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Was anything ever stolen from you?

Started by starpikachu, June 05, 2008, 08:51:28 PM

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...Ok...I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to start this topic. I'm just so pissed off because, about 5 months ago, almost everything having to do with my DS Lite was stolen. The console, the games, accessories, you name it, were all stolen. Altogether, over $300 of stolen stuff. All I have left is my charger and that thing that goes in the GBA slot, but what's the use of those without my DS? :'( I created a blog to try to get people to contact me if they see them, but, so far, only Gamer has said something there (not useful, but something).

So...have any of you guys had any experience with theft? Post your experiences here and maybe we can even help each other find the stolen stuff.


I haven't been stolen from personally, but my friend at school had his door kicked down and his Nintendo Wii and some money stolen (recently)...Did you ever contact authorities when your stuff was stolen? :-\

But if anyone ever stole my Pokemon Pearl, I might literally die. It contains every Pokemon I've ever gotten and, like, 700+ hours put into playing all the versions to get them...

PrizeRebel <-- Earn Free Goodies Like Precious Nexon Cash! Kudos to Gamer4250


Yes, some of our bikes and a scooter. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :'( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


Lol, someone stole Scooter's scooter.....Sorry, I couldn't resist..... ::)

PrizeRebel <-- Earn Free Goodies Like Precious Nexon Cash! Kudos to Gamer4250


Yes. My glasses. Yesterday.

Speaking of which, I don't know what the hell I'm doing in front of the computer when I can barely read @_@
<Blizz>   [17:00:00] <Blizz> ♥ Harvest ♥


the soccer balls and and tennis balls in my backyard....
but i dont think they count.....
oh yeah someone stole pur Brinks Security sign in our front yard last year.  :-\


$300 worth of DS games lost on a plane :|

me irl


Mine is not much, my cell phone somehow got stolen and I didn't realize it because I hardly use it.

The only reason I found out was because my dad asked for it and I couldn't find it and we got a bill for ringers and calls.

My dad called one of the numbers that was on the bill and a mexican answered it (not to be racist or anything...)


My friends bike was stolen a few months ago but he said oh well and he has like 3 bikes and 2 motorcycles >__< one of wich I think his dad is modding for something.


Once, at a camp ground, one of our scooters was stolen. However, the next day, my brother spied it thrown in the bushes along a heavily traveled path. It was funny that the people who saw it happened to be the ones who originally owned it.


I have had 2 bikes stolen, a bike pump stolen, 2 N64 games stolen, a bunch of Pokemon cards stolen... Maybe some other stuff; I can't remember.


My gym shirt was stolen!

and it was replaced with one that was XL!

Now its all baggy....and its weird the thought that I'm wearing someone's gym shirt...but of course I washed it.

Other than that, I've had a few pencils stolen, pretty annoying.


Quote from: Akiro on June 05, 2008, 10:59:41 PMMy dad called one of the numbers that was on the bill and a mexican answered it (not to be racist or anything...)

Is that so? >_>

<Blizz>   [17:00:00] <Blizz> ♥ Harvest ♥


As most of you don't know I am also of hispanic decent so yeah >__>

*follows Enigo and Flees as well*


What kind of dumbass would answer a stolen phone with the same SIM card it had when they stole it in it.

me irl