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TWG LXXXI: Pokémon X & Y

Started by SlowPokemon, July 04, 2015, 02:30:24 PM

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Quote from: Maelstrom on July 05, 2015, 07:44:50 PMFank realized no one would get vigi'd N1, right?
He probably wanted Nocturne vigi'd Night 2, then.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


brawler seems like a good vote to me so far, sorry if I'm rushing things cause I'm on mobile


oh yay it's day phase now let's find the wolves!!! if you think this sounds forced maybe yOU SOUND A LITTLE FORCED

I'm gonna throw a vote on NocturneOfShadow. I might change it later after reading some more but who knows???
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


also it's not because he's the person who was right before me. A BDS vote seems like a bandwagon at this point, Mashi can wait, and I'm waiting for the inactives to make posts.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Jub3r7 on July 05, 2015, 09:15:16 PMI'm waiting for the inactives to make posts.

That's kind of what I'm doing as well. Not really much else on to go on atm.

Nocturne, just out of curiosity, what makes me a good vote?
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Bubbles, as per the norm, arriving fashionably late! (hair flip)

Fanks death looks like the classic "he attacked someone and then died, let's lynch him!!" wolf play. I'm gonna look through this giant list of people closer and try and develop my suspicions before I throw out nonsense

Also v excited to be playing a game with mashi jub and dude ALL in it!!


Quote from: Brawler4Ever on July 05, 2015, 09:33:35 PMbtw, Chat Room, guys. Please use it. :)
How about you, HMMMMM!?? You're not there right now! :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


->|   Brawler4Ever ( has joined #TWG
   Mashi   hola
   Brawler4Ever   hey
   Mashi   What do you think of BlackDragonSlayer?
   Brawler4Ever   what do you think is suspicious about him?
   Mashi   I asked first!!!
   Brawler4Ever   i personally don't see anything
   Brawler4Ever   lol
   Mashi   lol
   Brawler4Ever   i have nothing against him as of right now
   Mashi   It's not anything major, but I found his reaction to the wolfing to be unanticipated.
   Mashi   Whom did you think would be wolfed last Night Phase?
   Brawler4Ever   kind of random
   Brawler4Ever   how are the wolves supposed to know anything?
   Mashi   As did I.
   Brawler4Ever   i agree with Slayer's insight; it was probably to incriminate nocturne
   Brawler4Ever   or it might be to protect him
   Mashi   Which is why I found his first line of being "I can't say that's entirely unexpected" to be, unexpected!
   Brawler4Ever   lol true
   Mashi   What do you mean by "how are the wolves supposed to know anything?"
   Brawler4Ever   it was the first accusation of the game
   Brawler4Ever   the wolves are looking for the blues
   Mashi   I felt his analysis of the wolfing was awkward, as if he planned to say such.
   Mashi   Yes, they are.
   Brawler4Ever   they find the blues by the behavior of the players
   Mashi   Yup!
   Brawler4Ever   so far, there's no behavior to analyze
   Mashi   The behaviour will appear as the game goes on and stuff happens.
   Brawler4Ever   so for Night 1, it's literally "throw a dart and pray it hits a Blue" for the wolves
   Mashi   Yup!
   Brawler4Ever   that's what I meant
   Brawler4Ever   I personally don't trust FireArrow
   Brawler4Ever   that was a huge blunder on his part
   Brawler4Ever   it mgiht have been honest, but I'm not sure
   Mashi   What did FireArrow do?
   Brawler4Ever   told the Seer and Guardian to reveal themselves on Night 1
   Brawler4Ever   when they can't reveal their powers
   Mashi   Ah, I see.
   Brawler4Ever   he redacted his statement, but it was still... not smart
   Brawler4Ever   I'm not saying he's a wolf, I'm just saying I don't trust him.
   Mashi   I actually think he's slightly Human for a different reason.
   Mashi   Do you remember when he rescinded how he mentioned that he forgot that the Wolves can ignore guards?
   Brawler4Ever   yeah
   Brawler4Ever   that's what I meant
   Mashi   Don't you think a Wolf would have been more likely to have remembered that in the first place?
   Brawler4Ever   by "redacted"
   Mashi   And would never have mentioned for the Seer and Guardian to claim?
   Brawler4Ever   It's a tough rule, tbh
   Mashi   He redacted within about a minute of his remark.
   Brawler4Ever   very easy to forget
   Brawler4Ever   yeah
   Brawler4Ever   I don't think that's he's a wolf
   Brawler4Ever   I just don't trust him. That was a potentially HUGE blunder
   Mashi   Well, if you don't trust him, doesn't that imply that you think he's likelier to be a Wolf than Human?
   Brawler4Ever   no
   Brawler4Ever   I'm implying that he wouldn't be good at keeping secrets
   Brawler4Ever   It was nothing more than a facepalm moment
   Brawler4Ever   but still
   Brawler4Ever   I would hope that a Blue wouldn't trust him.
   Brawler4Ever   but if they do, that's their business
   Brawler4Ever   I have no intention of calling for FireArrow's lynching, to be clear
   Brawler4Ever   like we said, he redacted his statement. It was a mistake. He doesn't deserve to be lynched because of that.
   =-=   Mode #TWG +o Brawler4Ever by Mashi
   Brawler4Ever   that didn't ave, by the way
   Brawler4Ever   save*
   Mashi   rip
   Mashi   bcs you dont have an registered account on the nfnet server
   Mashi    /msg nickserv register password email
   Brawler4Ever   say that?
   Brawler4Ever   with password and email filled in, of course?
   Mashi   Yes.
   Mashi   And without the space.
   Brawler4Ever   which space?
   Mashi   I put a space before /msg
   Brawler4Ever   oh ok
   Mashi   And then whenever you want to log in, just type /msg nickserv identify password
   Brawler4Ever   ok i registered it
   Brawler4Ever   so if I log out, and say "/msg identify [my password] it'll log me in?
   Mashi   Yup!
   Brawler4Ever   cool
   Brawler4Ever   brb
   |<--   Brawler4Ever has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 05, 2015, 10:12:11 PMHow about you, HMMMMM!?? You're not there right now! :P
I have to sleep sometime. ::)

