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Lets have a Nerd battle!

Started by Gooch, June 14, 2008, 05:38:13 PM

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Ok, if you've never actually gotten into a Nerd Fight (which i have on a couple of occasions in Math class, don't wanna ask about it either), it goes like this. Someone proposes a thesis on a subject they feel strongly about. In fact, this is almost like a debate, only it gets a little more out of hand and also funny to watch. So, someone propose a topic and we'll fight you to the death over how you're wrong, and we all don't need seperate opinions, you can stand by another persons opinion. To make things easy to see who's on who's side, please write the username of the person you are siding with at the bottom of your post. I'll do the same as well as mediate this. I will not get into this fight until it has gotten pretty big. When a topic has run dry or is starting to, i'll declare an end to the fight and someone else or myself will propose a new topic. If you yourself thinks this is running dry, post that it is and i'll either agree or say no and let the fight go on. If i don't happen to be on and a large majority think that the topic is dry, feel free to post that this fight has come to an end and also post who agrees with it and start a new battle. This may sound fairly confusing or difficult, but in all reality is not, just tell us your opinion. Also, don't feel afraid to post your opinions, we will want to hear it, remember, you may just sway someone to your side. So, have at ye, knaves!


...So basically we fight about topics and choose sides? Sounds simple! :P


Also, let's not debate about politics or some real world hogwash. I believe to truly tap into our nerd psyches, we need to fight over topics over games, websites, Mathematical Equations! anything deemable "Nerdy"

Composer #40

1. Eggman might be smart but he is the worst strategist in the world. He really should have killed Sonic by now. (i.e. he makes big machines but does nothing to defeat Sonic.)

2. Albert Wesker should not lose in everything he does (except for Umbrella Chronicles, he actually won). He seems to have the worst luck out of every villain I know.

It happens Every. Day!


Quote from: Composer #40 on June 14, 2008, 05:55:28 PM1. Eggman might be smart but he is the worst strategist in the world. He really should have killed Sonic by now. (i.e. he makes big machines but does nothing to defeat Sonic.)

2. Albert Wesker should not lose in everything he does (except for Umbrella Chronicles, he actually won). He seems to have the worst luck out of every villain I know.

or maybe eggman has bad luck? =P.

oh and i thought the same thing about ridely... he just always looses.... but he always comes back! =D
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


Eggman is not smart. Anybody can make big machines. What do you think Thwomps and Darknuts are?

(And isn't his name Dr. Robotnik? I always preferred Dr. Robotnik over "Dr. Eggman")

Nothing to say on Topic #2.  :P
I don't know who Albert Wesker is. And I don't care.  ;D
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Quote from: Brawler4Ever on June 16, 2008, 12:24:57 PMEggman is not smart. Anybody can make big machines. What do you think Thwomps and Darknuts are?

(And isn't his name Dr. Robotnik? I always preferred Dr. Robotnik over "Dr. Eggman")

Nothing to say on Topic #2.  :P
I don't know who Albert Wesker is. And I don't care.  ;D

yea it is robotnik but i like eggman better... sides... it adds to his bad luck streak =P
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.

Composer #40

Here's another one, I found this one while I was looking for a picture of Giygas.

Who is the best Nintendo villain ever?

It happens Every. Day!


Every single one of them....well Bowser, Dark Samus, Wolf and others but yeah all of them.......


Quote from: Palagerini on June 16, 2008, 05:46:53 PM
Quote from: Brawler4Ever on June 16, 2008, 12:24:57 PMEggman is not smart. Anybody can make big machines. What do you think Thwomps and Darknuts are?

(And isn't his name Dr. Robotnik? I always preferred Dr. Robotnik over "Dr. Eggman")

Nothing to say on Topic #2.  :P
I don't know who Albert Wesker is. And I don't care.  ;D

yea it is robotnik but i like eggman better... sides... it adds to his bad luck streak =P

He changed his name to Eggman when he escaped from jail.


Quote from: Composer #40 on June 16, 2008, 06:09:07 PMHere's another one, I found this one while I was looking for a picture of Giygas.

Who is the best Nintendo villain ever?
The second best villian is Abobo. A random muscular asian man with a mustache and only pants on. The only goal in his life is to bash your head in, then either throw you off a helicopter, into a spike pit, or any random cliff nearby. And he's in 7 double dragon games. What more can you want?

The first villian is the camera. I have never encountered another villain that I battled in so many games. I have been thwarted by its evil more times than I can count. I am usually underequipped to fight it off, and rarely succeed. You've all been killed here at least a few times by Camera, admit it. And Camera's especially awesome because it doesn't even care about you. Its only purpose is to exist.

You're doing it wrong! Failure!


Quote from: DBJack on June 17, 2008, 07:39:13 PM
Quote from: Composer #40 on June 16, 2008, 06:09:07 PMHere's another one, I found this one while I was looking for a picture of Giygas.

Who is the best Nintendo villain ever?
The second best villian is Abobo. A random muscular asian man with a mustache and only pants on. The only goal in his life is to bash your head in, then either throw you off a helicopter, into a spike pit, or any random cliff nearby. And he's in 7 double dragon games. What more can you want?

The first villian is the camera. I have never encountered another villain that I battled in so many games. I have been thwarted by its evil more times than I can count. I am usually underequipped to fight it off, and rarely succeed. You've all been killed here at least a few times by Camera, admit it. And Camera's especially awesome because it doesn't even care about you. Its only purpose is to exist.

oh and how true that is.... the 3rd villian should be the holes in e.t. and the music in e.t. lol.
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


My hearing still hasn't returned yet after I checked out your claim.   :P

You're doing it wrong! Failure!


Quote from: Composer #40 on June 16, 2008, 06:09:07 PMHere's another one, I found this one while I was looking for a picture of Giygas.

Who is the best Nintendo villain ever?

Oh thats hard, they all suck pretty hard core... hmm... (The higher the number in the positives the better.)
Bowser -154954652487543
Gannon 1

no clue, i'm saying shadow queen from paper mario 2 (TYD) she pwned me like 20 times.
Noob right here, any easy songs tell me, plz and thx.


me irl