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[3DS] Bravely Default - "Wicked Flight"

Started by KeyboardingChihuahua, March 26, 2015, 06:41:47 PM

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"The Visitor" - Completed by Maelstrom
Hello! I have been visiting ninsheetmusic for quite a few years now but never noticed this forum section until recently. And I was delighted to find that it has a request section for, although I've been playing piano for twelve years, I am awful at arranging songs. Or at least, ones that go beyond simple. XD Which I am very sure these do.

So the two songs I'd like to request are "Wicked Flight" and "Visitor" from Bravely Default. I know it's asked that if we can provide anything helpful, to please do, and (from a badly botched attempt to arrange Wicked Flight) one of the few things I think I got right is that it's about 154 BPM (basing it off a quarter note).

So thank you very much to anyone who would like to arrange them. The game's OST is just absolutely fantastic. :D Here they are:
"Are you guys talking about Splenda?"


Guess what? I already the The visitor:
The Visitor
[PDF] [.mus] [midi]
It's not the best arrangement in the world, but it's pretty good.

And I did the majority of Wicked Flight, but then finale decided to be a [censored] and corrupted all of my work. I'm still mad about that.

And I've got a few more BD arrangements on my page. Not all are quite of the same caliber as the rest of my arrangements, but you are welcome to take a look. Serpent Devouring the Horizon is currently undergoing another revision atm, btw.


Thank you so much! :D I was not expecting such a quick reply! I'm printing it out right now to try! :)

I feel you there. Not with an arrangement getting corrupted, but I've had drawing programs corrupt pictures of mine, so, I know that frustration. It's just infuriating.
"Are you guys talking about Splenda?"


Here's a link to Wicked Flight:

I'm not the most skilled musician out there, but this piece definitely needed to be arranged.