Also, FireArrow, no offense meant. I'm sure you're a great person. It was just a potentially HUGE blunder. :)

Aaaand I'm still not an op. :'(
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


No offense taken. I skimmed the OP, posted, then read it more in depth. I didn't partake in voting for a game, so I really had no idea what I was jumping into. I unfortunately like to use vocalize my thoughts to help me get things straight rather than ironing everything out before posting (which ends up being problematic when I'm a wolf, but I digress.)

Right now my biggest suspicion is BDS. His analysis of the wolfing seems more like something a wolf would say to look like a human then something a human would say to genuinely make insight. Mashi is a close second because his behavior mimics that of a game I played as his wolf partner over at LLF (aggressive start to day 1 then mellows out into discussion about activity.)

Noc is hard to read because he acts like a troll human or wolf, so I don't wanna make any assumptions there.

Brawler4Ever and Jub3r7 are giving me human leans atm (the former for being extremely proactive, the latter for going against the current on day 1.)

I'd prefer a BDS lynch as of right now, he makes a great day 1 lynch because:
-Wolfy behavior
-He generally acts extremely wolfy and always ends up getting lynched mid/late game, so if he is a human mislynching him now than inevitably doing so at a more critical time.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Safety on Dude

I'll be in the chat soon probably maybe.


My master troll plan is working
Mashi's log is human points for him, Bds is one of my original suspicions, and latios sill might not be human


Hey look guys, I'm not completely inactive this game!

Currently chatting with Brawler, chatlog will follow soon.

Anyway, I've just noticed this part of jub's post:

Quote from: Jub3r7 on July 05, 2015, 09:15:16 PMMashi can wait

This implies he is thinking of lynching Mashi. Jub, I'd like to hear your reasoning for wanting to lynch Mashi.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game