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TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

Started by the_last_sheikah, March 18, 2015, 12:37:58 PM

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Okay, so far we have Nocturne lynched and BDS vigi'd. I'd say we have 3 possibilities here:

1. Nocturne was the Nemesis, and BDS had a position that could be vigi'd. -possible
2. Nocturne was Fenrir / on a team with Fenrir and agreed to vigi BDS to make it look like NoS is the Nemesis. -possible
3. Nocturne was a regular god and the wolves vigi'd BDS for unknown reasons. -improbable

If 1 is correct, I don't see BDS as a wolf. That's too much risk. -improbable
If 2 is correct, BDS is not a wolf.
If 3 is correct, BDS is not a wolf.

I believe BDS is not a wolf, whichever way we go with it.

Let's check the votes:
NoS: lommy, Bubbles, BDS (3)
AwesomeYears: Latios212 (1)
Latios: AwesomeYears, Bird (2)
Maelstrom: NoS, Davy (2)

People who didn't vote: Maelstrom (1)

That's 6 people who didn't vote for NoS. 5 people we know who aren't Agni. 4 people who might.
I'm pretty sure Nocturne was a red color.
BDS is not Geb, Nox, or Kumbhakarna. I personally believe he is not a wolf. (I'll probably make a chart later)

Suspicions list (assuming Nocturne is a wolf):

BDS: You seem okay. At first I thought it might be a Nocturne/BDS match but now that's impossible. Post 32# seems like a very human response. So I don't really have any suspicions against you.

AwesomeYears: Probably human, possibly wolf. There's not that much information from you. Do you mind posting a bit more? Also did you win the buff?

Bird: Offline when it really mattered, which is why I think you are not a wolf with Nocturne. If you are a wolf, then you are Bakasura, which is improbable but possible. I would have liked to see you vote for something.

maelstrom: Inactivity is understandable, but you've been posting on different threads. Along with that, you said very little. Probably not a wolf? Although it's possible that this whole thing was to avoid suspicion or looking like a team. I do agree that NoS's vote was very weak against you but post more man.

Bubbles: You're the only person who voted for NoS who I think might be a wolf.

I'll finish later. In the meantime, can everyone post whether they won the buff camps or not? I didn't. Also I'd like to see a more experienced player make one of these.


Quote from: Bubbles on March 21, 2015, 10:40:00 AMIs it possible for a dead player to have won a camp?

Yes, because the order goes
-determine camp winners
-tally votes
-take powers into account
-deaths happen

So it is possible.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Bubbles: Perhaps the few arguments you had with NoS were staged only to make it appear that you weren't on a team. That's possible with wolves, but if that's the case, you took a big risk in voting for him. I doubt you and NoS are on the same team, but it's more possible than an AwesomeYears or Bird allience.

Davy: Appears fairly human. I be surprised if he won the attack speed buff, but I do want to hear who won before the end of the night phase. One thing you have against you is that a NoS/Davy team is very very possible.

Latios212: At first I was convinced you were a human, but the more I think about it, the more I see a potential NoS/Latios wolf allignement. I don't think it would just be that you and him are really good friends. When I looked at your posts in this thread, I thought to myself "Could a human make these statements? Yeah, but a wolf could too."

Of course, I'm interested in whatever you guys think.


@Lommy No, I didn't get the red camp :Œ


Yeah, I pretty much shoved NoS into his grave, so I don't see how we could remotely be partners. I don't know why teammates would attack each other to the death on Day 1

And I did not receive the camp


Personally, I think that Noc was the Nemesis and BDS a wolf. I doubt the wolves would use their vigi this early on.

BDS does seem to be a wolf. That tiebreaking vote on Noc was dropped last minute with no explanation. I could see him dropping that last minute to protect teammate Maelstrom (if they're both wolves as Noc guesses, that would reduce a 1/3 chance of Maelstrom dying from a KitB to a 1/7 chance of BDS dying from Nemesis). I also think it's likely BDS took the Damage Camp.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Why post elsewhere and not in this thread? This is simply because I don't have enough time to analyze the posts. It's a terrible excuse, I know, but I'll ptoove it thus when I return home.


I'll give the wolves a special surprise in the postgame if they attack me tonight.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


The thing is.....
NoS was kind of begging for that lynch. While it is unlikely that the wolves would use the vigi that early, but they may be counting on it. If we believe that NoS is truly the nemisis, we will revive him. He has a LOT to gain from that. No threat of a lynch and it wouldn't seem off if he didn't get wolved the next night.


Good points Latios but that argument could be used against you, since you were at the tie too.

So my ultimate thoughts are that once we kill Latios or maelstrom the humans will win. If my train of thought is accurate, then Latios is most likely the Baka wolf, and if it isn't, maelstrom is fenrir. Any thoughts?

Bubbles, i admit it is far-fetched but i want to consider everything i can.


TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. AwesomeYears
3. NocturneOfShadow
4. maelstrom
5. Bird
6. Latios212
7. them
8. Bubbles
9. davy

Latios212 has been wolfed!

The Mana Camp has spawned!
The Gold Fury has spawned!

It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end March 23 at 11:00PM EST.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Dang it, I was really enjoying my first game of being human lol

You know who to revive ;)

*bows and exits*
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I, uh, really thought Latios was a wolf. Whoops. Unlike Bird's stunt last game, I don't think wolfing a wolf in hopes of them being revived would be a worthwhile risk in this set up.

I don't want to decide on who we should revive just yet. It'd be an easier decision after seeing who actually gets the buff, but the reasonable choice would probably be Latios.


And I really thought Latios was a wolf...
Any ideas? I get home late tonight.


Wow I stink at this game.

I'm not sure what the wolves were thinking when they killed Latios. Did they want the attention off of maelstrom, or did they want us to lynch him?

If we revive anyone, it should be Latios.