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A Poem for My Mother

Started by mayastarr041, July 20, 2015, 08:55:29 AM

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Here it is  :'( :'(
The 3 year anniversary of my mom's death. I dedicate this poem to her.

My Mother
Oh mother, it has been 3 years already
I bawl my eyes out just thinking of you
Your warm, lustrous hair
Your perfect smile
Taken from this world too soon
Why did you have to leave me so soon?
I have lost almost everyone
I was scared when I saw you dead
Your dilated eyes showed fear as you lay in your own blood
Your death haunts me still as I wake up in a pool of sweat, screaming, clutching my own throat
The true meaning of life has escaped me
What is life? Why am I still living?
Oh mother, I will join you soon enough
I will hopefully be reunited with you in heaven
Even if I am cast in hell, I will forever remember you
I have lost many of my friends
I have fallen into depression
I have been completely shut off from the world, but I do not care
The only memory I have left of you is a single blood stained picture
You were smiling, I was smiling, it was the perfect moment
These scars traced down my arms remind me of you
The dried caked blood that will forever remain there for you mother
The tears I've shed have turned red
Just like the blood flowing down me
You were the best and you never lost patience with me, even when I was really really bad
There is a dark cloud over my life, all the flowers have wilted away
My heart turns blacker and blacker each passing day
I will soon fade away
I love you very much mother
I will join you soon enough
I miss you very much
Please, never leave me
I love you :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Beautiful poem and you have my sympathies. I'm not going to say I know what it's like to lose a parent because I haven't yet.

But (I kinda said it before sorta in another topic), I honestly think that if your mom could see you now, she would really want you to cheer up and have a happy existence anyways. I'm not saying you shouldn't miss her, but with each closing door in life, another opens. She lives on in you so carry her legacy on and thrive in this world. I know you can do it.

And remember that you always have friends here at NSM. :)
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Quote from: JDMEK5 on July 20, 2015, 04:18:17 PMBeautiful poem and you have my sympathies. I'm not going to say I know what it's like to lose a parent because I haven't yet.

But (I kinda said it before sorta in another topic), I honestly think that if your mom could see you now, she would really want you to cheer up and have a happy existence anyways. I'm not saying you shouldn't miss her, but with each closing door in life, another opens. She lives on in you so carry her legacy on and thrive in this world. I know you can do it.

And remember that you always have friends here at NSM. :)
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(Please excuse me. I'm crying like a big baby right now. The tears won't stop even if I want it to. Why do you have this effect one me? It feels weird, yet it also feels very warm. :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!

Hero of Trains

Everyone here is your friend. We all believe in you, and that's what you're feeling. JDMEK is better at saying it, but we're all rooting for you!  ;D
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


Quote from: Hero of Trains on July 20, 2015, 04:25:57 PMEveryone here is your friend. We all believe in you, and that's what you're feeling. JDMEK is better at saying it, but we're all rooting for you!  ;D
Oh Train ;D
I swear, you are making me smile like crazy.
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!

Hero of Trains

I'm glad! That's all I try to do!  ;D
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


Quote from: Hero of Trains on July 20, 2015, 04:31:09 PMI'm glad! That's all I try to do!  ;D
And that's what I love about you Train. :)))
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!

Hero of Trains

Awwwwww, thanks! It means a lot!  ;D
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


Quote from: Hero of Trains on July 20, 2015, 04:37:13 PMAwwwwww, thanks! It means a lot!  ;D
Your welcome! Anything for you! And hey, quick question. What's up with the stars under one's profile. I swear I had only 2 stars...
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!

Hero of Trains

I have absolutely no idea. Really, I've been having that question myself. :P
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


Hmmm. I smell a mystery? Ready to solve it?!  ;D
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!

Hero of Trains

Yeah! I wonder if it's how many views or responses you have on your posts.  ???
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


True. True.
It could also be how much of your songs get published or as time passes, more stars get added?
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!

Hero of Trains

Probably not songs published, as I don't have any, but time passing is a good idea! I know that the big shiny stars Olimar, Jamaha and Latios have mean that they're staff members.
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


Yeah! One step closer! But, now I'm stuck. Darn it.
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!