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TWG LXXXV: Lucky Sevens

Started by mikey, December 19, 2015, 09:04:56 PM

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Aaaaah I forgot about this! WHAT DAY IS IT??? Anyone want to chat? Can we still change our lynch vote?
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E. Gadd Industries

"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



does anyone have a link to the TWG chatroom? I'll go look for one...
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Dudeman on December 22, 2015, 10:19:37 AMHold on, wait a minute. Why are we voting for two people each? The voting still works as normal. It's just that the top two voted people both lose a life.

Geez, we all have to redo our votes now.
Noc, have we been voting incorrectly? Do we need to go back and choose one person each?
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


(also, in case it was unclear, I am in the chat!)
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!



Davy voted for himself, but then said that he votes for TMP if he wasn't allowed to vote for himself. I didn't read it clearly so I thought he was placing two different votes and I didn't think twice about it. Derp.

So, I'm solidifying my vote to TheMarioPianist.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book

E. Gadd Industries

Hmmm... I'll cast my vote on davy
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...


E. Gadd Industries

Make that davy
Clicked the wrong one on the bulletin!
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



leaving the chat, so here's what little of a log there was had:

18:43      *** Olimar12345 joined #TWG
18:51      *** montezuma joined #TWG
18:51   montezuma   hello
18:51   montezuma   i am firearrow
18:51   montezuma   i am in this chat
18:51   Olimar12345   lol why
18:51   Olimar12345   montezuma?
18:51   montezuma   idk it was the default name it gave me ;3
18:51   Olimar12345   I think you can change that
18:51   montezuma   but why would i want to
18:52   Olimar12345   point taken
18:52   Olimar12345   so I thought this game was going to be pretty simple until I realized what a mindfuck this is going to be
18:53   montezuma   Eh it's pretty simple if you don't think about it
18:53   montezuma   that's what I do ;3
18:53   Olimar12345   you for sure had a gun last night phase, but I think wolves get guns too so all we got from that was truth points from you
18:53   Olimar12345   simple  simple lol
18:54   montezuma   Yeah you'll have to warrant me when I don't have a gun
18:54   montezuma   hopefully I'll get something else ;3
18:54   Olimar12345   Dudeman says that Egadd is green, but it seems like a pretty great wolf cover to confirm another human
18:54   Olimar12345   not that he seems wolf-ish
18:54   Olimar12345   but it would be something I would do if I was trying to stay under the radar
18:55   montezuma   Yeah dudeman is probably a human, the best thing to do as a wolf would be to just say you don't have a search warrant
18:55   montezuma   It's possible he just didn't think to do that though
18:56   Olimar12345   but like you said, a player called green is cleared, since there is no need to hide reds in this game
18:56   montezuma   Yeah
18:56   Olimar12345   i.e. wolf is alone
18:56   montezuma   eeeyup
18:57   montezuma   Noc balanced this game pretty badly, because of that and the fact that there's no penalty for not using a gun means we can just win the war of attrition and seer everyone
18:57   montezuma   Even if there was a penalty for not using the gun we could just all shoot someone with avest
18:58   Olimar12345   I didn't even think of that
18:58   Olimar12345   good idea lol
18:59   Olimar12345   apparently we might be getting a curse soon for not shooting
18:59   Olimar12345   but idk what that will be since he has explained it so clearly
18:59   montezuma   I think he only did that for not voting right?
18:59   montezuma   inb4 he takes curses from my game ;]
18:59   Olimar12345   I though it was for not shooting?
18:59   montezuma   He said it was for not voting
18:59   Olimar12345   omg your game was soooo much fun
18:59   montezuma   The only thing he said on not shooting was "pls don't do it"
18:59   Olimar12345   more than this atm
19:00   Olimar12345   oh okay
19:00   montezuma   Eh, I might try to host my game on llf someday
