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HUGE Mario Kart 7 & 8 Tourney Event

Started by E. Gadd Industries, May 05, 2015, 06:21:19 PM

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E. Gadd Industries

URGENT!!!!! Hello, everyone! I have set up 3 Mario Kart tourneys, one on 7 and the other two on 8. The one on seven is just a regular 150cc tourney. One on 8 is a 150cc tourney and contains all the tracks, while the other is a 200cc and is strictly DLC tracks. The tourneys will officially last from May 20th of this year until September 1st, although the tourneys don't have an end date. Now, you can't just join these tourneys; you must pay an entry fee. This entry fee of $2 per tourney (or more if you are felt led to give) will go 100% to a group known as WorldVision, and they will use this money entirely to fight global hunger. The reason I say anything on here is because I figure many of you have one or both of the games! Please play my tourneys! My goal is $2500, but I know that it can be surpassed with how many users of both games there are in the world! At the end of this is the link to my page on WorldVision, where you can make the donations. Once you have paid the entry fee (or have questions), email me at:
I will give you the tourney code(s) that you request then. I thank you for even sparing the time to read this! Also, I am SURE you have some friends that have Mario Kart 7 &/or 8, so I am asking you to share this news of the tourneys with them! Share the link as well! I want to get as many people knowlgeable about them as possible! You have social media, text, etc. Use your creativity, and spread the word like wildfire!
Here is the link to my page:
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...





If you're so cheap to not buy the dlc how will you afford the entry fee? ._.



E. Gadd Industries

Well, I never said I would send you the DLC..... Um... I'm sorry, but Dude is right in this one, although I'm not going to call anyone cheap.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Content that is easy to understand and feel better.

E. Gadd Industries

"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...





not really the place, but it's just a script that runs by itself


E. Gadd Industries

"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...
