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when are good game going to be PS3 exclusive?

Started by KINGOFTH3CASTLE, February 27, 2008, 01:01:29 PM

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okay, can someone tell me when and what games are going to come out on the PS3.

I'm not going to buy a PS3 ( I have a 360 and a Wii) just wondering
all hail the king of the castle


at the moment its just all the good ones are going to the 360. producers know they can make more money that way.

Soon i'll eat YOU!!!

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Fanboy.  >:(  Anyways, one of the games that I'm most looking forward to is Team Ico's new PS3 EXCLUSIVE project.  Okay sure we don't know anything about it but HEY!  It's going to be awesome and a PS3 exclusive.  Also there is Resistance 1 & 2,  LittleBig World, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank Future, Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War 3.


Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on February 27, 2008, 03:52:51 PMFanboy.  >:(  Anyways, one of the games that I'm most looking forward to is Team Ico's new PS3 EXCLUSIVE project.  Okay sure we don't know anything about it but HEY!  It's going to be awesome and a PS3 exclusive.  Also there is Resistance 1 & 2,  LittleBig World, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank Future, Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War 3.

it's actually called Little Big Planet, not Little Big World.

damn commies.


Concerto basically has all the good games, but make sure you get all the multiplatform games on the 360 as they run the best on it the majority of the time.

Listening to: B06
via FoxyTunes

me irl

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Thats been true (UGH Half-Life episode 2 runs soooooooooo bad on the ps3) but developers are starting to get the hang of the PS3, so cross platform games being bad on one system will be a thing of the past by the end of this year.  And COD4 runs great on the PS3.
Also at razer: my bad  :-[


True, but I would wait at least a year or 2 because developers seem to fail at it right now.  Right now they usually focus on the 360 version as they know that is the console where they'll sell the most games.

me irl


I'm not getting a PS3, but the only game that REALLLLLLLLY would make be buy one is Final Fantasy XIII *drools all over the floor*


i love the little big planet game, its very different and in depth. the new home thing is really cool almost like the sims. :D

but i need a better reason to buy a 400$ system than just some games. the PS2 rocked because it didn't have the 360 to compete with, now it has to look at what its got and say "what can we make that nobody has"

maybe i'll get one next year when more games come out and the prices get lower.

and the new final fantasy game is not made by the same people which really blows. :(
i didn't mean to make anyone angry with the topic, but i need to know
:'(                    :'(                         :'(                           :'(                               :'(
all hail the king of the castle

Concerto No.20 in D minor

You didn't make me angry, and that's all that matters. ;)


Quote from: The-Real-Link on February 28, 2008, 03:31:48 PMI'm not getting a PS3, but the only game that REALLLLLLLLY would make be buy one is Final Fantasy XIII *drools all over the floor*



Another great game coming out for the PS3 is Resistance 2 which will come out late 2008. Also Star Wars: THe force unleashed will be coming out Sept 16 for all consoles.


when are you have good grammers that when!

me irl


damn commies.


The problem with multiplatform games is that the 360 almost always has the better version because of superior online and DLC, and also the fact that its a hell of a lot easier to develop for since its basically a PC (or so I hear).

me irl