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Super Maya Galaxy 1

Started by mayastarr041, July 20, 2015, 10:05:17 PM

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Hero of Trains

Yeah, you did wonderfully! Thank you!  ;D
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


Like I said before, I'd like you to surprise me with my place in this story! I think it would be cool to be surprised by my own cameo! Besides, I think you'd be able to come up with a much better scenario than I could. You're the writer, remember? I'm a halfway decent writer, but I am not that good at storytelling. And you've obviously shown that you are. Can't wait to see where this leads! I'm getting more excited reading this than I did when playing the game itself! The music is definitely an added touch! It's making me want to play this game all over again!  Impressive stuff; can't wait for the next chapter! :D
"I'm always here to help. Except when I'm not." ~Latios212

"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable." ~Donald J. Trump

Piano player


Quote from: cqk328 on July 22, 2015, 10:11:33 AMLike I said before, I'd like you to surprise me with my place in this story! I think it would be cool to be surprised by my own cameo! Besides, I think you'd be able to come up with a much better scenario than I could. You're the writer, remember? I'm a halfway decent writer, but I am not that good at storytelling. And you've obviously shown that you are. Can't wait to see where this leads! I'm getting more excited reading this than I did when playing the game itself! The music is definitely an added touch! It's making me want to play this game all over again!  Impressive stuff; can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Same here. My character being a surprise


Haha ok guys. Your characters won't come on for a few more chapters so hang in there! I have something big for all of you! And introducing Latios to this chapter! Hope you guys enjoy! One of you guys will be Bowser's apprentice, there will be Lumas that portray you, and etc. Just wait.  ;)
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


The real question is whether you go for all 241 stars or you just beat bowser as fast as you can


