
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
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Started by Latios212, May 21, 2015, 06:14:57 AM

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I have officially experienced Nirvana


Rescue Team is back.
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Bespinben's face right now:


I'm interested in the screen with the web of Pokémon and how it's organized.


Honestly, I can't think of a single gripe right now everything about this game so far is amazing
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Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



...multiple things.



Third: Personality Quiz is back? Argh... Better be optional.

Fourth: The trailer music sounds EPIC yet again!

Fifth: Plot looks epic, hope it also will be as dark as GTI.


Ever since I was young I had a theory that Explorers took place on a western continent while rescue team took place in the east. Did I see the future?

Also, if RRT'S region is returning, I hope they do something Like Ys IV where they completely remaster some of the OST.

Like how this:

became THIS:


I'm finally excited again for a Pokemon game. Last time I was this excited was when GTI was confirmed. Shows you how much faith I had in Gen VI...

I suppose I can also use this chance to prepare my "Feel the superior wrath of PMD!" rant when people inevitably complain about the lack of Pokemon Z at E3.

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Hero of Trains


Now for the hardest choice of all time. Who should be my partner, Squirt (Rescue Team) or Mudkip?

Also, female Charmander had better be Brave nature this time too. I would hate for this to be the first one I had to lie on.

Also, YAAAY!!!!!
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back


Holy shit (^_^)b

Personality quiz is actually exciting news for me though I've voiced iffy opinions on it. I'll just take whatever I'm given. I'm always chosen as Sassy though so I'm sure it'll be whatever that is
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: TheDreamingHawk on June 09, 2015, 09:14:51 AMSixth: RESCUE TEAM CONTINENT CONFIRMED!!!
Also, if RRT'S region is returning, I hope they do something... where they completely remaster some of the OST.

I'm so stoked to revisit Great Canyon and its glorious music...

(anyone notice in the English trailer a week ago there was a dungeon that looked kinda like Great Canyon?)


I have to wonder... will this be a prequel or sequel to Red/Blue Rescue Team? I'm thinking sequel, 10 years in the future, 'cuz, ya know, Nintendo loves to do that sort of stuff (*cough*SkywardSwordxZelda25anniversary*cough*)
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


Okay I'm all for speculation and I don't mean to sound like a prick but don't compare Pokémon with other Nintendo titles as it is developed by Game Freak, separately from Nintendo, and is only published by Nintendo. That's a pet peeve of mine. This one isn't even really developed by Game Freak, though, so it's even further removed from Nintendo.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: Bespinben on June 09, 2015, 10:44:13 AMI'm so stoked to revisit Great Canyon and its glorious music...

(anyone notice in the English trailer a week ago there was a dungeon that looked kinda like Great Canyon?)


I have to wonder... will this be a prequel or sequel to Red/Blue Rescue Team? I'm thinking sequel, 10 years in the future, 'cuz, ya know, Nintendo loves to do that sort of stuff (*cough*SkywardSwordxZelda25anniversary*cough*)

I'm thinking Sequel. Everything seems a bit "clean" on the RRT continent, implying to me that the events of the meteor are now ancient legends. Speaking of which, what if they rereleased RRT/BRT on VC to celebrate and if it detects them on your Nintendo eShop account, your old team will reappear in the story as legendary heroes? Super unlikely but would be neat nonetheless.

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Quote from: TheDreamingHawk on June 09, 2015, 10:54:02 AMwhat if they rereleased RRT/BRT on VC to celebrate and if it detects them on your Nintendo eShop account, your old team will reappear in the story as legendary heroes? Super unlikely but would be neat nonetheless.

I had been thinking about how SuperPMD is now essentially the Gold/Silver "Johto"  to Rescue Team's "Kanto", which led me to fantasizing of final boss battle against YOURSELF (i.e. the PMD equivalent of fighting Red atop Mt. Silver). I had avoided the thought of if they would include the Hero/Partner of PMD1 though because EVERYONE's set is different... but with your idea that actually makes it work. The only problem is that if you do that, then it raises the question of is the PMD1 Hero YOU, or is your SuperPMD Hero YOU? (Or neither, Gates considered)

Quote from: SlowPokemon on June 09, 2015, 10:17:01 AMI'm always chosen as Sassy though
(but yeah I see what you mean about not comparing separate business entities)
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: Bespinben on June 09, 2015, 11:02:13 AMI had been thinking about how SuperPMD is now essentially the Gold/Silver "Johto"  to Rescue Team's "Kanto", which led me to fantasizing of final boss battle against YOURSELF (i.e. the PMD equivalent of fighting Red atop Mt. Silver). I had avoided the thought of if they would include the Hero/Partner of PMD1 though because EVERYONE's set is different... but with your idea that actually makes it work. The only problem is that if you do that, then it raises the question of is the PMD1 Hero YOU, or is your SuperPMD Hero YOU? (Or neither, Gates considered)

Yeah that would be an issue. I'm not expecting it, but maybe this game will be the one that reveals the mysteries of the hero Lucario? Maybe HE'S the ultimate challenge, being hailed as a legendary hero even back in Rescue Team, before Gen IV existed. The RRT continent gives me hope that piece of the story will finally be revealed.

