E3 2015

Started by Dudeman, June 15, 2015, 11:20:06 AM

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Aw crap, wrong board. SOMEONE MOVE THIS
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Quote from: Maelstrom on June 15, 2015, 11:06:12 AMWrong thread, but Microsoft E3 analysis
Recore -- I mean, Inafune and MP devs are nice, but some gameplay would have been nice
Halo 5 looks pretty nice. I mean, the gameplay was scripted, but it looks cool. The mandatory 4P co-op may be a dealbreaker, though.
Backward compatibility is nice, but it's really just inserting a disc to download the digital game for free. Still pretty cool.
"Play the games you own without having to pay for them" Ouch. That's got to hurt, Sony.
New controller? Nice, but not that needed.
The Division -- Lost all my interest by taking way too long to come out.
Rainbow Six -- Meh
Dark Souls III -- Gameplay might be nice.
Plants VS Zombies something or other 2 -- See above.
*To many generic indie games*
Cuphead -- WTH
New game from the DAYZ creator. He's apparently not finishing his previous game, and instead creating another game way bigger than he can finish.
That's it from RARE? A game collection where one of the selling points is 10.000 gamerscore? Booooo.
Wait, they have a new game? It's just a generic pirate MMO? Boooo.
Oh that lame fable game again? Booo.
Rise of the Tomb Raider -- Did someone say Uncharted? Looks nice, but I'd hesitate to call that gameplay.
Microsoft has a contract with both Oculus and Valve for VR
Ok, the Hololens is pretty dang cool. Wait, that's just when your wearing the Hololens? Call me when you don't need that.
Why do they even bother having a guy hold the controller, when it's so obviously scripted?

Pretty good, but came up lacking when Microsoft brought up CEOs of EA and Ubi, along with some of those indie games.

edit: Forgot Forza. Apparently Microsoft doesn't know E3 isn't a car show.
Moved from Nintendo E3 board to a more appropriate spot.


The controller looks awesome, I don't know why you're meh about it.  Also the pirate game looks super cool, and you clearly never played the previous Tomb Raider because that's exactly how it was.  Very cinematic experience in certain sections like that but it's definitely gameplay, lots of QTE etc.

BC is a nice implementation, don't have to rebuy games I already own to play them again unlike *certain other companies*

Style of Cuphead looks really interesting, glad to see something unique.

Now for more hype, MGSV trailer:

Also, did nobody watch all of the amazing Bethesda stuff yesterday?  Fallout 4 sounds amazing.  Customizable power armor, huge building tools, OVER THE SHOULDER CONVERSATIONS

me irl


Fallout 4 looks great and I'm pretty damn excited for it.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


So no Diddy Kong Racing.....or would that be under Nintendo?


Nintendo owns Diddy Kong, so if that were to somehow happen they would be the ones announcing it.  I don't know why they would try to have a semi-redundant racing title alongside Mario Kart though, if anything they would hopefully do some Diddy Kong adventure game or something else new.

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on June 15, 2015, 12:22:39 PMThe controller looks awesome, I don't know why you're meh about it.  Also the pirate game looks super cool, and you clearly never played the previous Tomb Raider because that's exactly how it was.  Very cinematic experience in certain sections like that but it's definitely gameplay, lots of QTE etc.
The controller looked pretty nice, but was it really that necessary? It just seems like a high end version of the normal XBone controller, and not that unique.
That pirate game didn't look that interesting. It seems more like a pirate take on all those early access MMOs on steam (DAYZ, The Forest, ARK: Survival Evolved) than an original game.
No, I haven't played the previous Tomb Raider game, due to the fact that I still live at home and it doesn't seem like the kind of game for me. I didn't realize that it was that cinematic, so I guess I was wrong. I just don't think it's the kind of game I would love.

Cuphead looks unique, but I had a hard time telling exactly what was going on.

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on June 15, 2015, 12:22:39 PMNow for more hype, MGSV trailer:
That is how you make a trailer. I'd buy it, but I haven't played a single MGS game.  :( (And I still live at home)


Mario Kart is pretty much the ultimate racing title for Nintendo, so they'd have to make DKR really stand out/interesting for it to sell other than going on the fact it's a Diddy Kong Racing game.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Honestly I don't need any other racing game after Mario Kart 8, they've fixed everything that was even remotely a problem in the older entries.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Eh, MK8 is still a little too loose for my tastes, but I'm all for more story based racing.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Need for Speed -- What a generic cgi trailer
Totally calling BS on that footage. It looks too much like watch dogs.
Starwars. Meh.
The story looks decent, but cliched.
Unravel looks pretty good. I enjoyed the dev's reactions more than the trailer
Garden warfare 2. The most serious of gamers played this a lot.
I'm more willing to belive that this is gameplay, but I don't see 4 people playing.
"Free content updates" It's EA. They'll find a way to make money off of this.
EA sports. double meh.
Football whatever it's called is beyond ugly.
"Last year, we downloaded our games more than 715 million times across our consumers"
"Truly original" "Minions"
Bad CGI trailer
First gameplay: KILL IT WITH FIRE
Looks like Dungeon Keeper Mobile
Ignored all the sports stuff.
Mirror's Edge 2 looks decent. I'd put myself as cautiously optimistic, but it's EA so I'll just go with cautious.
More boring sports stuff
Still no actual battlefront gameplay
Gameplay. Not sure if real.



Battlefront looks amazing, I'm only slightly mad that there's no space battles now.  It's exactly what I would want from massive Star Wars battle insanity.

Total free roaming Mirror's Edge sounds very cool, curious how that will end up.

I don't know why they hyped up TOR expansion that much, I was under the impression that the MMO was a flop but ah well :B

Nothing else was that notable to me, Unravel looks like a maybe could be good maybe just pretentious indie thing, and everything else was SPORTZ and casual filler

Note that EA as a larger entity usually has nothing to do with EA owned studio games being bad, that's just a neckbeard fantasy.  Various interviews with developers has confirmed that if anything EA gives studios too much freedom, and they end up having shitty internal management that causes many of the things people complain about i.e. always online and DLC.  Precisely the same deal with Rare and MS.

Maelstrom, do you even know what "gameplay footage" means?  That doesn't automatically mean "live demo", it's just captured footage from a playable build of the game.  It may or may not be what you would actually see at all times since they generally will have some camera manipulation to see a bit more than you would when playing, but it is representative of the actual game.  When you start getting "in-engine", that just means they rendered something and yes, that is what is NOT gameplay.

me irl


Point taken. I guess I just question short vertical slices way too much.

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on June 15, 2015, 03:05:57 PMNote that EA as a larger entity usually has nothing to do with EA owned studio games being bad, that's just a neckbeard fantasy.  Various interviews with developers has confirmed that if anything EA gives studios too much freedom, and they end up having shitty internal management that causes many of the things people complain about i.e. always online and DLC.  Precisely the same deal with Rare and MS.
Again, point taken. Yet, it seems that these seem to pop up in games the longer that EA owns them. And then the studios get closed down. Granted, that is just my uninformed opinion, so I may be terribly wrong.


It seems to me like it's just a running confusion between "EA makes things bad" and "large bueracracy makes things bad".

EDIT: Another year, another BG&E2 no show :(

Ghost Recon looked pretty neat though

me irl


Super Mario Maker might have just convinced me to buy a Wii U. I've always been at a state of "almost" buying one, but I think it might have pushed me over the edge.  ;D
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!