Re: Cashwarrior1's Music *New* Jungle

Started by cashwarrior1, October 01, 2015, 07:05:50 PM

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Here's a video of me playing "Mountains" (also known as "Escape")!

Also, we have a new song! This one was actually made by me messing around on a Marimba in band. Enjoy!

Prowling Castle: [Midi]


Here's a video of me playing "Clouds"!

New Orchestrated Song!
Tundra: [Mp3]

New Song!
Night on the Hill [Midi]


Well, I am a very creative and imaginative person and I like to put this into video games. About 2 years ago, I found the beauty of fan-games (and the disgust) and wanted to attempt one myself... on paper, of course. I started by drawing a map of the region, then drew the pokedex (and am going to re-draw it for the 3rd time to get better at free-hand), I came up with a story, I even started re-creating the region in minecraft! I was always planning on using my music for the game, but I started realizing how I am "booking" my piano songs for actual video games. Soooo, I'm going to start a new section called "Pokemon Fan Music" and essentially post random songs I make for the game! :D

The first one has been made, it's called "Weyn Town".


Welp I got a bunch of new songs for your listening!

Pokemon Fan Music
Frelchin Town [Midi]
Frelchin Town (Night) [Midi]
Route 3/4 [Midi]

New Song
Lost in the Maze [Midi]

Other Songs
"11" [Midi]
"14" [Midi]
"26" [Midi]


I've alphabetized the "Orchestra" and "Other songs" sections to make it easier.
You should probably start listening to these songs as a land-slide is coming soon.
I'm feeling the itch to make songs, so expect lots of orchestra, piano, and just a bunch of arrangements in the next (possibly two) week!
I hope you enjoy my music!


Update! I've added a youtube link to all the songs posted on youtube for more of your listening pleasure!
Also, two new songs:
Tomb on the Hill

Over the past 4 years of creating music, several different styles and events happened that affected the way I created music during that period. I've decided to organize everything through "Eras". You can learn more about each Era through the spoilers below.

Space Era
This can also be called the "Genesis Era" as this is where I first started out. I started making songs using an electric piano and for some reason this leads to me making "space" music.
The most popular song in this era is: The Galaxy.

Piano Era
Most of these songs aren't in the order of creation as I didn't write down the names of my music during this time, but most of these songs were made using non-electric instruments and were made for video games. This is called the Piano Era because most of these songs sounded good with just the piano sound rather than other sounds.
The most popular songs in this era are: Forest, Majestic Castle 

Electric Era
This Era was around the time where I lost inspiration for making songs and it wasn't until thanksgiving that I started posting more on youtube and making more songs (This is the origin of "Musical Thanksgiving"). I also experimented with playing a song with a drum beat from the piano!
The most popular songs in this era are: Endless Space, Techno Shift, Techno Bass, Space Adventure

Experimental Era
This era marks my transition from electric sounds to piano sounds. The songs I made span from several different feelings. The songs made during the transition form electric piano to acoustic piano aren't as favored, but the ones following are pretty favored and are really good songs!
The most popular songs in this era are: Infiltration, The Ocean

Unknown Era
This era would fit the Experimental Era way better if it weren't for the amount of songs that I forget about and the inclusion of the "Lost Songs". This era has a lot of strange songs that are very weird, most of the songs I don't feel I should upload.
The most popular song in this era is: Sky City

Calm Era
This era slows down in the music-making production and the intense/weird feel of the previous era by having very calming and relaxing songs. There is some clash between the transition of eras with intense songs such as:Pressing On and Epic Enterprise.
The most popular songs in this era are: Coral Reef, World of Mystery

After a while of pretty much nothing, I then get the drive to make more songs for video games. All the songs in this era were made with video games in mind. This era is also the time where I joined the Pokemon Cobalt and Amethyst project (While none of the songs in this era got in the game, "Deep in the Cave" did!).
The most popular song in this era is: Golden Sand Beach

Improvisation Era
The current era (likely coming to an end) is filled with me learning how to make better songs and quicker! I've improvised the majority of the songs in this era and most of them are what I play all the time at home. This era also includes tons of scrapped songs that I improvised but didn't like.
The most popular songs in this era are: Midnight Stroll, Mountains, Clouds

Just to let you know, the "popular songs" are mostly my favorites and are also favorites of others in my house.


Well, I took an unintentional break, but I'm still making music!

New video! Voices!

