
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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TWG LXXXVI: Mo' Money, Mo' Werewolf Games

Started by davy, January 05, 2016, 08:42:38 AM

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To be fair, Noc is the most suspicious. In the chat I said that businessman could still be taken by wolves if they use weapons/item steal and killed in one night. The only person who should claim is dudeman if he's a special role.
My vote to NocturneOfShadow
Mario: Some sort of superman who can smash bricks with his head. Dies when he touches a turtle. Nintendo logic.




Davy, that would be an insta
can I say I told them all


Sorry for not showing up earlier; we've had some car trouble today, and it took a lot longer to get home.

Quote from: Dudeman on January 06, 2016, 10:19:34 AMoh duh

all right so we're still in the blind


who's up for a classic day one noc lynch
Considering what happened before the phase ended...

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 06, 2016, 11:37:31 AMDudeman
Yeah. Let's do that.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 06, 2016, 12:24:42 PMat least this guy understands what we're doing
some players will do this though, dudeman possibly being one of them (I think bird was notorious for this kind of play).  At any rate, now that dudeman has only one life left, why would we ever think he's a wolf?  It's also something I would do, which is worth noting.  I'm still suspicious of dudeman but I don't think we should lynch him yet.
Nocturne, if you're human, you're not only being self-destructive, but you're also trying to misguide newer players, which... isn't helping us.

I'll just add my vote to the pile, I guess...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber




And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


TWG LXXXVI: Mo' Money, Mo' Werewolf Games

1. Wolf Painter
2. Wolf Painter

Wolves know each other

Each wolf has a wolfing of his own, meaning that as long as both wolves wolf, two lives will be lost each night phase.

As long as the other wolf is still alive, a dead wolf can PM the host in any phase in order to be revived. That wolf will be revived at the start of the next phase. Each wolf can only be revived once. Revived wolves will have 1 life and will be unable to gain more lives.

3. Banker - Is told the amount of money all wolf players combined have as well as the amount of money all humans have combined at the end of each night phase.
4. Businessman - Earns NSM$150 at the end of each day phase rather than NSM$100
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

8. Herring
9. Miller

Like last game each player starts with 3 lives. Wolfings and lynchings each take away one life.

Unlike last game however, each player starts with NSM$200. At the end of each day phase each player earns NSM$100 (except the Businessman who earns NSM$150 instead).
Whenever a player dies(=loses all lives), the player responsible for the killing (the wolf that send the PM if it was a wolfing, the player that bought/stole the item if it was an item kill) will steal all of the killed players money. If the player died by lynching, that players money will be evenly divided over the players that voted for that player.

During the night phase, players can buy items with their money. Passive items will only last for the next day phase and the next night phase. Active items can only be used during the next night phase unless stated otherwise. In any case all items will be useless after one day phase and one night phase after they have been bought.
list of items
Search Warrant (seers a player) – NSM$75

Poison Dart (poisons the player shot, causing that player to lose a life at the end of the next night unless that player buys an antidote during that night. Poisoned players will be told that they are poisoned) – NSM$75

Gun (takes one life away from the player shot) – NSM$100

Bulletproof Vest (protects the player from guns and snipers, but not from wolfings, bombs and poison darts) – NSM$100

Silver (protects the owner from wolfings) - NSM$150

Antidote (when bought, the player will not lose a life due to poisoning that night) – NSM$150

Steal-an-item item (target a player upon buying the item. If that player also buys an item during the same phase, you get that item instead) – NSM$150

Sniper (takes two lives away from the player shot, can be fired in the middle of any phase) – NSM$200

Bomb (When bought, chose a player and a detonation time (the detonation time must be between 24 hours after the end of the following day phase and before the end of that day phase) that player will receive the bomb during the next day phase. Each player holding the bomb can give the bomb to another player by posting in the topic. At the detonation time, the bomb will explode and the player that had the bomb when it exploded will lose 2 lives, unless that player has a Guardian Angel, in which case that player only loses 1 life) – NSM$200

Defusing Manual (if you get the bomb while you have the defusing manual, the bomb will not explode at all) – NSM$200

Guardian Angel (protects from guns, snipers, poison darts, and wolfing attempts. If the player with a Guardian Angel has the Bomb when it explodes, that player only loses 1 life) – NSM$200

Potion (Restores 1 life during the next day phase. Doesn't work if the player has 3 lives remaining) – NSM$200

Duct Tape (Target a player during the night phase. That player will be unable to perform any action during the next night phase. Actions include wolfing, buying an item, using an item (except duct tape) and painting. Also prevents passive items from working and if the banker is targeted it prevents him from learning the amount of money each team has and if the businessman is targeted he will only receive NSM$100 during that night phase. Cannot be bought more than once per night phase.) – NSM$300

Bribery (Your vote counts for 3 during the next day phase) – NSM$300

Reflector (when targeted by a gun, a sniper or a poison dart, the shot is reflected to the user) – NSM$300

Tank (Target a player, that player will lose 3 lives. Also protects the owner from guns, snipers, poison darts, bombs, other tanks, wolfing attempts, but not from duct tape. Also prevents the owner from being lynched, in which case the player with the second most votes is lynched instead. Cannot be stolen) – NSM$500, each player can only buy one tank per game.

Wolves win when all humans are dead.
Humans win when all wolves are dead.
If there is one human alive and one wolf alive with both having one life at the start of the day phase and there is no vote manipulation, the game ends in a tie.

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. Dudeman
3. TheMarioPianist
4. E. Gadd Industries
5. BrainyLucario
6. NocturneOfShadow
7. Yellow
8. FireArrow
9. 12Mari0

Human role PM
You are a Human. You might be the Miller or the Herring, though.
Insta! Day 1 is over. NocturneOfShadow lost a life. It's now Night 2. Night 2 ends january 8th 4:30AM PST, 5:30AM MST, 6:30AM CST, 7:30AM EST, 1:30PM CET, 11:30PM AEDT. If you bought an active item last night phase, don't forget to use it.

