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TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

Started by the_last_sheikah, March 18, 2015, 12:37:58 PM

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Quote from: Latios212 on March 18, 2015, 02:25:10 PMIf we all agree to not go for the damage camp, the wolves would be exposed if they do decide to take it. (does that make sense??)
Well, you said that too late because I have voted for that :Œ


BDS, how do you propose we vote then? I'd rather have no one get damage camp than risk it being given to a wolf.

Question, sheikah, is it okay for someone to not go for a camp at all? And can we change our camp choice?
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I think we should dedicate the majority of this phase to coming up with a nice nickname for them, 'cuz there's no way I'm going to underline his name every time I'm talking about him. I personally think we should call him Lommy. Thoughts?

One thing I'm not clear on is how the buffs/camps work. If each player has a 1/n chance of winning it, where n represents the living players, doesn't that imply there's a chance nobody could win it (ignoring Bakasura's ability, the current chance of this is ~35%), or that two people could win it? I think what the_last_sheikah actually wanted to say was that every player has an equal chance of winning the buff, but only one could actually win it.

If we assume that this is the case, then I think Lommy's plan isn't particularly good. I think that seeing how people vote for buffs will be useful information for us, and we lose that information if we force everyone to follow a certain plan. On top of that, his plan requires 100% participation. At this point, both of the current buffs available are about even, so there's no real risk in not organizing a complicated plan this phase regardless.

Also Maelstrom.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Oh look, this game started already.

Ok, so it seems like the buff camps divided the players into two 'camps'. On of them, consisting of Latios, Nocturne and them, is in favor of all going for the same camp, while the other one, consisting of BDS and Bird wants to mix it up.

Then there's AwesomeYears who decided to claim a camp before we even finalized a strategy, Maelstrom who didn't say anything about the issue yet, and Bubbles, who hasn't said anything at all yet.

For this day phase, I'll have to agree with Bird. The wolves won't get game breaking powers from claiming either one of the buff camps and it gives us a nice bit of insight in the camp claiming behavour of all players.

For lynchings, I'm leaning human for Bird and them because both of them are providing strategies that mainly benifit the human team. I'm also leaning human for Latios, because he was the first to propose the strategy and he persuaded BDS to give another possible camp vote strategy.

I'm leaning wolf for Nocturne and BDS, because Nocturne just seems to agree with any plan while BDS just seems to disagree with every plan. Also neither of them added a relevant strategy or other useful info (except their two cents on which camps the wolves would go for). I'm Also leaning wolf for Maelstrom since he seemed more concerned with a vote against him then with the human strategy.

I have no leans for Bubbles and AwesomeYears yet.

Seeing as both Nocturne and Maelstrom already have a vote against them, I'll place a tentative vote on BDS but all three of you should see this as a vote against you and defend yourself or add relevant info to the discussion (or both, that's even better).
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: davy on March 19, 2015, 09:16:02 AMI'm leaning wolf for Nocturne and BDS, because Nocturne just seems to agree with any plan while BDS just seems to disagree with every plan. Also neither of them added a relevant strategy or other useful info (except their two cents on which camps the wolves would go for). I'm Also leaning wolf for Maelstrom since he seemed more concerned with a vote against him then with the human strategy.

I have no leans for Bubbles and AwesomeYears yet.

Seeing as both Nocturne and Maelstrom already have a vote against them, I'll place a tentative vote on BDS but all three of you should see this as a vote against you and defend yourself or add relevant info to the discussion (or both, that's even better).
Part of the problem is the rules around buffs are slightly ambiguous right now and people can take them to mean whichever way they want, so I'm waiting for Sheikah to clarify before making a better plan.
if this were the actual game (without teams for some reason) then we'd all be trying to take a camp then the jungler would smitesteal it out of nowhere and take it anyway, plus only one person could get each buff.
AwesomeYears has gone for the damage buff, right away too.  If he ends up getting it, it's a good chance he's a wolf.

How I think the buffs work:  Each player (barring exceptions) has a 1/9 chance to get the buff.  Every time someone sends in a PM, is used to decide whether they get the buff or not.  If they do, the only way the buff can be stolen from them is if the one wolf dude also votes for it.  The buffs do not have to be taken out and they remain spawned until taken.  The next phase, the thread is told who tried to take which buff without saying who actually got it.
So unless sheikah says otherwise I think that's how the buffs get taken

so we should be able to know if people don't try to take a buff, which means it comes down to activity.  If everyone's active we have a better chance of flushing out a wolf etc.  I'd still say we probably shouldn't vote for the damage  buff because that's definitely the more beneficial of the two (strange that BDS would say otherwise) and would make it easier for a wolf to blend in if they wanted to take it


Sorry about all the confusion, hopefully I can clear this up quickly and easily. 

