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TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

Started by the_last_sheikah, March 18, 2015, 12:37:58 PM

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TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

1)Fenrir: The Unbound, can vigi' one player only once, at any time
2)Bakasura: The Great Devourer, Will always win the buff camp attempted

3)Agni: God of Fire, If the person they vote to lynch survives, it will be announced to the thread that the survivor has been burned.
4)Kumbhakarna: The Sleeping Giant, takes 2 hits to kill
5)Nemesis: Goddess of Revenge, if killed, the last player to vote for her lynching/wolf who sent the PM/vigi'd her, will die(effect will not be active night 1)(player killed will be counted as vigi'd)
6)Ah Muzen Cab: God of Bees, lynch votes count as 1.1 votes
7)Sun Wukong: The Monkey King, cannot be lynched
8)Geb: God of Earth, cannot be vigi'd
9)Nox: Goddess of Night, if killed, the next night phase is skipped

Gimmick: Buff Camps
Each day phase, 2 random Buff Camps will spawn.  Players will send a PM with the buff they want to get.  Players will have a 1/(# of players attempting that camp) chance of winning it (unless Bakasura is one of them).  Buffs only last the following night phase(save for fire giant buff), and it is announced to the thread who attacked which camp. The possible buffs are:

-Damage Camp: Player's votes are x2 next day phase
-Mana Camp: Player gets a one use seer
-Fire Giant: Player cannot be wolfed or lynched the following day
-Gold Fury: Player gets a one use revive
-Attack Speed Camp: Player will win a KitB the next day phase
-XP Camp: Player cannot be lynched, but cannot vote

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. AwesomeYears
3. NocturneOfShadow
4. maelstrom
5. Bird
6. Latios212
7. them
8. Bubbles
9. davy

Wolves will be told their roles, Gods will only be told that they are a God, not which one.

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end March 20 at 10:00PM EST.
The Damage Camp has spawned!
The Attack Speed Camp has spawned!
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!




Might want to disable smiles to avoid your 8).looking like B)


Oh yeah since it's day phase we'd better vote, last one to do so gets killed by nemesis when applying Murphys Law
Maelstrom since he still hasn't been a wolf yet lol

All joking aside, the wolves will probably steal damage buff so the plan for day 2 is to have everyone vote I guess, maybe even for themselves


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 18, 2015, 02:12:38 PMthe wolves will probably steal damage buff

If we all agree to not go for the damage camp, the wolves would be exposed if they do decide to take it. (does that make sense??)
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: Latios212 on March 18, 2015, 02:25:10 PMIf we all agree to not go for the damage camp, the wolves would be exposed if they do decide to take it. (does that make sense??)
I'd think that the wolves would go for the Attack Speed Camp, because it helps guarantee against a random indecisive lynch, while not seeming too conspicuous.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber






Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 18, 2015, 02:12:38 PMAll joking aside, the wolves will probably steal damage buff so the plan for day 2 is to have everyone vote I guess, maybe even for themselves

Actually, if I was a wolf, the buffs I would want would be 1. the mana camp and 2. gold fury/fire giant buffs. I don't think I would care about the other buffs. Because of this, I don't think it's necessarily incriminating evidence to win a weaker buff. That is just what the wolves want us to think.

By the way, because of my unusual username, feel free to underline my name when you're specifically referring to me. them Otherwise, I will assume you're talking about something else.

Safety vote on NocturneOfShadow.


I'm here and don't understand NoS's terrible logic about voting for me.


Ok guys, after some time I have a strategy for using camps (early-mid game at least):

Gods should all agree to choose 1 buff, and then everyone should try to get that buff.

This should eliminate a possibility of coincidence, because with 4 gods voting for 1 buff, and another 4 voting for another, there's like a 1/16th chance that I could get a buff each night.

With my strategy, there is very little chance that 1 human will get two buffs in a row. (1/72 or something like that)

So the two possibilities are:
1. A human gets the buff
2. The wolf gets the buff, and doesn't dare getting the next one to appear suspicious.

But for this plan to work, we all need to agree to use it. And we all must vote together consistantly.

Another thing with this strategy is that humans choose what the buff will be; the wolves can't just calmly sneak up and take a great buff.

I believe as gods we should NOT go for the Damage Camp buff. If Ah Muzen Cab got it, that would take 3 gods to reverse the power, and we would be inclined to bandwagon on an innocent. Or make a rushed decision, at least.
Let's all go for Attack Speed. That should give us no harm.

If everyone agrees with my strategy, I will vote for Attack Speed by tommorrow.

Quote from: Maelstrom on March 18, 2015, 05:07:27 PMI'm here and don't understand NoS's terrible logic about voting for me.

I'm assuming that he just wants to get the game rolling. It does seem suspicious though. It feels like NoS is trying to act like a god rather than just be natural. Please don't bandwagon and vote just yet though because my detective skills are terrible. I just want to hear his defense.


Quote from: them on March 18, 2015, 07:04:26 PMOk guys, after some time I have a strategy for using camps (early-mid game at least):

Gods should all agree to choose 1 buff, and then everyone should try to get that buff.

This should eliminate a possibility of coincidence, because with 4 gods voting for 1 buff, and another 4 voting for another, there's like a 1/16th chance that I could get a buff each night.

With my strategy, there is very little chance that 1 human will get two buffs in a row. (1/72 or something like that)

So the two possibilities are:
1. A human gets the buff
2. The wolf gets the buff, and doesn't dare getting the next one to appear suspicious.

But for this plan to work, we all need to agree to use it. And we all must vote together consistantly.

Another thing with this strategy is that humans choose what the buff will be; the wolves can't just calmly sneak up and take a great buff.

I believe as gods we should NOT go for the Damage Camp buff. If Ah Muzen Cab got it, that would take 3 gods to reverse the power, and we would be inclined to bandwagon on an innocent. Or make a rushed decision, at least.
Let's all go for Attack Speed. That should give us no harm.

If everyone agrees with my strategy, I will vote for Attack Speed by tomorrow.

It's all well and dandy for us to all vote for one thing but the games usually begin night 1 and some players are kind of inactive.  They might not realize they need to do anything right away, so that could screw up the plan.  Otherwise good, we should probably move ahead with it anyway because there aren't any consequences of the above actually happening
Quote from: them on March 18, 2015, 07:04:26 PMI'm assuming that he just wants to get the game rolling. It does seem suspicious though. It feels like NoS is trying to act like a god rather than just be natural. Please don't bandwagon and vote just yet though because my detective skills are terrible. I just want to hear his defense.
is your vote a safety or not

Sheikah can you explain the timing on the stuff?  EG do the buffs come into effect for this day phase, so if we all take the AS buff does the last hitter get a kitb survive or does that happen next day phase


Quote from: them on March 18, 2015, 07:04:26 PMIf everyone agrees with my strategy, I will vote for Attack Speed by tommorrow.
I'm sorry, but I think we should take full advantage of the buffs, rather than waste them/allow the wolves to get a buff pretty much scot-free. This strategy seems like it would benefit the wolves more than the humans.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber