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360 Games...which to get?!?!

Started by Beethoven II, June 21, 2008, 05:51:41 PM

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Beethoven II

OK, i need some advice on which games that you guys think are great and that i should get. Thx. ;D


Cod4, Halo 3, RB6V, RB6V2, GRAW, GRAW 2, Assassin's Creed


Lost Planet Colonies ($30!), Assassins Creed, Orange Box, Bioshock, Overlord, Dead Rising, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Viva Pinata, Lego Star Wars, Lost Odyssey, Castlevania SOTN, Aegis Wing (free), and finally Geometry Wars.  Last three are XBLA.

me irl


yeah what they said I have some of those games but I only play Halo 3. >__>


Quote from: Gamer4250 on June 21, 2008, 11:05:12 PMLost Planet Colonies ($30!), Assassins Creed, Orange Box, Bioshock, Overlord, Dead Rising, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Viva Pinata, Lego Star Wars, Lost Odyssey, Castlevania SOTN, Aegis Wing (free), and finally Geometry Wars.  Last three are XBLA.

YAY for lego star wars lol. portal is also a fun game to play too.
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<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
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Beethoven II

thanks. is GRAW(2) Advanced war fighter? I got the second one last night.


i recently got a 360 (last week). I straight away bought 2 games. Halo 3 and Mass Effect and they are both awesome!

LOL at this!

So funny that part of Mass Effect!



Super Zombie

To own a 360, you must, absolutely must, have Halo 3, COD4, Mass Effect, and BioShock. You should also get The Orange Box if you don't have it on PC, and LEGO Star Wars and Dead Rising are also really good.


RPG: Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy XIII(Is that out yet?), Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls IV

Platformers: Prince of Persia, Phyconauts, BK N&Bwhen it comes out

FPS: Halo 1 2 and 3, CoD4, Lost planet, Gears of war

Action Adventures: GTA IV, Ninja Gaiden

Others: Guitar Hero 2&3, The Orange Box

I included some original Xbox games


I don't have a 360, but several of my friends do. (I'm planning on buying one by October) From what I have played and what they have told me....

Viva Pinata, Halo 3, Rock Band, Guitar Hero 3 (or Aerosmith), Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and Call of Duty 4. The First game I'm going to buy is Eternal Sonata Everyone keeps telling me it's awsome, and it looks SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! (Plus the soundtrack is a mixture of Matoi Sakaruba and Frederic Chopin!)