Hey guys! Just in time for Chapter 2! Hope you guys enjoy!
Music used for this chapter:
1)Good Egg Galaxy:
2)Space Fantasy:
Chapter 2: A Snack of Cosmic Proportions
"Onward!" Trains yelled as we were launched to the Good Egg Galaxy.
After a few seconds, we landed on Good Egg Galaxy.
Cue the Music for Good Egg Galaxy
"Your mission is to feed Latios tons of Starbits, allowing you to get to the star! Good luck!" the voice shouted in our heads.
Trains winced.
"Turn the noise down will you?" she asked.
I agreed.
"Follow me!" Trains said as she grabbed my wrist and immediately dragged me down to the underside of the planet.
We were met by 3 Slurples. We avoided them as we jumped into the pipe to the right of us. We immediately were spewed out to the light side of the planet.
"Just a quick detour," Trains giggled as we immediately rushed to the dark side again.
While picking up starbits, we hit a question mark block. Trains hit it once as a starbit came out.
"Doesn't it hurt your head?" I asked.
"Nope! You see Mario hit many blocks, but he doesn't have a concussion!" Trains exclaimed as she hit the block 8 more times.
"How many times do you have to hit the block?" I asked, "You hit it 9 times already!"
Trains pondered momentarily.
"I'm guessing one more time!" she said as she hit the block. The block exploded into starbits as we raced over to get them.
"Nice one," I complimented.
"Thanks!" she replied.
We went up to where the stairs escalated.
"Hey!" A Luma said, "Shoot star bits at an enemy to stun them. Then you can run into them to finish them! Zap! Kapow!"
We saw an Octogoomba.
"Honors Train?" I asked.
"Gladly," she replied.
I shot a starbit at the Octogoomba as he became dazed.
"Finish him!" I yelled as Train did multiple backflips and landed right on its head, crushing it,"NICE ONE! Give me five!"
We high fived.
"That's very impressive," I told her as she blushed.
"It was nothing," she said, "Just took gymnastics for a while. Let's go!"
We climbed up the stairs and was met by a blue Luma.
"I've got a hungry friend up ahead. Hope you don't mind sharing snacks, do you?" it asked as it transformed into a pull star that made way to a launch star.
"Let's go!" I told Train as we focused on the stars. Immediately, we began drawing closer to it and we came closer until we were met by the launch star. We were launched to a pear looking planet. There were goombas, spiky plants, a patch of flowers, a launch star encased in crystal, starbits encased in crystals, and a green ballish thing.
"These galaxies and planets flawless designs never cease to amaze me," Trains said breathlessly, "Wow."
"Yeah, wow," I repeated.
I honestly couldn't wait to visit the Space Junk Galaxy. We collected starbits, destroyed Goombas, and destroyed the launch star encased in ice. We got on the launch star and we blasted off to the boulder planet where there were boulders rolling around this big rock. There were also starbits encased in crystals and a mini launch star. A bigger launch star lay to its left, encased in crystal. We stumbled upon another exclamation point box.
"You do it now Maya," Trains told me as I approached the block.
Bonk! No pain...well what do you know?
"Wow, it actually feels good!" I told Trains as she grinned.
I hit it 9 more times as the box exploded into another frenzy shower of starbits.
"We are stocking up on a lot of them," Trains said, "I expected it to be heavy on me, but hey, who came blame Mario physics?"
I laughed as Trains ran off to the mini launch star. She was flung upwards as she got a coin.
"Only a coin?" she asked lame as she fell back to Earth.
I raced over to her and said, "I got you Train!"
I "accidentally" dropped her as she landed on her butt.
"Ow!" she hissed, "What was that for?"
"Oops?" I smirked as she gave me a playful glare.
"You'll pay for that," she said as she began chasing me around.
"Crap," I whispered as I began running around, Trains on my tail.
I didn't see a boulder heading my way and for the second time, I was crushed by a boulder.
"Dang it! I hate boulders!" I whined as Trains tried stifling a giggle, but failed as she began laughing like crazy, rolling around.
"Real funny Train," I smiled as I helped her up.
We went over to the huge launch star, cracked the crystal, and we blasted off into an Egg shaped planet. There was a hungry Luma, patches of grass, and many goombas wandering. We approached the Luma.
"Hey Latios!" Trains greeted as Latios turned our way.
"Hey guys!" he greeted as he held up 2 starbits, "Feed me, I'm hungry!"
"All right piggy, hold up," Trains giggled.
"Piggy," I snorted then laughed.
"Give me food and STOP LAUGHING!" Latios pouted cutely.
"How could we resist?" Trains asked as we began feeding him starbits.
10 starbits went by, 20,30,50,70,90, then 100. Latios had turned into a fat Luma.
"Ohh man!" he complained, "I'm stuffed! But I want more!"
"Ah, ah, ah fatty," I told him, "That's enough! Now transform!"
"Fine," he huffed, "I'll be back! TRANSFORM!"
"By Latios!" Trains called out as Latios turned into a shiny white glowing ball that launched itself next to the pear planet.
The ball turned into a huge planet shaped like a tower. Immediately, a launch star was formed as we got on it. This time, the launch star was pink. We were launched all the way to the planet. We were met by a goomba doing absolutely nothing in a patch of grass. As we walked towards it, it was us and began charging at us, but we took care of it in no time. There was a yellow patch of flowers on the next incline and we raced all the way up to the top where we boarded the launch star. It launched us upwards and we saw the pill planet approaching.
"Please don't tell me we will land on the pill planet!" I shouted to Trains.
"We will!" she said, "Brace yourself!"
We landed on the planet with a hard boom. Thankfully, we weren't hurt, but the pressure had rattled us.
End Good Egg Galaxy Music
Cue Space Fantasy

