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Started by Oasis, September 16, 2015, 05:53:47 PM

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I remembered that some star on Tick-Tock-Clock was hard, but I can't remember which. I think it was the collect coins star. I think you needed to stop the clock or do some trick in the beginning.   
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Top 10 Melee/Brawl/Wii U/3DS Characters

Number 10: Rosalina and Luma

I'm glad they are here! Who knew a calm, collected girl could be so deadly? Also, we get to have Luma which is like a 2 for 1 package deal!  The luma is the one who does most of the dirty work and her final smash involves stars shooting everywhere, then exploding, that sends the enemy flying. I was ecstatic when she appeared on the Wii U/3DS.

Number 9: Pac Man

Ah Pac Man. They are adding more and more older characters that were around in the 80's. Did you guys see Pac Man's final smash? Very creative. I love playing as Pac Man because I remember playing pac man in the arcades when I was a little girl and I was laughing as I ate up the ghosts with those power ups. Nostalgia is the only reason I included him.

Number 8: Duck Hunt

Nintendo. Did I ever tell you how much I love you? Honestly, I like this dog better than the dog that comes from the assist trophy. He is so cute! And he is extremely powerful also. And that bird is really cute! I swear when he starts sniffing the ground, my heart breaks. His final smash is also really cool as you have people throwing missile/cans at you and you explode off the stage.

Number 7: Villager

Villager has a special place in my heart. The main reason I like him is because he can get projectiles and fling it back at others. I remember I was playing against my friend, a bowser jr. He threw his cannon at me and I got it. He was shocked and was like, "Where did it go!" I laughed and yelled, "Right here!" as I flung the cannon and it hit him in the face. Ahh, memories.

Number 6: Kirby

I love that pink little gumball. <3 He is so adorable in many different ways, especially his taunts. You can steal an enemy's B move with his B move. He can also float to high distances, can change into an invulnerable rock, and his hammer is no joke. Did you guys ever get hit in the face by his hammer? Very painful. Also, did I mention he is so adorable?

Number 5: Megaman

Mega man! Honestly, I've seen people go crazy since Mega man appeared and I wouldn't be surprised. Mega man is really really fun to play with all his cannons and his final smash is really beautiful to watch and brought a single drop of tears to my eyes because it truly was beautiful. When I play with friends, at least 1 person chooses Mega man and that trend still continues!

Number 4: Captain Falcon

Who can ever forget Captain Falcon? His most famous move is the falcon punch and when paused at the right moment, you can see a fiery falcon. He is like a more agile Ganondorf and his final smash brings you a cool animation. His knee kick when timed right can be extremely devastating and his attacks are quick and powerful. A good combination.

Number 3: Sonic

One of the fastest of the characters, I love playing with Sonic on a large map while pissing everyone off with my speed. His moves involves rolling into a ball and tackling the enemy. His final smash is pretty powerful, but like Pikachu's, it is extremely, extremely hard to control. But overall, I love playing as Sonic as his speed can make for a good raging.

Number 2: Ike

Ike is a real powerhouse. He is really slow, but extremely powerful. His B move when charged fully, can be devastating to anybody, even yourself. He has a charge move, and his final smash is no joke also. He is the first of the characters that have a final smash that involves dragging the enemy in the air, slashing them, and throwing them to the ground with extreme force.

Number 1: Meta Knight

Meta Knight. His speed, agility, and recovery makes up for the brute strength, but he is still extremely strong. He is hard to learn and hard to use, but if you master him, the enemy better watch out. His final smash is deadly if the opponent is over around 60% health, but it also gets your partner which sucks. He has 4 recovery moves and is ranked number 1 on this list.

"I set my ATM card's number to "0001" because I'm number one!"


Quote from: HeartofChaos on September 20, 2015, 10:40:03 AMYou want tough? Try rainbow ride. Compared to rainbow rode, THI is nothing, nada, zilch.
And ah, you were talking about all 191, makes sense then.

I never had nearly as much trouble with Rainbow Ride as I did with THI lol. Mostly cause tiny platforms and wind and ridiculous jumps and goombas that knock you off the edge and


The wind? XD
Gosh, I'm playing 64 right now and I'm playing tiny huge island and yeah, that wind is annoying especially against Koopa.
And hey maybe you can do a top 10 on hardest super mario 64 stars.
If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.


