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TWG Championships - NSM Representative

Started by Mashi, March 22, 2015, 12:31:23 PM

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there should be mini forum banners that say
"I Voted"
and "I Like Mike"


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 25, 2015, 02:56:27 PMthere should be mini forum banners that say
"I Voted"
and "I Like Mike"
I don't think anybody would use that last one.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


The vote ended up fairly close.

Bubbles wins by a small margin over NocturneOfShadow by one vote, since she was favoured over Yugi by 7 to Nocturne's 6.

For confirmation, I also did Fiver-style rank voting and the results matched:

So, congratulations, Bubbles!  You will be the representative for NSM in the 2+2 Forums Tournament!  If you choose to accept (which I assume you will), send a PM to Thingyman and he should send you relevant information.


Thanks guys :') I'm gonna take over the competition with my feminine charm


so if I had voted for myself first instead we would have tied?

Waddle Bro

or if Bubbles had voted for herself too she would have won.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 25, 2015, 09:18:00 PMso if I had voted for myself first instead we would have tied?
The Fiver-style voting method isn't the same as the Schulze Method in case I was ambiguous about that.  But in this case, yes, the vote would have been tied for both voting methods if you had.

Quote from: Waddle Bro on March 25, 2015, 10:48:10 PMor if Bubbles had voted for herself too she would have won.
This too.


Guys Thingyman said I could ask for recommendations for the bio I have to submit, any ideas?


Quote from: Bubbles on March 26, 2015, 09:18:57 PMGuys Thingyman said I could ask for recommendations for the bio I have to submit, any ideas?
"a charming girl from the lovely Jersey shore"


If I were a wolf I'd wolf that person Night 1 lol


the girl with a sex life always dies first in the horror movie



So you're the guy who hosts the games? Cool.

Waddle Bro

Bubbles I have faith in you girl fuck em up for me :]

also didn't see NSM on the video but saw Bulbagarden twice q:


Sigh, that's kind of annoying. I had a guy make it and gave him the full list of sites. It seems like you and Giant in the Playground aren't anywhere to be found - at least not clearly :/