Immediately, the orchestrated song stopped as a more peaceful song made its way.
"Heck, even the music makes this much more better," I told Trains as she nodded dreamily.
We made our way across the pill planet, battling goombas and destroying crystals. We came upon a crystal with nothing inside and as we destroyed it, an entrance was formed. We jumped in. It was filled with blue and orange arrows either pointing up or down.
"Gravity," Trains told me, "The arrows represent the direction we will be in. If it points down, gravity will push us down and vice versa."
We made our way across the interior as we found a down arrow and up arrow side by side. We jumped to the arrow pointing upwards as we shifted upwards. I expected to feel blood rushing up my head, but instead it felt normal. I decided not to question the physics behind all this. We were met by another arrow pointing downwards as we shifted directions once again. The rest of the way was like this, shifting directions and just making our way upwards. We approached the final up arrow as we were flung to the top where there were 2 goombas and a launch star.
"Will we have to be launched outta here and crack our heads open by hitting that glass wall?" I asked nervously.
She thought for a moment.
"Do you trust me?" she asked.
"Yeah, why..." I began, but she carried me and flung us to the launch star as we launched out of the planet.
There was a Bang as glass shattered, but none of us were hurt. In fact, we didn't feel anything at all. We were launched all the way to this yellow star like planet with blue chips scattered everywhere.
"Thanks Train," I sighed, "I might've been stuck there forever.
"We're friends," she told me, "And friends stick together. Am I not right?"
"You are right Train. Thank you." I smiled as she grinned at me.
We began collecting the starchips as a pull star was made to the star that was right in the middle of the planet. As we explored the underside of the star planet, we saw a single coin twirling around. Questioning that would get us nowhere, so I just kept my mouth shut.
"I swear," I told Trains, "This music reminds me of another song..."
"Battlerock?" she asked.
"Yeah!" I told her, "Battlerock! In my top 10 of the greatest Galaxy music!"
"Not top 5 or 3?" she asked.
"Nah," I told her, "This song is overrated, but hey, who knows? What's your favorite song?"
"Oh, I'll tell you when we get there, but you have to tell me yours too," she told me as I nodded.
"Absolutely," I agreed as we made our way back to the surface.
"Trains, can you get the star?" I asked.
"Gladly," she replied as she was pulled to the leftmost star. Immediately, she shifted towards the right pull star and she came into contact with the star.
"Nice!" I said as we were whisked back to the observatory.
End Music of Space Fantasy
We were back in the space observatory with 2 stars. We met each other's eyes and we smiled.
"Ready for more?" she asked.
"More ready than I'll ever be," I told her as we resumed our gaze upon the Good Egg Galaxy.
And done! Here you go guys! Hope you enjoyed and don't worry, I have all the characters planned out so...BYE!
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on July 22, 2015, 02:05:37 PMThe real question is whether you go for all 241 stars or you just beat bowser as fast as you can
Oh, it's going to be all the stars, but not the "Luigi" one's. Also, there is going to be a Galaxy 2 sequel then possibly we will move to the Paper Mario series!
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!

Hero of Trains

Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


Quote from: mayastarr041 on July 22, 2015, 02:40:32 PMpossibly we will move to the Paper Mario series!
I support this^ :)

Tbh, the Paper Mario series might work better since it's more of a story than Galaxy which is more gameplay.....but Galaxy has worked amazingly so far. Great Work! :)

Hero of Trains

I might have to make a companion with some of my favorite games too! Hmm... how would that work... I know! You'll be Luke and I get to be Layton! ;)
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


This makes me want a 2 player SMG


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on July 22, 2015, 03:40:32 PMThis makes me want a 2 player SMG

Yea, with 2 player meaning ACTUAL 2 player rather than the stupid 2nd player luma thing.
"I'm always here to help. Except when I'm not." ~Latios212