19:00   montezuma   NSM isn't active enough for it
19:00   montezuma   idk, unless there's a rule change coming up there's not much to talk about
19:00   montezuma   We don't even need suspicion lists >->
19:01      *** E joined #TWG
19:01   Olimar12345   yeah, I guess so
19:01   Olimar12345   Egadd?
19:01   E   Hey people! Yeah, it's me
19:01   Olimar12345   k coll
19:02   Olimar12345   our only confirmed green
19:02   montezuma   hola
19:02   E   Who's the other?
19:02   montezuma   FireArrow
19:02   Olimar12345   due to balancing issue...
19:02   E   Ah. Hi!
19:02   Olimar12345   issues*
19:02      *** Olimar12345 is now known as olimar
19:02      *** olimar is now known as Olimar12345
19:03   montezuma   Yeah usually when people have games with guns, guns will shoot yourself if you don't use them
19:03   Olimar12345   yeah, you type / nick then your name to change nicknames
19:03   Olimar12345   without the space
19:03      *** montezuma is now known as frrrw
19:03   E   O_O Whoa. Glad I got a warrant then XD
19:03   Olimar12345   eh close enough
19:03   frrrw   Well nocs game doesn't
19:04      *** E is now known as EGI
19:04   Olimar12345   but like you said, we can all just shoot someone with a vest
19:04   Olimar12345   problem solved
19:04   EGI   Oh. Hmmm...
19:04   frrrw   Yeah, if I were noc I would of made vests reflect bullets
19:04   frrrw   no one tell him though
19:04   frrrw   ;3
19:05   EGI   Wait, so the vests JUST give you an extra life and that's it?
19:05   frrrw   They also make you immune to guns for one night
19:05   EGI   Ah
19:06   EGI   That makes sense
19:07   Olimar12345   wait, did noc not say who got 1-ups this phase?
19:07   Olimar12345   or are we just assuming?
19:07   frrrw   He did not
19:08   frrrw   We're assuming based on who claimed to have a vest
19:08   EGI   So, as far as we know, TMP and davy?
19:08   Olimar12345   okay, gotcha. I was looking for nocs post
19:11   EGI   When does the next phase begin? I can't find when noc said...
19:11   Olimar12345   he said he would extend it a day, then forgot about it, it would seem
19:12   EGI   Yeah, I was wondering. I remember seeing he would extend it, just couldn't remember how long.
19:12   Olimar12345   here
19:12   Olimar12345
19:13   EGI   Thanks! Yeah, he's a bit late, but it's all good. I don't want to be a complainer XD
19:15   Olimar12345   he's on skype rn
19:15   Olimar12345   I went and kicked him
19:16   frrrw   sounds hot
19:16   EGI   Haven't seen him on NSM any today...
19:16   EGI   That doesn't mean anything, though
19:16   frrrw   you gotta bold your vote EGI
19:17   frrrw   and he posted in the politics thread today, but that doesn't count
19:19   EGI   I'll tend to that right now
19:20   EGI   I feel like such a rebel, double-posting. XD
19:22   frrrw   ;3
19:24   EGI   Well, I suppose ima go. Ttfn!
19:24      *** EGI quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
19:25   Olimar12345   yeah, I think I'll go arrange something/look at subs
19:25   Olimar12345   and eat
19:25   Olimar12345   see you later!

tl;dr points: guns can safety on bpvests and don't think too hard about things.

Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


18:52   Olimar12345   so I thought this game was going to be pretty simple until I realized what a mindfuck this is going to be


Ya anyway guys lemme update phase I've been nocturnal a lot recently so I was probably sleeping or busy


Okay actually I didn't realize people would be confused about the voting so I'll wait until I've gotten 7 votes.  I have no problem with you guys dragging this game out, but it won't be fun, I promise you that.



Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 23, 2015, 08:53:40 PMOkay actually I didn't realize people would be confused about the voting so I'll wait until I've gotten 7 votes.  I have no problem with you guys dragging this game out, but it won't be fun, I promise you that.

Well, this is a very nontraditional TWG.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
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Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on December 23, 2015, 10:11:58 PMWell, this is a very nontraditional TWG.
sorry.  It's just that as the voting stands I've got 2 votes on TMP 1 vote on BDS 1 vote on olimar and 1 vote on davy.  Since you guys decided to kill TMP and davy I'm confused as to why that didn't happen yet