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Submit Arrangement Without *.mus? (Using MuseScore)

Started by kevronicoal, August 25, 2015, 04:26:50 AM

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Hello all!

I'm a new member to the site, but a long time fan who has enjoyed the sheet music the community has brought throughout the years. I've decided I wanted to contribute by arranging some music from one of my favorite games: E.V.O. Search for Eden. Seems like there's a lack of sheet music for the game at the moment!  :-\

Anyways, to make my arrangement, I used the program MuseScore, which I'm sure most of you know/heard of it. The thing that is preventing me from submitting my arrangement is that I cannot export a *.mus or *.musx file from MuseScore. I *can* do other file formats, however, which are:
Uncompressed/Compressed MuseScore File( *.mscx/*.mxl)
FLAC Audio (*.flac)
Ogg Vorbis Audio (*.ogg)
MusicXML File (*.xml)

And I can Save As with:
MuseScore File (*.mscz)
and the Uncompressed MuseScore File (*.mscx)

Does anyone know how to get MuseScore to export into *.mus? Or, how to convert one of these file types into *.mus? Or, perhaps even go through with my submission process, but without the need to upload a *.mus file?

Thanks for any help! I would love to share the my arrangement with those who enjoy this game! :)


The only solution I can think of is to convert it to MID and play it on Finale Notepad, and (hopefully) all the notes are there. Then all you need to do is fix formatting and wallah!


You could also import the xml into Finale Notepad 2012 (free). Simply save the file as a mus and you are ready to go! The only negative is that xml conversions can mess up the formatting sometimes, so you might want to check that out. Also, you could do the midi thing, but that doesn't save formatting, which can be a pain to replace in Notepad.
"I'm always here to help. Except when I'm not." ~Latios212

"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable." ~Donald J. Trump

Piano player


Midi only saves the notes, so go the .xml way

Follow the xml-brick road, Dorothy!


Only finale programs will ever be able to save or read .mus files because they're custom designed to the programming.

If you're just starting out at this game of arranging, you should get Finale Notepad which is free and will let you get most of the things you need. (Because it's free, it's designed to be a pain in the ass yes we know already but this route will let you be most independent)

If you're like some other arrangers who showed up here periodically (like tobbeh and bespinben) and you already have either  past experience and/or you're some kind of musical prodigy, requesting help in ".mus-ing" your files might be the way to go if Notepad will basically never have the capabilities you require at your arranging caliber. What I mean is write your sheets in MuseScore, then give it to someone (after gaining their consent of course) with a finale product and they can rewrite it for you using an afore mentioned .xml file so you then have a .mus file.

If you're going to get serious with the wonderful world of arranging then I'd suggest at least looking at saving for a decent finale product but if it's only ever going to be a small-time hobby thing then don't pay any money; just go with Notepad or stay on MuseScore depending on which is right for your abilities.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Quote from: JDMEK5 on August 25, 2015, 02:49:30 PMWhat I mean is write your sheets in MuseScore, then give it to someone (after gaining their consent of course) with a finale product and they can rewrite it for you using an afore mentioned .xml file so you then have a .mus file.

Transferring Musescore files to Notepad is actually really simple. I use a Mac so I don't know how that might affect things, but if you have a score on Musescore, you can use File > Export > and then select .xml from the dropdown to create an .xml file, and then go to Notepad then to File > MusicXML > Import to pull it into Notepad, and then from there you can save it as a .mus or .mid (MuseScore can save files as .mid as well but general playbacks of scores in Notepad tend to be better than Musescore playbacks so I trust the Notepad version of the .mid more). You can also create .pdf files directly from Musescore straight from the same Export option.

Regardless, Notepad doesn't allow for the ability to remove the "Pno." markings that show up at the beginning of every system or add measure numbers, so someone with a more advanced version of Finale has to do that to the .mus file. If you create .pdfs with Musescore though, as long as they match the formatting guidelines and are almost pixel-perfect the same as the .mus file aside from those two things, then you won't need anyone else to do anything to the .pdf.


Thanks everyone!

Wanted to respond earlier, but only could do so til now.

I tried out the Finale method, so I got Finale Notepad 2012 and imported my MusicXML file from MuseScore to Notepad. Played the song, and seems to have transferred well! I just exported to *.mus and *.mid, and also got to Print to PDF. So I got the files I need to submit!

Thanks again guys! I very much appreciate getting the help. It's a fun little hobby I've had on an off. Nice to be interested in it again :)


Just throwing it out there that you can edit XMLs with a text editor or word processor to do more stuff, although it's a lot easier and better to just get someone with a higher Finale version to fix them anyways.

Quote from: Altissimo on August 25, 2015, 03:10:14 PMNotepad doesn't allow for the ability to remove the "Pno." markings that show up at the beginning of every system

Notepad can (not Finale Notepad). Open the XML with Notepad (or whatever word processor you use on a Mac), find a line that says <part-abbreviation>Pno.</part-abbreviation>, and delete it.

Quoteadd measure numbers

Look for a line that says <measure-numbering>none</measure-numbering>, then change the "none" into "system" so that it looks like <measure-numbering>system</measure-numbering>.

So yeah, you can potentially edit an XML file to appear almost any way you want this way, although it's still better to just ask for help from other users, especially if you need to make a lot of changes.

we should really just let people send in MuseScore files