New songs!
Theme of the land
Infection (Ice Cavern)
Wild Jazz [Midi]

New Orchestrations
Ice Cavern [Mp3]
"14" [Mp3]


I really like Ice Cavern! What software did you make it on? And what soundfont? It genuinely sounds like a BGM for an ice cavern. My only problem with the song is that 2:10 is a bit jarring, but everything else just flows. The percussion was done pretty well, and I also love the wierd time signatures at certain parts.
My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on October 15, 2016, 03:11:11 PMI really like Ice Cavern! What software did you make it on? And what soundfont? It genuinely sounds like a BGM for an ice cavern. My only problem with the song is that 2:10 is a bit jarring, but everything else just flows. The percussion was done pretty well, and I also love the wierd time signatures at certain parts.
I really, really like Ice Cavern! I actually made it in Finale in complete 6/8 because I couldn't actually put time signature changes or tempo changes. I used a MP3 version of my Midi from finale as a soundfont. I feel like the song could be split into two songs: the part before 2:10 and the part after 2:10, that's probably why it's unexpected and jarring.

EDIT: The most unique thing I did for the drums was the very weird rhythm from 3:59 to 4:02. The drum pattern is actually a weird result of me copying the previous drumming pattern to the voice line to drag it to the spot it's supposed to be and it ended up being completely screwed up, but it sounded cool!


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on October 15, 2016, 07:32:58 PMI actually made it in Finale
Quote from: cashwarrior1 on October 15, 2016, 07:32:58 PMI couldn't actually put time signature changes or tempo changes.
Wait, Finale NOTEPAD!?

Quote from: cashwarrior1 on October 15, 2016, 07:32:58 PMI used a MP3 version of my Midi from finale as a soundfont.

Quote from: cashwarrior1 on October 15, 2016, 07:32:58 PMI feel like the song could be split into two songs: the part before 2:10 and the part after 2:10, that's probably why it's unexpected and jarring.
I can see that. If they were separated, the first half should have an obvious (but not abrupt) end, while the last half should have an obvious start. Even better if both of those could blend together really well, akin to a standard transition.
My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on October 15, 2016, 07:59:43 PMWait, Finale NOTEPAD!?
Ye, I very happy to announce that I only used 7 instruments :D My secret is make the drums good and everything else sounds good.
Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on October 15, 2016, 07:59:43 PMHow?
I take the Midi file and insert it into an online file converter (Zamzar) then that turns it into an MP3.
Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on October 15, 2016, 07:59:43 PMI can see that. If they were separated, the first half should have an obvious (but not abrupt) end, while the last half should have an obvious start. Even better if both of those could blend together really well, akin to a standard transition.
The transition is supposed to be abrupt, I guess. It's kinda abrupt on the piano but it works better. I couldn't really find a good transition between the two.


I just got re-accepted to the PokeCA project and I soon realized that they still don't have a battle theme done. I stepped up to finish what I started and now I can't seem to create any "pokemon-sounding" pieces. I need some suggestions on what a good pattern would be, or the key. I dunno, I'm freaking out right now, I can't seem to figure out how to make a melody.

I've created 3 pokemon songs, but they're not what I'm going for. I'm trying to get a trainer battle, I got two enemy team battles and a rival battle theme down perfectly, but it's not a trainer battle! Should I do it in a major or minor key?


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on October 21, 2016, 07:02:52 PMI just got re-accepted to the PokeCA project and I soon realized that they still don't have a battle theme done. I stepped up to finish what I started and now I can't seem to create any "pokemon-sounding" pieces. I need some suggestions on what a good pattern would be, or the key. I dunno, I'm freaking out right now, I can't seem to figure out how to make a melody.

I've created 3 pokemon songs, but they're not what I'm going for. I'm trying to get a trainer battle, I got two enemy team battles and a rival battle theme down perfectly, but it's not a trainer battle! Should I do it in a major or minor key?
I remember that the DPPt trainer battle theme was in a minor key, so you're probably safer with minor keys. With that being said, major-key splashes are probably OK.

It may be good to listen to trainer battle themes, then enemy team and rival themes, and figure out what trainer battle themes have in common that enemy team and rival themes don't. ...Or just ask PokeCA about what they think is in a trainer battle theme that isn't in an enemy team or rival theme.


Well, I actually just finished all three. I was having trouble finding a theme I liked, but the team liked it, so I guess I'm good. Also, I listened to several themes to draw inspiration, but the only thing I could take was the overused "long, long, short" rhythm.


I mean, I have been doing things, but whatever.

New Music!
Lost in the Maze [Midi]
Majestic Castle [Midi]
"10" [Midi]
River [Mp3]
Volcano Escape [Mp3]
Route 13 [Mp3]

Some new piano midis, a couple new orchestrated songs, and one song from PokeCA. Route 13 is actually a remix of "26"