QuoteSheikah can you explain the timing on the stuff?  EG do the buffs come into effect for this day phase, so if we all take the AS buff does the last hitter get a kitb survive or does that happen next day phase

Buffs come into effect beginning the night phase after they are won.  The current buffs will go into effect Night 1.

QuoteQuestion, sheikah, is it okay for someone to not go for a camp at all? And can we change our camp choice?

Yes, if you don't want to go for a camp, you don't have to.  Yes you can change your vote, just reply to the PM you already sent saying you want to change your camp vote.

QuoteOne thing I'm not clear on is how the buffs/camps work. If each player has a 1/n chance of winning it, where n represents the living players, doesn't that imply there's a chance nobody could win it (ignoring Bakasura's ability, the current chance of this is ~35%), or that two people could win it? I think what the_last_sheikah actually wanted to say was that every player has an equal chance of winning the buff, but only one could actually win it.

Only one player can win a buff. will give me a number between 1 and how many attacked the camp, that number will coincide with a player, they get it.  If Bakasura attacked a buff, he gets it.

QuoteSheikah, if the person Agni votes for survives, there will only be an announcement right? That person doesn't die from the burning anyway?

The burn does nothing to the player, it just functions to help identify who is Agni.

QuoteIf nox is killed, are the buffs transferred to the next night phase?

If nox is killed:
*during the day phase, the buffs that were available will not go into effect, and new buffs will be made available.
*during the night phase, the buffs will just not appear until the next day phase, as to avoid confusion.

Other things I think need clarifying:
-The player who won the buff will get a PM informing them that they got it.  The thread is told who attacked which camp, not the winner.
-If a player survives being killed for some reason(Kumbhakarna, Geb, Sun Wukong, buffs), the thread will be told "____ survived" at the end of the phase.
-Don't forget to send me PM conversations/IRC chat logs

If any more questions are had, please don't hesitate to ask.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Keep in mind the wolves can steal buffs if they want.

And I still can't understand why there are two people voting for me despite the lack of reasons. Remember, cardflips are active in this game, so if the two that lead a baseless lynch against me and I flip human, we know who to target.


Ummm...cardflips are not active in this game, where did that idea come from?
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!




Safety on Latiosthis makes me look like a wolf more :/


Quote from: Bird on March 19, 2015, 07:22:16 AMI think Lommy's plan isn't particularly good. I think that seeing how people vote for buffs will be useful information for us, and we lose that information if we force everyone to follow a certain plan. On top of that, his plan requires 100% participation. At this point, both of the current buffs available are about even, so there's no real risk in not organizing a complicated plan this phase regardless.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 19, 2015, 10:01:14 AMI'd still say we probably shouldn't vote for the damage  buff because that's definitely the more beneficial of the two (strange that BDS would say otherwise) and would make it easier for a wolf to blend in if they wanted to take it

I guess getting 100% participation is kinda hard and seeing what camp people run for (like AwesomeYears) will reveal stuff. Personally, I'd still be suspicious of anyone running for the damage camp because the wolves are the only ones who would be able to use it with any real confidence.

So I will put a vote on AwesomeYears right now. Why did you bum-rush the damage camp?
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I'm okay with Lommy.  8)

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 18, 2015, 07:23:55 PMis your vote a safety or not

Safety for right now. I'll change it if other people start voting for you. But that still doesn't answer my concerns or Maelstrom's comment... Or Davy's. I don't know if this is just how you play, but why aren't you refuting our suspicions right away?

Quote from: the_last_sheikah on March 19, 2015, 10:04:28 AMOther things I think need clarifying:
-The player who won the buff will get a PM informing them that they got it.  The thread is told who attacked which camp, not the winner.

In that case, forget my last post. Our first plan should be to find out who Bakasura is and then Fenrir. As long as everyone votes for something, we should be fine.


Quote from: Latios212 on March 19, 2015, 01:03:57 PMSo I will put a vote on AwesomeYears right now. Why did you bum-rush the damage camp?
I have a habit of either voting for stuff too early or forget about it entirely  :-[. Also, the red camp seems way better than purple because of an odd amount of players. (9 players)
I never read the rules properly...


My vote on Maelstrom was just to get a reaction, and his was pretty mundane. I'm actually thinking AwesomeYears seems human right now. His last post makes me think he's acting alone rather than with the consultation of a partner.

So I'll consequently vote for Latios212.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Why are we voiting for Latios212? I think Latios is more human than AwesomeYears so far.