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The NSM Adventure

Started by Trainer Ave, February 25, 2016, 09:21:00 PM

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Trainer Ave

This is a text based adventure game.
I will start this game off by creating a scenario and giving a player 2 options to choose from. They option they choose will directly affect what happens next. I will either create the new scenario or request for someone to create it. When a new scenario is created it will be posted as a reply. One rule. you cannot choose an option for two scenarios in a row.

You wake up in a strange place and have no idea where you are. You decide to start exploring and eventually stumble upon another person named Mark. He looks to be about 18 and also has no idea where you and he are. The two of you decide to split up to explore. You venture down into the basement and discover what you believe to be a portal. You now have two options:

1. Go find Mark and tell him
2. Jump through the portal
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Trainer Ave

Scenario #2
(NocturneofShadow chose option 2)

You have jumped through the portal and find yourself face to face with a dragon. You are completely terrified. The dragon then speaks to you and says his name is Igneel and he wants to teach you something important. You now have 2 options:

1. Stay and learn from Igneel
2. Run
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Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel

Trainer Ave

Scenario #3
(Nebbles chose option 1)

Igneel tells you that he will teach you the ability to control fire and manipulate however you wish. He claims this a form of magic that he has only taught to one other living person. Several months pass as he teaches you but he will eventually christen you as a Fire Dragon Slayer. He will the tell you that Mark (Scenario #1) managed to escape the place that both of you were trapped in but unfortunately he ended up as an apprentice to an evil man by the name of Galbatorix who has begun to teach him magic that has almost no limit. He tells you that you have a choice. You can either

1. Go and find his previous student and become allies
2. Assemble your own allies

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Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.

Trainer Ave

Scenario #4
(braxien1264 chose option 2)

Igneel roars and you find yourself disappearing and losing consciousness. When you come too you are tied up. You have no idea what is going on. A guy who looks like he's seventeen asks you "What are you doing here?" You respond saying that you don't know how you got here. He will then respond with "Did the Elgen send you?" You will answer with "Who?" You'll suddenly realize that someone is holding you arm when suddenly they let go. You turn and come face to face with a young girl at about 16. She tells the guy who is questioning you that you are telling the truth. He will then untie your bonds and tell you that you can either
1. stay and tell them your story
2. leave and never return
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2. Leave and never return. Teeheehee.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.

Trainer Ave

Scenario #5
(AwesomeYears chose option 2)

You have decided to leave and never return. As it turns out you are in the city of San Francisco, California. You walk around and explore for a while when you see a girl getting robbed at gunpoint. What do you do?

1. ignore her and keep walking
2. use the magic Igneel taught you and save her
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2. Use the magic Igneel taught you and save her
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

Trainer Ave

Scenario #6
(BrainyLucario chose option 2)

You have decided to use your magic to cause the robber's gun to explode in his hand. The robber runs away screaming and the girl turns and faces you. She then tells you that she could have handled it by herself. She also tells you that her name is Sophie Newman. You and her go back and forth for a while and eventually you tell her your story. She tells you that she has magic power and could help you.

1. turn her down
2. accept her offer
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E. Gadd Industries

Ah, foo. I'll accept the offer. Teech meh da majik, lehdeh!
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...


Waddle Bro

you accept her offer and tell her how she can use her magic to blow your gun any time ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Trainer Ave

Scenario #7
(E. Gadd Industries chose option 2)

You have accepted Sophie Newman as your ally. She tells you that she possesses control over water, earth, fire, and air. You then tell her that Avatar was just a TV show and she laughs and says she is serious. You tell her that her ability to summon and control fire makes her a valuable asset to you. You explain that you are a Fire Dragon Slayer with abilities comparable to dragons. However when your fire runs out you must consume more. The sun is falling so she takes you to a safe house where you both spend the night. The next morning you wake up and she isn't there. You sit there for a few minutes wondering what happened when suddenly she bursts into the door with (gasp) waffles. The two of eat then start heading out on a forest path. You come to a point where the path splits in two. There is a sign on each path. The path on the left says "Warning! Here be demons." The sign on the right says "Warning! Here be dragons."

1. take the left path
2. take the right path
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