Altissimo's Hamtaro Arrangements (New 12/15 - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky thing)

Started by Altissimo, June 30, 2015, 06:02:06 PM

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Oh ok, but that's "I'm Your Ham" so it's already done anyway lol xD


The one we did was from Ham-Hams Unite, this one is at least in another key and might have some added stuff from the transition from 8-bit to 32-bit. Idk lol


Here we are, the mass update, the ENTIRE HHU COLLECTION (minus the ones already posted):

Hamtaro Time
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: This is a MIDI-fied version of the Hamtaro dub's title sequence. Thus the original composer and the game composer have both been credited. Copyright goes to Pax Softnica 2001, just like the other arrangements, but I'm not entirely sure this is correct.
Also, the falling line and subsequent "bounce" noises at 0:02 are artifacts from me having to record this directly off my emulator.

MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: There's a very, very quick note at the very beginning of the video, followed by a rising line. These are emulator artifacts that you don't hear after the piece loops.
The arpeggios in the right hand have had notes swapped octaves for the sake of playability and sounding good. If anyone knows a way these could be better retained in their given octaves, feel free to point it out. I still have the original file.
They're also a different layer because I feel like they're meant to be heard differently from the top line, they just happen to move at the same speed.

Boss' Introduction
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: The note in the bass at the beginning of the video is another artifact.

Clubhouse Rooms 1
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: The whole soundtrack is named according to what I think are the best names. In the area of the game called the Clubhouse, 15 characters have little individual rooms. Each room can have 1 of 3 tracks playing, with a track linked directly to a specific character. I just decided to call them "Clubhouse Rooms 1, 2, 3" for simplicity rather than, like, "Hamtaro, Jingle, Panda, and Stan's Rooms" or whatever the characters are (can't remember offhand). Any better title options are appreciated though.

Clubhouse Rooms 2
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: Moved the left hand down an octave so it doesn't clash with the right hand when playing.

Clubhouse Rooms 3
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: I think the left hand and second melody line are just doubling each other at the octave??? I think?????

Ham-Jam Room
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: I'm not sure how many of those bass octaves are actually present. But I like them lol

MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: This is the pause screen. Maybe I should call it "Pause Screen" or "Pause" instead of "Menu". I dunno.
The single note at the beginning and the upward line are emulator artifacts.
The E-flats at the beginning and end are representations of the percussion line.

Sunflower Park
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube

Flower Garden
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: This plays at two places in the game - in the Flower Garden and in a Cave. In the game's sequel the same track is used exclusively for Caves. But in this game you go to the Flower Garden before the Cave, so that's why I chose that title.
Also, it's whole-tone scale, and I assume the whole-tone scale just operates on "no key signature". I may have also notated the whole-tone scale with the wrong accidentals. Comments appreciated.
The bass has been dropped an octave to avoid clashing with the right hand.

Sunflower Elementary
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
The bass-line repetitions on a single note in m. 2, 4, 6, and 8 are representations of the percussion, which I personally feel is important to include since there's no other melodic material occurring simultaneously. How to notate it? Are these pitches good? Comments appreciated.
Also, the beginning is taken from the Westminster Chimes. Should copyright info reflect this? Or is Westminster Chimes just public domain at this point?

MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: The note at the very start is not part of the song. More emulator artifacts.
I dunno what the base pitches of the upwards glissandos at 0:18 and 0:20 are. Thoughts appreciated.
Measures 3-4, 7-8 and part of 10 have been raised an octave to reflect the fact that the original moves to a different sound but same pitches at this point.
The glissandos don't really show up on the MUS, but they do play back. They don't sound great and I'm not sure what the best way to write them is.

Sunflower Market
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: The note at the beginning is, again, inconsequential.

Little Lamb
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: Moved parts of the 2nd layer down an octave for ease of playing.

Chick-ah Jam
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: Couldn't get swing playback to work on Notepad. MLF tried to help but it ended up not doing swing playback or the glissandos at the end so I gave up. Here's the original version.

MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube

MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: Taken from Ravel's Bolero; composer info reflects this. Copyright is Pax Softnica 2001; if this is incorrect, I'd appreciate knowing the alternative!

Postman's Rush
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: Taken from Necke's Csikos Post; composer info reflects this. Copyright is Pax Softnica 2001; if this is incorrect, I'd appreciate knowing the alternative!
The original is written in E minor, and this one clearly starts out in E minor but ends with a B minor cadence. Which key signature should be reflected?

"g" Rock
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: It's called "g" Rock in-game. Because of the necessity of having quotes around the title, I changed it to 'g' Rock so it appears as "'g' Rock".
Just using an eighth note at the last measure is the best way I can think of to approximate the "bend". Suggestions welcomed, as always.

Young'n Wild!
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: That's the title. Not "Young'n' Wild!" as you might expect.
The gliss at the end is a little funky, dunno how to better write that.

