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Discussion on Linkle (Legend of Zelda)

Started by Trainer Ave, December 07, 2015, 09:08:36 PM

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Trainer Ave

I'd love to here what people think of Linkle. Does anyone think that she will be placed in the official series? What kind of character do you think she will be? Will there be a Dark Linkle?
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It seems like she'll only be associated with the spinoff hyrule warriors game, which is where she belongs, imo.
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Trainer Ave

It seems to me though, that a lot of fans want Linkle to appear in Zelda cannon, and knowing how Nintendo is set up, there is a possibility that she could make other appearances. Would you really have a problem with Linkle being cannon if they pulled it off the right way? After all, Link has had a sister before.
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I'm just a huge anti-fan of the idea of the games, so naturally any original content they spawn makes me frown. I'm just waiting for the next real Zelda game over here.
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on December 07, 2015, 09:14:25 PMIt seems to me though, that a lot of fans want Linkle to appear in Zelda cannon, and knowing how Nintendo is set up, there is a possibility that she could make other appearances. Would you really have a problem with Linkle being cannon if they pulled it off the right way? After all, Link has had a sister before.
yes.  Linkle is kind of a dumb name since it's so close to link without having the meaning behind it.  Historically the names in zelda have had meaning to them.  It would bother me having to say "Linkle" seriously

also she's just genderbender fanservice

Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 07, 2015, 09:19:52 PMI'm just a huge anti-fan of the idea of the games, so naturally any original content they spawn makes me frown. I'm just waiting for the next real Zelda game over here.


I like the character, but dislike the name. In the end I wouldn't mind too much if she were to appear in the official series, but I would prefer if Nintendo featured and/or developed another existing female *cough* playable zelda plz *cough*

Trainer Ave

Right now she appears to be a gender bender but what if she were not just a female Link but an entirely new character all together. She could very easily be incorporated into Zelda cannon without much of an issue. If Nintendo decided to make her an entirely different character......I just think it would add something special to the games. It could add extra emotion that we may have never experienced before in a Zelda game.
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on December 07, 2015, 09:25:31 PMRight now she appears to be a gender bender but what if she were not just a female Link but an entirely new character all together. She could very easily be incorporated into Zelda cannon without much of an issue. If Nintendo decided to make her an entirely different character......I just think it would add something special to the games. It could add extra emotion that we may have never experienced before in a Zelda game.
you're spouting off nonsense now!  The only playable character can be link.  That's why he's there.  That's why he's LINK.  As a side character I don't feel like she's important enough to appear in a game.  She's such a lame concept in general that I don't want her to be developed.  In other words, this:
Quote from: Zeila on December 07, 2015, 09:23:37 PMI like the character, but dislike the name. In the end I wouldn't mind too much if she were to appear in the official series, but I would prefer if Nintendo featured and/or developed another existing female
minus the playable zelda because that should never happen either.

I'm a huge zelda fanboy and know practically everything about every game I've played (that leaves just oracle of seasons :/ ).  I've also read a philosophy book completely centered around legend of zelda.  That was a good read.

Trainer Ave

I am not saying to make her a playable character. I'm saying that they should include her as a new character. I'm saying she could be just like any other character like Malon, Saria, Aryll, Ruto etc. I'm saying that she should a new character that Link has some kind of relationship with. A character that could provoke emotions in Link that we have never seen before. Please do not take what I am saying out of context. I want this character to have a personality that is different than anyone we have ever seen before in the Zelda series.
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on December 07, 2015, 09:38:08 PMI am not saying to make her a playable character. I'm saying that they should include her as a new character. I'm saying she could be just like any other character like Malon, Saria, Aryll, Ruto etc. I'm saying that she should a new character that Link has some kind of relationship with. A character that could provoke emotions in Link that we have never seen before. Please do not take what I am saying out of context. I want this character to have a personality that is different than anyone we have ever seen before in the Zelda series.
lol what kind of relationship are you talking about

Trainer Ave

family, friendship, enemy, i don't know or really care. I just want to see a new character that provokes new emotions in Link that we have never seen before in a Zelda game. And by new emotions in Link i mean in the players as well because is Link is and I quote "the link between the player and the game"
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on December 07, 2015, 09:42:54 PMfamily
already done
Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on December 07, 2015, 09:42:54 PMfriendship
already done :)
Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on December 07, 2015, 09:42:54 PMenemy
I mean, maybe a rival?  But idk if that's necessary.  It WOULD add new emotion to the game, but the wrong kind.  You should care about saving the world, not beating another person.

Trainer Ave

It might have already been done but that doesn't mean that it cannot be done in a different way. For instance what if (and this is entirely hypothetical here) Link is supposed to save somebody and it may not necessarily be Zelda and he fails. Let's say that Ganondorf were to capture Ruto or something, just somebody that he is friends with and he is supposed to save her. (Remember this is hypothetical) Let's say he fails and Ruto dies before he can save her. Could Linkle not be that one person that gives Link a reason to keep going. The one character that reassures Link that regardless of his failures he is still a hero, he is still the chosen one, and there is still danger in the world. She could be the one that gives Link the strength to keep fighting even though he may think there's no hope. The end of the game could deal with him defeating Ganondorf so that Ruto would not have died for nothing. (This doesn't necessarily have to be the plot, I'm just throwing out an idea) Honestly, I don't know a Zelda game where Link or the player has ever had these kinds of emotions
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Similar to A Link to the Past where your uncle dies after trying to save the princess from Agahnim?
Or the soldier in the alleyways of Castle Town who dies in front of you?  Seems like a good chance to redo the death from a link to the past-that was supposed to be sad but it was such a short scene that it didn't have much effect.  I just don't see why it has to be a character like linkle (who many people already have an aversion to hehe)

Honestly though what you're describing feels a lot like Ilia's character.  Maybe the scenario would be good for a TP sequel?  I like your idea, just not linkle.

Trainer Ave

So what if they had given her a completely different name? Do you think there would still be such an aversion to her? From what I've seen fans either go one way or the other. Either they like her or they don't. So my question is if her name wasn't Linkle, would that have changed anything?
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