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[NES] Wrecking Crew - "Stage Theme 1"

Started by LemonLeman, September 13, 2015, 08:00:01 PM

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Completed by WanderingMinstrel
I can't get this song out of my head and want to play it on the piano, but I can't seem to find any sheet music of it anywhere.


Hey there! I've been focusing on arranging 8-bit games, and I was actually thinking about Wrecking Crew lately.

I've been working on Shantae lately, but I like having a second project to go between. I'm actually surprised there's no Wrecking Crew on the site yet. How about I take a crack at it? Shouldn't take too long.

I can post a Dropbox link here when I'm done.
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Quote from: WandringMinstrel on September 19, 2015, 07:20:30 AMDid the rest of the songs from this game and made a medley. It's modeled after the retro medley from Smash Wii U.
While I love your medley arrangement, I think you might want to use Super Smash Bros 4 as the game of origin, considering that's where the medley first made an appearance. Here is a youtube link to the "Wrecking Crew Retro Medley"

Otherwise, I love this particular song and all your other arrangements!


The songs in the Smash retro medley aren't modified at all; that game even lists the song as an "original" rather than a "remix". It doesn't really make sense to say it's from Smash, since the only thing that game contributed was the order the songs are presented. The actual music itself is straight from Wrecking Crew.

If I were to arrange the remixed Wrecking Crew Medley, then I think it would be more appropriate to list Smash Wii U as the game of origin, since that was written for that game.
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If that's the case, the tracks should be arranged separately.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


They were, I just decided to string them together in that order since the songs or so short on their own. If the order was different, then would the Smash angle be moot?
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The length of the song doesn't really matter. If you look at Super Mario World, each world area has their own sheet, and each is only about 5-15 measures long. What's important is what is found in the soundtrack (and for Wrecking Crew, I can't find it online). If a song is counted as its own song in the soundtrack, then it should be counted as its own sheet on the site. That's the general rule.

In the case of your medley, we can compare it to the Rainbow Road Medley for the same game, which is also already on the site under Smash 4. Ironically, the Wrecking Crew Medley isn't found in the Smash 4 soundtrack, from what I can tell. So there's no definite answer here, that I can see. :P
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Re-uploaded the song to my Dropbox. Here are the new links.

Stage Theme - MUS - MIDI - PDF - MUSX

My personal arrangement thread has more details and songs from the soundtrack (link in my signature). Hope you like it, LemonLeman!
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