 It would also be neat if he had his own battle theme that fits with his strength, as if it was a desperate battle with an indestructible hero. Something along the lines of this would fit well in my opinion.


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Oh cool, the B/RRT Continent. I wonder if that would allow them to erroneously link ORAS and B/RRT via meteor?



Well I finally got a USB keyboard for my Wii U so I suppose I can give my plot prediction and hopes for this game early! It'll be quite long, so I hope you don't mind lots of detail and speculation. Of course none is this is confirmed and it's likely that these things won't happen in the game at all, or in the order i'm guessing them to happen in.

First off, just for fun, two cool composers that I would love to see in this game, along with an example of their prior work. even if it's EXTREMELY unlikely, it's still fun to hope.


Ryo Yonemitsu: Famous for remixing Falcom music. He hasn't done anything in a while though, and I can't find any data on whether he's active as a composer or not. Regardless, his talent would be neat to see in a game like this.

Example: A Still time (Ys I-II, PC Engine CD, 1990) I feel it would be neat to see a song of this beauty in the game somehow. While we have advanced past the age of Redbook audio, that still doesn't mean relaxing songs like this couldn't be made for PSMD, even if it's unlikely that Yonemitsu would do it.

Yoko Shimomura: Famous for a LOT of JRPG soundtracks, most notably Kingdom Hearts. I think we would all like someone of her talent and experience lending a hand with this soundtrack.

Example: MEGALOMANIA (Live a Live, 1994, Super Famicom) You are probably confused on why I picked an obscure song from an obscure game instead of one of her more recent songs as an example. Well, in my opinion I think we need some change in the boss music. Having the same theme for four games now is a bit silly. What better way to change it up than to have an intense, epic theme similar to this to get everyone excited for an upcoming boss battle, made by a legendary composer? It would certainly be a nice change of pace for her considering how she's mostly known for more emotional songs in this day and age.

With my "Dream Team" composers out of the way, here's my "Not likely but still fun to speculate based off of the trailer" plot predictions. Let me know what you think about my predictions, on if some of them may be likely from what we know, or if some of these are rather crazy. E3 is next week, so it's likely there will be a demo for the press. Maybe then we can see if I got some of these things right!

Plot Predictions: Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

-Game would begin with a legend of sorts, going over the events that have happened in the prior games (the RRT continent in the trailer leads me to believe it'll mention every major game in the series.) Explorers would be the first in the timeline, followed by Gates to Infinity, then Rescue Team before finally PSMD. Squad doesn't count. Current timeline is the good future from Explorers.

-Human would find herself in a mysterious dream, where the quiz takes place. Option to skip the quiz and go straight to what the player feels is best. After the duo is picked the player would emerge next to a lake, and discover that he/she is a Pokemon now. Would meet the partner shortly afterwards, who wants to join an exploration society for an unexplained reason.

-The partner was told by a group of "experts" that they can't join due to their ages, making him/her demotivated. The player would explain that they should try anyway to help others, as they go through a simple dungeon to find a lost item.

-The duo succeeds and learns that they can join, in fact they are encouraged to due to the incidents of pokemon turning to stone. They enter the "Grass village" and sign up, becoming a team.

-The next day after filler missions the duo learns that the "experts" who made the partner sad earlier are actually jerks that can't do anything, meaning they would be the Team Skull of this game.

-They do more missions as the player wonders why he is in the world of pokemon, as the partner overhears, mentioning how he isn't sure either, as her parents disappeared ages ago, and she wanted to be an explorer to find them.

-The next day the townsfolk report on how the town guardian, Shaymin (Chosen due to being a grass legendary) was turned to stone after strange visitors arrived. The duo enter a nearby cave to investigate and discover the evil team of this game. The evil team run away as the duo gives chase, before losing them and ending up in the "Desert Village". They learn that this town has not been hit by the petrification, as they decide to stay and help protect the town from those mysterious thieves.

-After a few more dungeons and minor tasks, they learn that the trio of mysterious pokemon return, as the duo decides to stop them from hurting the guardian of the town. They enter Mespirit's domain as the encounter the evil trio, who wants the energy from the Mespirit, They successfully turn her to stone as one of the members battle your team, before losing quickly. The team is warped out just in time before being turned to stone.

-Understanding that they cannot defeat the evil trio without learning more, the duo decide to head to other villages and warn them about the danger.

-The duo enters a volcano, before being stopped by Entei, who is on the side of the evil trio for some reason. They battle and defeat him as they move on to the "Fire village".

-The duo warns the town about the evil trio, encouraging them to heavily guard the town. They do so just in time to block an incoming petrification attack. With the job done, they do a few more missions to help the town before learning from the town guardian, Ho-Oh that long ago there were attempts to throw the pokemon world in peril, but each time a human saved the day. Ho-Oh tells the player that he is the one who must save the world from the worst danger yet. To learn more about the legend, they are told to find lapras.

-The defenses are broken as the trio turns everyone in the village besides the Kecleon and team into stone. They leave the Fire village and head back to the Grass Village.

-Luckily nobody else was turned to stone due to Shaymin's power being all that was needed. The society recommends heading west to find Lapras, and to consult the guild for help.

