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Started by evilsqueaky, February 27, 2008, 02:20:33 PM

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what do you do in this game? is it truly 'phun?' will it crash my computer and fill it with viruses? (oh, wait. no it won't cuz i have a Mac and viruses don't like Macs! *Steve Jobbs slips money into razer84's hand*) but really, what is it about, shooting, driving, flying, destroying stuff, launching cats that wear capes into the air as a deformed audience laughs with the laughter of a one year old baby (there is actually a game like that somewhere...), building stuff...?

damn commies.


Quote from: razer84 on February 27, 2008, 02:31:50 PMwhat do you do in this game? is it truly 'phun?' will it crash my computer and fill it with viruses? (oh, wait. no it won't cuz i have a Mac and viruses don't like Macs! *Steve Jobbs slips money into razer84's hand*) but really, what is it about, shooting, driving, flying, destroying stuff, launching cats that wear capes into the air as a deformed audience laughs with the laughter of a one year old baby (there is actually a game like that somewhere...), building stuff...?

It's an extremely interactive program where you can build buildings, cars, towers, and then destroy all your creation with incredible accuracy. It has outstanding physics stuff. No viruses. And yes it is phun.


cool, i'll try it out later tonight!

damn commies.


It said the version before that crashed computers....Is the new one safe?


Quote from: Akiro on February 27, 2008, 03:34:21 PMIt said the version before that crashed computers....Is the new one safe?

It works for me.


Ah, so it's basically a 2D lamer version of garry's mod?

me irl
