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TWG Championships - NSM Representative

Started by Mashi, March 22, 2015, 12:31:23 PM

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So, as I stated in the Discussion thread, we'll be having a formal vote in order to decide the NSM Representative for the 2+2 forums TWG Championships.

Before we begin with the votes, we'll need some nominations.  Everyone should post here stating whether they would like to nominate themselves or others.  Please note that if you do want to participate, you must be active during the applicable dates.  Information regarding such can be found here.  For those nominated by others, please also post stating whether you would be interested in participating.

After some deliberation with Liggy, we've decided that the Schulze method of voting would be the 'best' for choosing a representative.  The specifics of how the winner is determined isn't anything important for the voters to know; all you'll need to do is rank each nominee from first to last, with first being whom you most want to be representative.  The reason we're opting for this voting method is because it prevents strategic voting (e.g. Person A ranking Person B low because he/she knows Person B will get a lot of votes), since there's lesser impact from doing so.  The optimal ranking is an honest one, in other words.

Nominations will last until March 23rd at 11PM EDT, which is about 31 hours and 30 minutes from this post.



I'll nominate myself (or I guess confirming Mashi's nomination thank you so much!!). I'm not sure if I'm the best pick though since I don't really play with any complex mapping or predictions. I'd definitely have the time for the earlier games and most likely the later ones too, since I have a nice n long spring break this year


I nominate myself aswell.

Can we nominate Bird for NSM plox?
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Bubbles, if I didn't think you were the best pick, I wouldn't have nominated you!

FireArrow, if you can convince Bird to accept the nomination, then sure.  But he's seemed disinterested and too busy to be able to participate.



IMO yugi is prob our best representative


hmmm, I must really be thinking off the grain if I think Noct is the best choice...

maybe its my biased way of thinking, (and I underrate everyone else too much...)
need to go reread yugi's games, but I think noct has progressed a lot in a last few games, even if he is day 1 lynch. (I think its the meta mentality at the moment.)
I feel like bubbles AND yugi prolly could hold their own, but I really wanna see noct play.

(this is a nomination unless you really don't want to do it noct)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...




I will forever remember NoS for his role as the traitor in LXXII


Driving everyone insane to the point where they were forced to lynch me  ::)


Our three nominees are Bubbles, NocturneOfShadow, and Yugi.  Everyone PM me a ranking of the 3 candidates in your order of preference (1 being most preferenced, 3 being least).

Deadline is March 25th at 11PM EDT.


woah guys youre inundating me with all these votes!!!*

*youre not :(


(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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