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TWG LXXXIII: Convergence Zone Postgame Extravaganza

Started by Dudeman, August 19, 2015, 09:08:22 PM

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TWG LXXXIII: Convergence Zone

Role Reveal:
1. Tridus: NocturneOfShadow
2. Blind/Deaf: mariolegofan
3. Cil: davy
4. Agrith: BlackDragonSlayer
5. Vintash: FireArrow
6. Othek: Latios212
7. Rofut: Brawler4Ever
8. Tirall: Maelstrom
9. Sekka: fank009
10. Jogul: Dude

Night 1: Wolves choose to not wolf anyone to support Noc's Jogul claim. Fank seers Noc red. MLF didn't use a power for some reason??
Day 1: Dude and Noc vote for Dude. FA, B4E, Mael, Latios, BDS, and fank vote Noc. Fank's vote came in literally 4 minutes before phase end so I didn't bother to mention it was technically an insta. Noc is lynched.
Night 2: Noc uses his vigi on davy (ouch!). Fank seers BDS green. MLF wolfs Dude, but nothing happens 'cause Dude's the Fool. Aaaaaaand he still doesn't use a power. ???
Day 2: Dude votes for Dude. B4E, FA, fank, BDS, and Mael vote MLF. MLF is insta-lynched. Game over. Humans win.

Wolf MVP: Wolves played pretty terribly. Correction: Noc played pretty terribly. The fool claim died pretty early, and Noc soon after. Imma give this to MLF for briefly fooling people (read:Brawler) into thinking he was the fool.
Human MVP: Shoutouts to Brawler, fank, FA, and Mael for the behind-the-scenes discussion (thanks for letting me in on that, btw. Fun reads). Giving official MVP to Brawler for solid reasoning and generally good-humanness. fank's a close second.
and way to go dude you only got one person to say they would vote for you and they never pm'd it to me

Discuss, if you choose. I care not.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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Quote from: Dudeman on August 19, 2015, 09:08:22 PMImma give this to MLF for briefly fooling people (read:Brawler) into thinking he was the fool.
I see what you did there. ;)

Lynching noc was a huge risk, but it worked out in the end. Shoutouts to fank for realizing that I wasn't the Fool. I think Mael knew as well, but he never said anything about it. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. By the beginning of Day 2, fank had worked out that there was one wolf among MLF, Latios, and FireArrow.  We decided to just go down the list, because why not? If Cil had not been killed until that time, we would have lynched BDS or whoever was Seen Night 3 and the game would be over after a second lynch.
A smart play on Day 1 by mlf might have been to confess that he was a wolf to protect his partner. That is, if he had used his power to block fank, which he didn't. If fank had been blocked and mlf had confessed, none of us would have touched noc again. That would have kept us away from noc for quite some time, and might have led them or Dude to winning.

Moment of irony: Of those that voted for noc, the last one was fank, who was the only one that actually knew that noc was the wolf. Everybody else (including me) was just crossing their fingers and hoping that they weren't making a huge mistake. :P
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!



... I dont think we've ever had that much of a perfect game...

MLF not using any powers was stupid, though in hindsight couldnt have thought of anything else.

Nocts claim wasn't too stupid., 9/10 times it is a wolf claim though. I wasn't suprised noct claimed fool. I prolly had 2 tells as to the fact I was sekka. first was pushing the idea that I "Know" that noct was a wolf (what it felt like anyway), 2nd was pushing for a tirall claim, (mainly so I could feed my knowledge and see who I could). Brawler did have some good plans, but I like to think I had a "decent" case without having the need to claim. (a skill everyone should learn)

as soon as tirall claimed, I made a decent guess that Brawler wasnt the fool.

I wouldnt blame noct too much for the curbstomp. I said somewhere I wouldnt have gone near noct if he wolfed someone else and I didn't get a result. noct had a decent plan, it was poor execution from mlf who didnt follow up, not to mention MLF was as good as fair game when tirall said it was fair game.

MLF did somewhat sway me, but as my attitude changed with that lynch list. I was suprised dude was the fool, but in hindsight he played pretty well but got screwed by an inept wolf team, (-noct). the one person I feel really sorry for was davy who drew the short straw.

Quote from: Brawler4Ever on August 19, 2015, 09:36:41 PMA smart play on Day 1 by mlf might have been to confess that he was a wolf to protect his partner.
I would have just scanned noct freely N2. (would he have gone for me??? who knows)

I think in retrospect, with me/brawler at the helm we could have gone a while and lead a human victory with a competent wolf team as opponents, but in the end we get a curb stomp.

I somewhat feel disappointed in myself that all I had was a seering proving noct was red :/

who knows what would have happened d1 if I was blocked... (prolly a dude/BDS lynch, I would have gone with the bds lynch personally, or tirall would have claimed. xD)

Quote from: mariolegofan on August 19, 2015, 09:48:09 PMOuch
hey brawler, I'm sure there's a meme somewhere of two people just beating up on the sandbag... thats what happened here xD
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I was betting on MLF not being a wolf but oh well at least the game is over now


I had a feeling the game would end like this
>not a wolf, dies day 1
>wolf, dies day 1

oh well what can you do


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...