Little Star
MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube
Arranger notes: Based on (but not exactly the same as) the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star theme. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star has its origins in a French folk melody, but I'm pretty sure the melody was chosen here because of the association with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star specifically (it's called "Little Star" and plays at a point in the game where you've just collected the 12th of 12 actual stars), so composer info is "Based on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" rather than "Traditional French folk song" like Olimar's Tetris A-theme does. As always, comments appreciated.
Moved the first and second layers down an octave each for playability reasons.


My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!





Not a new arrangement, but I've just uploaded the full soundtrack to Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue, to aid me in my future arrangement attempts... but if anyone wants to help out, here are the resources! :p
(Most track names, except ones with clear affiliation indications like "[Character's Theme]" or a level name like "Clover Elementary", are purely conjectural, though.)


Now an actual new arrangement: Kay Faraday's Theme, or "The Great Truth Burglar", from Ace Attorney Investigations (2)!

Quote from: Altissimo on October 10, 2015, 04:03:59 PMI AM FINALLY PLAYING INVESTIGATIONS 2 I downloaded it last summer and beat the first case but didn't get any further due to the ORAS pokedex being more important for all the months and then when I finally beat that Xenoblade happened so I'm FINALLY PLAYING THIS god I am such a terrible AA fan
and then Kay showed up and I was like "ah yes I forgot how much I love her theme"
"I should try to arrange it"
it took like 2 and a half hours which even I am surprised at.

Note: Yeah, it's not formatted correctly and there's no articulations or dynamics or any of that jazz yet. I plan to do that tomorrow. But all the notes are there, and mostly I'm just looking for some comments on playability and how well I incorporated the moving lines and if there's any stuff I missed for the time being. Since I'm not able to submit it until the next cycle, the other stuff is secondary at the moment.

(One specific thought: is there a good way to notate the drums in the first two measures with pitches?)

MIDI / MUS / PDF / Original on Youtube


That's a really cool piece! I can't get to your MUS file or PDF, though.

For the drums, I don't think you could go wrong with some low A's or E's in the first measure. In the second measure, you could try juggling some notes in the tonic triad and some notes in-between while descending back down to an A.

Something like this?
I've never tried putting notes to percussion before, though! I guess it would depend on what you have written already in your sheet (again, sorry the files aren't working for me! It's probably my fault. :)) )
Quote from: Yellow on October 13, 2015, 05:18:40 PM
...Really though. Don't let them take it away from you. That desire for something more, for adventure... for destiny. Don't let them turn it against you, either.


Quote from: Oronoco on October 25, 2015, 10:41:29 AMI've never tried putting notes to percussion before, though! I guess it would depend on what you have written already in your sheet (again, sorry the files aren't working for me! It's probably my fault. :)) )



In-progress version of this:


By "in-progress" I mean "missing some melodic echoes etc I could probably add to the right hand", "entire bass/harmony arrangements for a couple measures that are a bit odd", "changed rhythm in the bass sometimes" and "the harmonies accompanying the bass during the sixteenth-note runs in the RH". But there is still a lot there. So, comments on what I have so far, my RH articulations and LH harmonies (are the LH harmonies even fuken correct for instance)? I'd like to put this out here now so I can make adjustments as I go.

By the way, this is in the A blues scale, which uses the pitches A Cnat D Eb Enat Gnat A. Of course this means that only one of the accidentals in the A-maj key sig gets used: F#. Should I notate this as it is, in A-maj with C and G naturalized, in A minor with F sharped, or with one sharp in the key sig?


Fixed all the stuff I said I wasn't sure about in my post last night, here's an updated version:


(Still gonna have to give the C section (the part starting with the sixteenth-runs) another look over...)

Comments appreciated, especially since I'd like to submit this in the next submission cycle!


Updated version of Joking Motive, the version I've just submitted.



Handful of new arrangements - looking for some feedback on specific things.

Marathon - Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games
MID / MUS / PDF / Original

Things here: 1) the harmony additions in the LH - are they correct? and 2) there's a couple points in the RH where the harmony notes are not playable simultaneously to the melody, how can this be fixed

Moonlight - Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak
MID / MUS / PDF / Original

This is pretty clearly taken from Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Should the score more accurately reflect the original (which is in cut time for instance)? And how about copyright/composer info?

Boo Manor - Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak
MID / MUS / PDF / Original

ok this is pretty obviously unfinished. Things here:
1) the bass is going to get the percussion line (quarter-dotted eighth-sixteenth-eighth-eighth-quarter) but i got No idea how to incorporate that lmao. I don't want to use pitches, just hand percussion
2) are all the notes even correct lmao it's kinda hard to tell
3) is there a good way to incorporate the ghostly "whhhOOOOOoooo" that happens in the (currently blank) last measure for piano

Boo Manor is probably gonna be my next submission so I'd like to get feedback on it especially!

