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Yug Guy's Arrangement Emporium

Started by Yug_Guy, March 25, 2015, 07:27:28 PM

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So, as some of you might know, my older arrangements are a bit of a mess. Some were made solely in Finale Notepad, and suffer as a result, while some were made in Musescore before I realized that I needed to actually format it for Finale. And, some of them aren't necessarily the best arrangements I've ever done either.

So, I've decided to hold off arranging new stuff for a little while in favor of fixing up a lot of my older arrangements. For the most part, I want to get everything formatted correctly, but I will go back and change the music if I feel it's necessary. To start with, I've already fixed some of my Wario Land 4 arrangements. These include:
  • Item Shop
  • Mystic Lake
  • Palm Tree Paradise
  • Wildflower Fields (Okay, it was one small, nitpicky thing. But still)

As of right now, any arrangement on the front page with the symbol † next to it is one I intend to fix over the next couple of weeks. They will be removed as I fix each individual arrangement. Check back to see what's updated next!


Two more replacements:
  • Stage Theme (Gyromite)
  • Hill Stream Blues (Bubsy 1)
Go to the OP to find the links, ya dingus
While Gyromite was a fairly standard replacement, I decided to start Hill Stream Blues over from scratch. The original one was a huge mess, and I figured I'd spend more time fixing that one than if I started fresh. After all, nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

Also, I'm at 601 posts now. Neat.


Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? There's going to be a bit to read, so buckle up:

First, I have for the most part finished with my replacement project. Now, all of my arrangements should at the very least be formatted to NSM standards. While I've fixed most of my older arrangements, some of them I've either barely touched, or not even touched at all. I might get around to fixing some of those in the future, but certainly not anywhere in the foreseeable future. Similarly, I've also been updating my Undertale arrangements as they've been accepted into the official arrangement project.

Now, some of you might have noticed that I haven't put out any new arrangements in around two months. Initially this was due to a combination of both finals, as well as my replacement project. But now, I'm honestly all dried up creatively. I don't have any songs that I'm really gung-ho about doing right now. Except Asagao Academy, but that's a different story... Usually, I do songs from games that I've personally played & enjoyed, or songs that have piqued my interest (Pokemon Stadium being an example of the former, Bubsy being an example of the latter). However, I can't really think of any songs I want to do that haven't already been done by someone else already.

Which is why I've created this: Yug Guy's Suggestion Box. With this, I'm asking the people of NSM for suggestions of songs or soundtracks to arrange from, or just suggestions in general. And, because it's through Google Forms, literally anyone can make suggestions, including casual lurkers of NSM. Don't let your opportunity be wasted! I just ask two things of you guys:
  • Don't suggest a song that's already been done. Use the search function to see if it's on site or on the forums first.
  • Don't suggest anything super crazy, like full-on orchestral pieces, since I'm still only okay at arranging. If you look through my sheet list, you should get an idea of what types of pieces I usually arrange.
While I probably won't arrange absolutely every song suggestion I get, I will definitely try to arrange as many as I can. I know I can be a bit picky sometimes with the songs that I choose to arrange, but this time I'll be more open to suggestions. Please leave some sort of comment, even if only to say "hi."

And lastly, I just want to say thank you to all you guys. Without your help & encouragement, I don't know if I'd still have the patience or motivation to keep arranging. Here's to more arrangements in the future! tbh, I wanted to thank you guys when my account turned one year old, but I kind of missed the date, so... I guess this makes up for it? But seriously, thank you. Especially for putting up with frustratingly small text like this.



Thank you all for the suggestions! I got requests for some interesting songs, so look forward to that!

Anyway, one of the suggestions was to make some replacements for the EarthBound section. There are some pretty bad sheets in there right now, so I'm sure no one will mind if I make a few replacements. I've got all the songs I plan on replacing up on my future songs list in the OP. So, without further ado, I present the first of these replacements:

[SNES] The Metropolis of Fourside (EarthBound) - MUS - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!

This is probably my favorite city theme from EarthBound; it certainly feels like you're listening to a jazz group performing on a city street corner. There were a couple problems with this one, such as notes being held for an absurdly long time, and the accompaniment clashing with the baseline, so I had to find a few workarounds. Hopefully, it didn't turn out all that bad. 


I'm doing these songs in order of "needs replacing the most," to "needs replacing the least." I can say for certain that this one deserves a replacement.

[SNES] Buy Somethin' Will Ya! (EarthBound) - MUS - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!


Much like the final installment in a major book series-to-film adaptation, this update comes to you in two parts:

[SNES] Boy Meets Girl (Twoson) (EarthBound) - MUS - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!

I'm noticing a trend in these Earthbound arrangements where the melody is played by horns much lower than melodies usually are, with accompaniment played much higher than usual. Needless to say, trying to make the melody and accompaniment playable with the same hand has been slowly chipping away at my sanity. Speaking of accompaniment, I've been having a bit of trouble with the guitar part(s) in this song, so please let me know if there's anything I could change or improve on.

[NDS] Pokémon Center (Night) (Pokémon Diamond Version & Pokémon Pearl Version) - MUS - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!
[NDS] Azure Flute (Pokémon Diamond Version & Pokémon Pearl Version) - MUS - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!

Gen IV is best gen. Enough said.


Today's arrangement is short and sweet:

[SNES] Get on the Bus (EarthBound) - MUS - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!


[SNES] Summers, Eternal Tourist Trap (EarthBound) - MUS - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!

This one turned out a lot better than I was initially expecting. Which is good, since I really like this song.


For those of you wondering: yes, I'm still working on "Good Friends, Bad Friends". It's quite a long song, and I've gotten about half of it done already, but it'll take some time to get finished now that school's started. However, EarthBound won't be the only game I'll be making replacements for. Case and point:

[ARCADE] Start Demo - Main Theme (Bubble Bobble) - MUS - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!


Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


So I've been pretty busy lately, what with the whole "college" thing, so I haven't been as productive when it comes to arranging. I'll try to get something up soon, but I make no promises.

In the meantime, I've done two things with this thread:
  • All arrangements have now been updated to include .musx files. While most of them haven't changed, there are a couple that have had minor fixes done to them.
  • I've gone ahead and reformatted the entire OP. I tried to make it much easier to navigate (as well as look a bit nicer), so please enjoy!
If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see in the OP (or, in general) please be sure to let me know.


The new format looks neat and tidy, and the new spoiler buttons definitely work in your favour. :) Way to go!


tfw you finish an arrangement that's taken you a month to complete
[SNES] Good Friends, Bad Friends (EarthBound) MUS - MUSX - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!

At a whopping 8 pages & 121 measures, this is for sure the longest arrangement I think I've ever done. This isn't the easiest piece to arrange for piano, but I think I did a pretty good job of it. So sit back, relax, grab a bowl of trout yogurt, and listen to some pure, unadulterated Runaway Five.

Quote from: Onionleaf on September 26, 2016, 02:03:52 AMThe new format looks neat and tidy, and the new spoiler buttons definitely work in your favour. :) Way to go!
Thanks! I got concerned for a moment when Deku changed the look of the spoiler buttons, but as you said they actually look pretty nice now.


Tetris [GB] 
"Title" (Replacement) MUS - MUSX - MIDI - PDF - Original - NEW!!

I'm sure some of you know by now, but I'm going to be focusing a lot more on doing replacements for some of the more questionable sheets on site. Also, this is the first arrangement I've done entirely in Finale PrintMusic! Woohoo!
So wait, I chose a credits theme as the last song I did in Musescore, and chose a title theme for the first song I did in PrintMusic... I actually didn't plan this, and I'm only realizing it right now