-The duo head through many, many dungeons to get to the Guild, where they meet the new guildmaster, who tells them that ages ago three heroes went and found lapras to go to the hidden land and restore time. She guides them to the beach cave where Lapras takes them to the Hidden Land.

-At the Hidden Land, the three are horrified to find it destroyed, but luckily the rainbow stoneship was still working, as the duo head to Temporal Tower, where they meet the trio at the top. Two members leave to attack the other regions, while one fights the duo, who defeats him. However Dialga is still turned to stone as he tells them to hurry east and warn Rayquaza.

-Leaving Temporal Tower, Lapras takes them to the RRT continent, where they go into Pokemon Square and warn everyone. Team ACT, still alive tells them to head to Great Canyon, and find Xatu who can help them with their quest.

-The duo heads to Great Canyon and meets Xatu, who tells them the world is in calamity again, as a big threat is about the destroy the world. Mentioning the RRT team who saved the world long ago, he teleports the duo to Sky Tower, where they scale it before finding another member of the evil trio at the top.

-This member explains how they need the energy of Rayquaza's true form to power up their master, Yveltal. Forcing Rayquaza to Mega Evolve, Rayquaza attacks the duo. Unable to hurt Rayquaza, it seems like they are about to die at his wrath, before Xerneas comes and heals him, saving him from petrification as the evil member gets mad, before fighting your team himself. You battle him and defeat him before Xerneas tells you that one last member remains, in Post town to the north. She teleports you there before telling you that an item owned by the voice of life can restore all petrified pokemon to normal.

-Arriving in post town, they learn that everybody has been turned to stone, as the last evil member fled to Glacial Tower which has appeared yet again. Unable to reach the tower, they seek the voice of life.

-However on the way, they get stopped by the team of "experts" from earlier, who are after the Voice of Life as well for the sole purpose of getting rich. After an easy battle, the Voice of Life appears, as Hydregion, explaining how the only way to get to the Glacial tower is by meeting Lugia and the legendary birds, who can take them to the tower. Hydregion gives the duo a bell that when hit at the top of Glacial Tower, will restore all pokemon turned to stone back to normal.

-Going through another dungeon, the Partner reveals that her parents were explorers long ago as well, before passing away one day, after going missing for months. They weren't actually still missing, but it was just a lie made to get you to join the partner with his dream. Understanding her grief, you tell her that you will always be there to help her.

-At the end of the dungeon, you meet the four legendaries. Lugia takes you to Glacial tower, as the legendary birds turn to stone. Time is running out, so the duo must hurry!

-Arriving at the tower, it has completely changed from last time due to the influence of Yveltal. Scaling the tower, the duo discovers the last member of the evil trio fighting Kyruem, who warns them that Reshiram and Zekrom are in grave danger before turning to stone. The last member then steals your bell and breaks it, as Reshiram and Zekrom turn to stone.

-Arceus watches from above, nervous at the state of the world as he notices the final member going back to the RRT Continent. Suddenly he's turned to stone by a mysterious force, causing the whole world to slow down, with many areas being petrified.

-Worried sick, the partner fears for the fate of his home village, the Grass area. Returning there thanks to Lugia, they discover it's completely petrified, as the forces of Yveltal begin to grow. Determined to stop him from getting full power, the duo heads back to the RRT continent, where they find Latios and Latias, very nervous due to the growing spread of petrification. If it keeps up, everybody will turn to stone forever.

-Xerneas reappears, stating how there's still hope. If they journey to the newly relocated Wish Cave and tell Jirachi their wish, then everyone can be restored for good.

-Rayquaza goes into space after discovering a strange, familiar disturbance in space. Flying by Deoxys, he discovers that a mysterious pokemon is causing the petrification to strengthen, and it isn't Yveltal. Nervous, he rushes to the duo's side, before being stopped by Deoxys who thinks he's a threat, before being defeated and weakened, unable to warn them.

-Going into the wish cave, they discover the final member trying to get Jirachi to fulfill his wish of infinite power to Yveltal, but is refused due to having a heart of darkness. The duo fights the final member, as he's defeated. They make a wish to purify everyone, as the world is returned to normal. Warning them that Yveltal is dangerous, they go to make their final journey, entering the dark crater and encountering Yveltal. After a super close battle to the finish, they discover that Yveltal meant no harm, and was being controlled by Giratina, who was also controlling the three legendary dogs. After another battle with Entei and the other two, the final battle against Giratina begins. After defeating both of his forms with the power of all pokemon on earth, the situation seems to be over.

-Back in their home town, the duo is welcomed home by the other residents, who thank them for saving the entire planet. Suddenly, the player begins to glow, as he is told by Xerneas that his duty is complete, and he should now return to the Pokemon World. As the Player says farewell, he returns back to his world, ending the main game...

...And that's my very long, random prediction on the main game of PSMD. I feel there will be a long post game, so expect an even more crazy prediction for the post game too.  Still, what do you guys think the story will be? I'd love to see what others think this game's epic story will be, so share your predictions as our hype continues.

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sounds like a pokemon mystery dungeon game