fools going down...
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Yeah! Seriously, what good are your powers if they're useless against literally everybody? :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

Trainer Ave

Scenario #15
(BrainyLucario chose option 1)

Your attack fails to hit him. The mysterious man laughs.
"You fools. I have wards that protect me from all types of magic, including your puny elemental magic."
Sophie: "I guess we'll have to use brute force then."
Man: "Don't bother. I have spells cast on me that increase my durability in battle."
For a while all three of you stand there.
Sophie (to you): I have a plan but it's a bit weird.

1. Take the plan
2. ATTACK!!!
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Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Sorry, I just think it's the most likely to reach our goal

Trainer Ave

Scenario #16
(NocturneOfShadow chose option 2)

You attempt to use the Fire Dragon Iron Fist. You fail.
Man: "You fool. I told you magic won't work on me. (pulls out knife) Now die. (Stabs you)
You: (Dies)               (Congratulations Noc you have killed the protagonist)
You wake up in a house with an extreme sense of deja vu. You begin to explore this house and discover that it is the same house that your adventure originally started in. You go to the room where you found Mark and instead find Abraham Lincoln.
1. Talk to Abraham Lincoln
2. Go to the room the portal was in
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Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.

Trainer Ave

Scenario #17
(braxien1264 chose option 1)

You: "Excuse me. Are you Abraham Lincoln?"
Lincoln: "Yes."
You: "Where are we?"
Lincoln: "Dead"
Images flash through you're mind. Sophie screaming. A man pulling out a knife. Stabbing you.
Lincoln: "How'd you die?"
You: "I was stabbed."
Lincoln: "Painful way to go."
You: "Yeah but now the world is doomed. I was the only one who could save it."
Lincoln: "That doesn't have to be the case. There is one way for you to go back to the world of the living."
You: "How?"
Lincoln: "Far east of here there is a book that detail the life and death of every person who ever lived or ever will."
You: "OK"
Lincoln: "On the left side the details of someone's life are spelled out. On the right side the detail of their death."
You: "And?"
Lincoln: "In order to go back, you would need to remove the page that tells of your death."
You: "But isn't someone's life going to be on the other side?"
Lincoln: "Indeed. Bringing you back to life will include killing the person on the opposite page."
You: "I guess sometimes sacrifices have to be made."
Lincoln: "You'll also find that you cannot use magic there. Or here. Anywhere between is no problem. You will still need allies. I can assemble them for you if you wish but you are free to do so yourself if you choose."

1. Assemble your own allies.
2. Let Abe Lincoln handle it.
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2. Abe knows best...he was a president after all. He knows who can be trusted
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.