"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable." ~Donald J. Trump

Piano player


Oh yeah^

This year's e3 was probably the worst yet :/


Heya guys! New story will be up in about 30 mins. Will try to post another one at night. I really want to move on to the Paper Mario series because man, it will be very fun! Who doesn't want to meet Count Bleck? Grodus? The Shadow Queen? The Almighty Dimentio????! Can't wait!
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Music you will be hearing:
1)Good Egg Galaxy:
5)Pipe Interior:
6)A Tense Moment:
7)King Kaliente phase 1:
9)King Kaliente phase 2:
Chapter 3: King Kaliente's Battle Fleet
Trains and I were whisked back to Good Egg Galaxy.
Cue the Good Egg Galaxy Music
'Welcome to the Galaxy!' the voice in our heads shouted, "Today, you will defeat King Kaliente to retrieve the power star! Good luck!'
We winced. That voice was getting really annoying.
"Look, the launch star is up the house!" Train told me as I gazed upon the launch star, "Wanna do some acrobatics up there?"
"I can't do those," I blushed, "I suck."
"Nonsense!" Trains replied, "Let me show you!"
"Wait!" I told her, "Before we do, follow me for a second."
I led her to the underside of the planet and we saw an orange pipe waiting.
"After you Trains," I said as she sweetly smiled and jumped in, me following her.
End Good Egg Galaxy Music
Cue Pipe Interior Music

We were standing on a gray ground. There was a red wall to our left, green wall to our right, and a blue wall to the front of us. The walls were chipped as we saw paint peeling off and masses of black liquid oozing on the edges. There were arrow signs portraying directions and a large question mark coin surrounded by 4 yellow solid stuff. Trains touched the large coin and a Ding was heard. It morphed into rainbow colored musical notes as it began spreading out in a line. As we can began touching and following it, a familiar tune was played.
"It's the Mario Underground Music!" Trains squealed, "Nostalgia strikes again!"
We fan girled and began hugging each other.
"Let's go!" I told her as the notes led us to the red wall, then to the ceiling. It circled an orange pipe as we collected the last note. It morphed into a one up mushroom as ticking noises were heard.
"Crud!" Trains yelped as she raced to the one up mushroom.
She got it just in time as the timer expired.
"You are really fast," I said in awe.
"Why thank you!" she replied as we exited the pipe.
End Pipe Interior Music
Cue Good Egg Galaxy Music

It spat us out at the top of the house.
"Crud!" Trains said as she playfully glared at me, "Next time, we are going to do acrobatics up there. You were lucky."
Realization hit me as I had avoided embarrassment.
"Oh man, I guess I am," I smirked as she rolled her eyes playfully as she laughed.
We got in the launch star and it blasted us to the Tropic Planet. There were palm trees, coconuts, goombas, patches of waters, and spiky plants.
"Ooh, coconuts!" Trains said as she picked one up, "They are so heavy!"
She flung the coconut towards an extremely large spiky plant as it was destroyed, forming a mini launch star.
"Huh," she said, "Let's go!"
The mini launch star flung us to another tropical planet. As we went to the center, a large pokey sprang up.
"Holy cow!" I exclaimed as it knocked me off my feet.
Trains helped me up as I smiled gratefully.
"Let's play some soccer shall we?" Trains asked as she lined up a coconut in front of the Pokey.
"Let's go!" I said, "I'll commentate, you score the goal, "Trains brings the ball up to the defender as she gives it a hard kick! Score! The Pokey is down and the crowd goes WILD!"
I started cheering like crazy and began congratulating Trains like crazy.
"We won!" I yelled.
"Yeah!" she played along as we started going crazy, unknown that it had formed a launch star.
After a couple more minutes of cheering, we realized that there was a launch star there.
"Oops," Trains said as she blushed a crimson red.
Without speaking, we got on the launch star and we were launched towards the Asteroid planet. There were 2 chomps rolling around and we saw another pipe.
"Hmm, replacing boulders with Chomps?" I thought loudly.
"Do you pay attention to every single detail?" she asked.
"Y-yeah," I said, not meeting her gaze.
She cracked a grin.
"Same here!" she said as I laughed.
"Oh, you had me scared, I thought you were about to call me weird!"
"Weird? Why? Personally, we are really cool. And who cares if people call us weird? That's the side of us we should embrace! Let those haters hate!" Train told me and I sighed in relief, "Now come on! The warp pipe is waiting!"
We went in the warp pipe.
End Good Egg Galaxy Music
Cue Pipe Interior

