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Zeila's Miscellaneous Arrangements - (New: RWBY & Gundam)

Started by Zeila, February 04, 2016, 09:57:00 PM

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Looks like I got possessed after all, so here's my actual final sheet of the year:

Treasure *new*
[Original][PDF][MUS][MIDI]Solo Piano

The latest soundtrack unexpectedly came out today, and I had the motivation to crank this out. Happy New Year!! :D

it bothered me that the video wasn't available so I edited this to include a public link


Here's a very overdue update! Everything except the Fire Emblem stuff has been sitting on my computer in a completed or nearly completed state for over a year at this point

Fire Emblem Engage
A Tea Party in Firene, Guitar Duet
[MIDI] | [MUS] | [MUSX] | [PDF] | [MP3] | [Original]
This is a nice arrangement of my favorite battle theme out of the big 4 imo, although I prefer Camping in Solm as a guitar arrangement instead. I think there is also a cajon drum playing in the background if that's not just percussive guitar hits

Trial of the Sacred (Restore Calm), FE8 soundfont
[MIDI] | [MP3] | [MSCZ] | | [Original]
Do I think this is better than the original? Not at all, but I thought it would be a neat little project to try and replicate it for the GBA. This is fully functional in a rom hack of Sacred Stones, provided that it also has the 12 track patch. Just use the assembly source file and you're ready to go :)

There are some bends that sound odd, and I don't have access to a DAW to edit it so I guess they will stay like that. I also could've juggled instruments in order to condense it to the standard track/sound limitations, but this was much simpler

Pokémon Sun & Moon
These were all done out of request, and some individual lines/samples were pretty hard to discern
Heahea City (Day), Small Ensemble
[MIDI] | [MUS] | [MUSX] | [MP3] | [PDF] | [Original]
Konikoni City (Night), Small Ensemble
[MIDI] | [MUS] | [MUSX] | [PDF] | [MP3] | [Original]
Paniola Town (Day), Small Ensemble
[MIDI] | [MUS] | [MUSX] | [PDF] | [MP3] | [Original]

Paniola Town (Night), Small Ensemble
[MIDI] | [MUS] | [MUSX] | [PDF] | [MP3] | [Original]

Poké Pelago (Day), Small Ensemble
[MIDI] | [MUS] | [MUSX] | [PDF] | [MP3] | [Original]

For Every Life, VRC6
[MP3] | [NSF] | [Original]

The Sky Is Falling, VRC6
[MP3] | [NSF] | [Original]

The Sky Is Falling, Rock Band
[MIDI] | [MUS] | [MUSX] | [PDF] | [MP3] | [Original]
Ironically the bass part gave me more trouble than the guitar solo, which was already tough enough (although in hindsight that was probably due to my ears at the time rather than just a drowned out bass...)

Unless a catastrophe happens, I have a few orchestrations in the works that are nearly finished or just need more editing done, so they'll be posted within the next 1-3 months! Some were intended to be performed in person and others were just for the sake of completion. The next post will either be related to 🐝 or 👼🗡️⭐


Two updates from me today!


Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
slash / Red:birthmark
[Original][PDF][MUS][MIDI]Solo Piano

I didn't expect to do a piano arrangement at all, but then episode 17 happened. It started off as a parallel to episode 12's piano arrangement of the first OP "The Blessing," but then that fizzled out and I just combined the second cour's OP and ED. Initially, I didn't even like the ending (the song that is, the visuals are really cool), but I came to appreciate it more and I actually like it now

Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem: Three Houses
God-Shattering Star (Man on the Internet ver.)

I started this around late 2019 and left it hanging in a mostly completed state for years. Then I got inspired to actually finish it when I heard this fantastic cover from Man on the Internet, led by Alex Beckham. It includes a whole new choral arrangement and I just think it sounds very cool

There are 3 orchestral arrangements left for me to edit, and the theme for the next one is 🐝



Guide My Way (Red Like Roses - Part III) (Show Version)
[Original][PDF][MUS][MIDI]Solo Piano

The slower section is a mixture of the original insert song and the short Red Like Roses motif within the soundtrack for episode 9. I felt that the solo melody was too plain when translated to piano, so I wanted to add more to it, and then I just thought that it sounded better in the original key signature compared to G minor even though B minor doesn't transition quite as nicely as a result. I also added a bunch of arpeggios in the final section of the song because the melody just consists of whole notes, but that is likely overkill, so they could be left out and replaced with a bunch of rhythmic chords instead. Apparently, the last chorus in the full song includes triplet arpeggios so it's not too far off...

With the release of the Volume 9 Soundtrack in certain parts of the world (officially July 28th at midnight), this is a little outdated by now. I will likely do a full piano arrangement sometime in the future, but if anything I would do Checkmate first

as for the show, honestly, I was incredibly disappointed with the ending after all of the setup from the previous volumes and episodes 7 and 8, but at least this moment looked cool

[Original][PDF][MUS][MIDI]Solo Piano

This was recently done out of request by someone, but I'm glad that I did it in the end!

Buzzing Bees
thumbnail is kinda spoilery but it's been months

This one is an orchestral suite that's basically a summary of Blake and Yang's relationship in the show. I heard Worthy and thought it would be a great idea to incorporate any Bumbleby adjacent song into a medley. I was very liberal with the associations, so about half of the songs are really just there to tell a story rather than being representative of Blake and Yang exclusively

In order of appearance:
- The Stray
- Wings
- All That Matters
- Armed and Ready
- Nevermore
- Treasure
- Worthy (a demo duet version with presumably Elizabeth Hull can be found here here; the full track is a duet with Ariyel)

There's also a hint of RLR (the BY lines), Burning the Candle (and a leitmotif that was previously associated as "Yang's Pain," but was actually referenced in Volume 9), Such Arrogance, and the music from the end of the Volume 9 trailer and episode 1 by Peter Reid Jones (i.e. the score titled "You Weren't Supposed to Be Here"). In addition, I added a last minute drum set part to Worthy given that the full track also includes one

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

irreplaceable days
[Original][PDF][MUS][MIDI]Solo Piano

The Romanized title is "Houseki no Hibi," but the official translation from Apple Music is "irreplaceable days" rather than the literal translation "Jewel Days."

While season 2's pacing pretty much went Mach 6, I still very much enjoyed what we got. Most of my gripes with the show are more about missed potential with certain storylines and characters rather than narrative choices. At the end of the day, there are still lots of things I love about the show

It was the first Gundam I actually watched, so maybe my next one will be Unicorn (although that would take a very long time if I watched the earlier parts of the UC timeline first...)

Anyways, the next post will be a surprise two for one jazz/orchestra special! One theme is 💖🌠😶🚀🤍 , and the other is ⚙️🥚👑