Something I feel I should mention because it's not clear from the OP, you can buy multiple items during the same night phase, and they don't even have to be different items. I realised however that buying multiple duct tapes in the same night phase would be overpowered, so I changed it so that you can buy at most one duct tape each night phase.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game




E. Gadd wanted me to say that he is warranting other words, me...

He's kind of been busy with life and all so he can't post anything...
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


I'm warranting Noc because logical reasons.
Mario: Some sort of superman who can smash bricks with his head. Dies when he touches a turtle. Nintendo logic.


TWG LXXXVI: Mo' Money, Mo' Werewolf Games

1. Wolf Painter
2. Wolf Painter

Wolves know each other

Each wolf has a wolfing of his own, meaning that as long as both wolves wolf, two lives will be lost each night phase.

As long as the other wolf is still alive, a dead wolf can PM the host in any phase in order to be revived. That wolf will be revived at the start of the next phase. Each wolf can only be revived once. Revived wolves will have 1 life and will be unable to gain more lives.

3. Banker - Is told the amount of money all wolf players combined have as well as the amount of money all humans have combined at the end of each night phase.
4. Businessman - Earns NSM$150 at the end of each day phase rather than NSM$100
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

8. Herring
9. Miller

Like last game each player starts with 3 lives. Wolfings and lynchings each take away one life.

Unlike last game however, each player starts with NSM$200. At the end of each day phase each player earns NSM$100 (except the Businessman who earns NSM$150 instead).
Whenever a player dies(=loses all lives), the player responsible for the killing (the wolf that send the PM if it was a wolfing, the player that bought/stole the item if it was an item kill) will steal all of the killed players money. If the player died by lynching, that players money will be evenly divided over the players that voted for that player.

During the night phase, players can buy items with their money. Passive items will only last for the next day phase and the next night phase. Active items can only be used during the next night phase unless stated otherwise. In any case all items will be useless after one day phase and one night phase after they have been bought.
list of items
Search Warrant (seers a player) – NSM$75

Poison Dart (poisons the player shot, causing that player to lose a life at the end of the next night unless that player buys an antidote during that night. Poisoned players will be told that they are poisoned) – NSM$75

Gun (takes one life away from the player shot) – NSM$100

Bulletproof Vest (protects the player from guns and snipers, but not from wolfings, bombs and poison darts) – NSM$100

Silver (protects the owner from wolfings) - NSM$150

Antidote (when bought, the player will not lose a life due to poisoning that night) – NSM$150

Steal-an-item item (target a player upon buying the item. If that player also buys an item during the same phase, you get that item instead) – NSM$150

Sniper (takes two lives away from the player shot, can be fired in the middle of any phase) – NSM$200

Bomb (When bought, chose a player and a detonation time (the detonation time must be between 24 hours after the end of the following day phase and before the end of that day phase) that player will receive the bomb during the next day phase. Each player holding the bomb can give the bomb to another player by posting in the topic. At the detonation time, the bomb will explode and the player that had the bomb when it exploded will lose 2 lives, unless that player has a Guardian Angel, in which case that player only loses 1 life) – NSM$200

Defusing Manual (if you get the bomb while you have the defusing manual, the bomb will not explode at all) – NSM$200

Guardian Angel (protects from guns, snipers, poison darts, and wolfing attempts. If the player with a Guardian Angel has the Bomb when it explodes, that player only loses 1 life) – NSM$200

Potion (Restores 1 life during the next day phase. Doesn't work if the player has 3 lives remaining) – NSM$200

Duct Tape (Target a player during the night phase. That player will be unable to perform any action during the next night phase. Actions include wolfing, buying an item, using an item (except duct tape) and painting. Also prevents passive items from working and if the banker is targeted it prevents him from learning the amount of money each team has and if the businessman is targeted he will only receive NSM$100 during that night phase.) – NSM$300

Bribery (Your vote counts for 3 during the next day phase) – NSM$300

Reflector (when targeted by a gun, a sniper or a poison dart, the shot is reflected to the user) – NSM$300

Tank (Target a player, that player will lose 3 lives. Also protects the owner from guns, snipers, poison darts, bombs, other tanks, wolfing attempts, but not from duct tape. Also prevents the owner from being lynched, in which case the player with the second most votes is lynched instead. Cannot be stolen) – NSM$500, each player can only buy one tank per game.

Wolves win when all humans are dead.
Humans win when all wolves are dead.
If there is one human alive and one wolf alive with both having one life at the start of the day phase and there is no vote manipulation, the game ends in a tie.

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. Dudeman
3. TheMarioPianist
4. E. Gadd Industries
5. BrainyLucario
6. NocturneOfShadow
7. Yellow
8. FireArrow
9. 12Mari0

Human role PM
You are a Human. You might be the Miller or the Herring, though.
Night 2 is over. Dudeman and FireArrow lost a life. Dudeman died. It's now day 2. Day 2 ends january 10th 4:30AM PST, 5:30AM MST, 6:30AM CST, 7:30AM EST, 1:30PM CET, 11:30PM AEDT. Update might be a little late.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Well then....there goes one of our main voices....I ask this question again, who would have it in for Dudeman?
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

TheMarioPianist he's out this other news a wolf bought a poison dart (this is an assumption bc I don't know why they would by a warrant and only two things are NSM$75.) Also am claiming Banker at this point.
"I'm always here to help. Except when I'm not." ~Latios212

"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable." ~Donald J. Trump

Piano player


Anyone have any warrant results? They would be much appreciated
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Posting for E. Gadd Industries:  BrainyLucario was Green
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.