This place was spherical and it contained many Goombas and another question mark coin. We finished off the Goomba and ran into the coin. We found ourselves glowing a rainbow color.
"We're invincible! Let's go!" Trains told me as we exited.
End Pipe Interior
Cue Good Egg Galaxy Music

We emerged outside to the planet and began running into the Chomps. They woofed as we destroyed them. We got onto a launch star and it flung us to the Chomp Saucer Planet. We literally destroyed anything in our path. More Chomps came our ways as they were wrecked. Bullet Bills couldn't touch us, Goomba's ran away from us, and even those spiky plants seemed to retreat. We made our way up the staircase and freed the trapped launch star. We got onto the Launch Star and it launched us to 2 airships.
End Good Egg Galaxy Music
Cue A Tense Moment

The music immediately shifted to something more dark. I felt like something big was out there. We were met by two Octopuses who fired coconuts at us. Trains had this glint in her.
"Batter up!" she said excitedly as she picked up a piece of wood.
She swung a coconut as it hit an Octopus right in the face, immobilizing it. I stared at her in awe. She just smiled.
"Your turn!" she replied cheerfully as she handed me the bat.
"But, I suck," I told her.
"Ah, ah, ah," she said, "Try."
I nervously got into position as a coconut came my way. I swung to early as it got me in the face. I held my nose in pain.
"Ahh dang it!" I growled, "That hurt!"
He threw another coconut as it got me right in the guts.
"Oof!" I gasped, "Your up."
I gave it to Trains who eyed the Octopus angrily. She hit it with all her might as it sped 90 mph's to the Octopus as he fell of his station.
"Thanks," I told Trains who smiled apologetically in return, "It's fine. It was great practice."
A bridge came down as we ran to the next airship. There were more Octogoomba's, but we ignored them and raced over to the top right of the ship. There was a launch star as we got into it. It fired us upwards as we were met by a large spherical dome.
"Danger up ahead!" a Luma warned us as it disappeared into view.
We looked at each nervously as we went to the upperside of the dome. Immediately when we went up, the whole place shook. A huge octopus appeared in the middle of the lava. He had blue eyes and a crown with multicolored jewels.
"King Kaliente!" Trains said.
End A Tense Moment
Cue Music for King Kaliente Phase 1

The King fired 3 fiery rocks at us as I went left and Trains went right.
"Get those coconuts!" Trains said as Kaliente fired a coconut at Trains.
Trains gave it a nice hard kick as it returned to King Kaliente and hit him. He recoiled as he glared at us. He fired another 3 set of rocks as we dodged them once again. He spat another coconut and Trains kicked it again. Instead of hitting Kaliente, he blocked it with his tentacles as it came racing towards me.
"Punch it!" Trains said, "Trust me!"
I rubbed my fists and gave it a hard punch. I expected my hand to be broken or me to be filled with pain, but instead, I felt perfectly fine. I stared in awe as it hit Kaliente again, knocking his crown off into the lava. He turned red with anger as we saw steam literally come out of him.
End King Kaliente Phase 1
Cue King Kaliente Phase 2

Kaliente roared in anger as he summoned Blue Lava Bubbles.
"What are those?" I asked.
"Don't touch them! They will give you 3rd degree burns!" she warned as Kaliente shot out a coconut.
I punched it, he deflected it, I punched it, he deflected.
"Go Trains!" I told her as I dived out of the way.
Trains raced up and gave the coconut a hard roundhouse kick as it hit Kaliente, finishing him off. He fell back into the lava as the star popped out.
End King Kaliente Phase 2
We sat there momentarily breathing hard as we watched the star. Trains clapped me on the shoulder.
"Nice job," she panted.
"You too," I smiled, "Let's go."
We went to the star and touched it as it whisked us back to the Comet Observatory. Not bad for a days' work.
And done. All right guys, if I don't post Chapter 4 tonight, I'll post it tomorrow and I am thinking of writing a separate story right now, the Paper Mario series. What do you think?
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!