Fun questionnaires

Started by sonic130, June 17, 2008, 03:08:43 PM

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Hey, anyone want to make me a questionnaire? Please? If you decide to make one for me, you can put any questiones you want like what's your favourite sport, do you enjoy life, are you a happy person, etc. The questiones can be anything. They can be funny, seroius, embarassing, etc. So yeah, if you interested, try to make the questionnaire about 30 questiones long (or longer). If your wondering what this is for, it's for facebook. if anyone wants to add me on that, message me, and I will. I just don't like giving out my personal information in an open site like this. Anyway, thanks in advance to anyone who doew it! :D


oo the first one... it's one that everyone wants to know! infact all the pokemon games starting for ruby and sapphire ask this!

Are u a boy or a girl?
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


Oh, wow. I forgot to include that. I'm a guy, 16 years of age. So yeah, anyone got 30 questions yet? :P


#2: If you can destroy any country, which one would you destroy?


i asked because u said u aren't giving any personal informaton out.... so how do i know that male sign actually means your a male.... =P

#3 What do u do when your bored?

i don't know that's a common bulliten question or somethign =P.
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


#4 - What is your monthly income (this isn't too personal I believe...especially for a 16 year old haha)


#5: How many DVDs do you have? (I have about 200 and my uncle has over 400!! :o)


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


!!! ???
Oh well. Hugo's just being Hugo.

I cannot think of a question at this moment. STOP RUSHING ME DAVEY! I'M TYPING AS FAST AS I CAN!


#7: If you invented a new instrument, what would its name be and family is it in? (Family as in Brass, Woodwinds, etc.)


Quote from: HugoMeister on June 19, 2008, 06:44:13 PM#6:

Boxers or Briefs?

i think that might be a little to personal lol.

#8 What's your favorite Video Game?
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


#9: If the killer rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail came to your house, what would you do?


#10: if you could break any law with out getting caught what law would you break and why?

damn commies.


Alright, now we're getting somewhere. Almost half-way there :)
And about the boxers or briefs question... it's fine. You can make the questions as personal as you want :D lol.
So, who here has facebook anyway?


#11: If you were ruler of the world, what would your first law be?