Problem with PrintMusic 2008 or any 2008 finale product

Started by Composer #40, June 12, 2008, 10:46:12 AM

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Composer #40

I got the 2008 version yesterday and here's the problem.

In (possibly all 2007 finales) you can copy a set of notes from one staff and paste it to a different staff with notes in the second layer and the notes won't be deleted (unless you drag it there). This is used to create multiple "voices" in a staff. Now it's getting rid of those notes in the second layer when I use the copy-paste method and now I have to manually put them in.

Does anyone have a way around this?

It happens Every. Day!


uh... if there is a way I don't know how... i never had the previous versions of finale so i didn't know it was even possible...

It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V?

Try it or something... Or are you trying to copy and paste from two different programs?


Well I'm not completely sure what you mean, but you have to highlight a whole measure, from beginning to end, and drag it to another measure/staff to do the copy thing.

Also, for the multiple voice thing, you can also go to windows, and then mixer. And then move this dial:

Move it up to about 50, over 50 is kinda overdoing it, depending on what song it is, but experiment with that.

I don't know if I was rambling or if I somewhat helped you so :/

Composer #40

Try this: two staves, one on top of the other. In the top staff are some notes in layer one (regular black notes). In the bottom staff, there are notes in the second layer (red notes, I use them a lot if you haven't noticed).

In 2007 Finales you can copy and paste the top measure to the bottom measure and it will not eliminate the notes in the bottom measure. It actually puts the two together to make two parts into one.

In 2008 Finales, however, if you do the same thing above, it will replace those notes with the measure you selected.

Hoped this explained the problem. (and I can't provide pictures because I don't have that certain program.)

It happens Every. Day!


Composer #40

Okay, It's obvious that I need pictures so I found a program. Let's try to get the point across one more time.

In 2007 Finales you can copy and paste the top measure to the bottom measure and it will not eliminate the notes in the bottom measure. It actually puts the two together to make two parts into one.

1. Highlight a selection and press Ctrl+C(Copy) on the measures.

2. Hightlight the notes in the second layer and press Ctrl+V(Paste). The notes will be together without having to write them out manually.

In 2008 Finales, however, if you do the same thing above, it will replace those notes with the measure you selected.

1. Highlight a selection and press Ctrl+C(Copy) on the measures.

2. Hightlight the notes in the second layer and press Ctrl+V(Paste). The notes will be replaced with the selected notes, now we have to write them out manually.

Pictures say a thousand words, let's see if it's true.


It happens Every. Day!


Well I already knew all that and you just helped yourself  :P

Beethoven II

I had a 2007 one and i noticed that you can't do what you just did.  There might be a way in the settings, but probably not :/

Composer #40

I really can't put 2007 back on my computer, lack of memory and some files are on 2008.

Dammit I'm skcrewed until they fix it.

It happens Every. Day!