Thanks for taking my request! great list! :)

here is mine:

10. Doctor Mario (Melee)
-Funny moves that send people in lots of quirky angles you don't expect them to do, also fun how he says Yah-Hoo all the time, and the cape is OP nerf please.
9. Ice Climbers (all games)
- Very unique character in the sense that they kind of are two characters. Desync is cool, chain grabs are cool, but infinites are... kind of lame.
8. Jigglypuff (Melee, Project M)
- Kind of funny character, seem so innocent and cute but then you hit them with that rest and boom and they fly to the heavens. I also like her unique fighting style with flying around using her aerial mobility and god aerials to win her battles. Her final smash is also awesome how she grows even bigger covering the screen and in Brawl there was a glitch were you could make her continue to be that big even after the final smash!
7. Snake (Brawl, Project M)
-Stands out from the rest of the cast as being a tough military guy. Got a tricky play-style with projectiles and mines and traps, and DACUS looks funny. And also has a cool final smash.
6. Meta Knight (Brawl, Project M and Sm4sh)
- This guy is just looks like some cool Kirby with a mask. In brawl he was completely broken and basically could do whatever he wanted. In the other games he's still good and he still got that unique move-set (the nado, shuttle-loop, U-airs). Also his stage Halberd was on of my favorite stages with the awesome soundtrack.   
5. Ike (Project M)
- This guy was a real heavy hitter in brawl, but was kind of slow. Then came PM and speeded him up and gave him a better quick-draw and so many possibilities opened. He just looks so amusing to watch and play, so fast still so strong, plus he got 2 OHKO attacks in PM!   
4. Shulk (Sm4sh)
-When I tried those taunts, lol. I like this character mostly because he's so funny and corny as a character, like the new joke-character. But he also got an interesting B-move (monado arts) which could be used in all kinds situation for tactical reasons, back-slash is also quite a unique move.
3. King Dedede (Brawl, Project M)
- This guy just seems so goofy and trolly. In brawl he got a chain-grab that just looks dumb, and he got a swallowcide and also got some really hard hitting attacks with that hammer. And in PM you can taunt-cancel his laugh for extra trollyness whahahahahahaha...
2. Captain falcon (64, Melee, Project M, Sm4sh)
- The fan favorite, everybody knows this one. He got the (Hyes!)Knee, the Paunch, the taunts, the moonwalk and all kinds of swaggy stuff, even his final smash is cool. Some stuff people might not know is in 64 he also got cool combo with U-airs to Up-B, looks really awesome.
1. Wii Fit trainer (sm4sh)
-A bit surprising but I like those weird characters you don't expect should appear in the game, in Brawl R.O.B for example. Wii Fit Trainer just got all those moves that you didn't thought would hit, her F-smash hits in both directions for example. The best one got to the back hit or F-air has a meteor hitbox! Also got a good crouch and can duck under many moves. I just like how unique of a character she is.

My mains in case you wonder:

64: none really... maybe Captain Falcon
Melee: Captain Falcon
Brawl: R.O.B
Project M: R.O.B
Sm4sh: Wii Fir Trainer

Yes, R.O.B didn't make the list. He is fun to play and all, but as a character he is pretty boring, just a robot.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


@HeartofChaos: I will do that next.
@Tobbeh: Your welcome and thanks! I really enjoyed reading yours!  And Wii fit trainer seems really interesting#
"I set my ATM card's number to "0001" because I'm number one!"



I love him to death, but I just wish he had more killing power. Gyro is so much fun for space trolling and he has good range and mobility, but he just cant SMASH!, you know?
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Quote from: Dudeman on September 20, 2015, 08:34:49 PMFINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO MAINS R.O.B. :')

I love him to death, but I just wish he had more killing power. Gyro is so much fun for space trolling and he has good range and mobility, but he just cant SMASH!, you know?

Y, ROB is cool. I don't know which games you play him in or if all, but y when I played PM with my friend he always complained about that gyro, lol. He can't smash? Well most characters smash attacks are not that good, they're strong but slow. ROB actually has a really good D-smash in all games, but F-smash is cool in brawl and PM since you can angle it in Sm4sh it has quite good range but not that good, and U-smash is... not that good only if you hit I guess. He has OK killing power, but y not that good. In brawl.. Nair and Bair I guess, In PM he has great combos and great edgeguard tools, in Sm4sh he has Nair and D-throw U-air.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on September 20, 2015, 12:03:13 PM9. Ice Climbers (all games)
- Very unique character in the sense that they kind of are two characters. Desync is cool, chain grabs are cool, but infinites are... kind of lame.


Quote8. Jigglypuff (Melee, Project M)
- Kind of funny character, seem so innocent and cute but then you hit them with that rest and boom and they fly to the heavens. I also like her unique fighting style with flying around using her aerial mobility and god aerials to win her battles. Her final smash is also awesome how she grows even bigger covering the screen and in Brawl there was a glitch were you could make her continue to be that big even after the final smash!

I find jigglypuff really... boring to watch. It's just floating around spamming bair.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department