TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

Started by the_last_sheikah, March 18, 2015, 12:37:58 PM

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Referencing to my first post I still think the strategies Bird and Lommy came up with makes them seem human. However, something that I just realised is that it could be a wolf plan to have both of them contributing to the human strategy while disagreeing with eachother on which strategy to take. While this is something I can see bird doing, I think it's a little farfetched.

However, then there are these two posts:
Quote from: Bird on March 19, 2015, 01:34:49 PMMy vote on Maelstrom was just to get a reaction, and his was pretty mundane. I'm actually thinking AwesomeYears seems human right now. His last post makes me think he's acting alone rather than with the consultation of a partner.

So I'll consequently vote for Latios212.
Quote from: them on March 19, 2015, 01:43:23 PMWhy are we voiting for Latios212? I think Latios is more human than AwesomeYears so far.
Where they disagree over their votes (or more over who they think is human).

Then there's bird asking for who won the mana camp with Lommy giving the answer.

Followed by both of them voting for me without explaining themselves.

I really think there's a little too much interaction between the two of them to be completely coincedental.

So if both wolves are still alive I think they are Bird and Lommy.

I'll be writing some thoughts down here that assume there's only one wolf alive:

Lommy was the first one to analyze the double kill on day 1 which is something I wouldn't think a wolf would do.

Quote from: them on March 21, 2015, 07:52:19 PMSo my ultimate thoughts are that once we kill Latios or maelstrom the humans will win. If my train of thought is accurate, then Latios is most likely the Baka wolf, and if it isn't, maelstrom is fenrir. Any thoughts?
At this point we can be pretty sure Latios isn't a wolf and the chances of Maelstrom being one are rather small as well. This post comes across that he's way too convinced about what is nessecairy to win the game, which would make me think he's a wolf, but then Latios gets wolf'd immediately afterwards, which would make no sense if Lommy is a wolf, unless he wants to seem human or if a wolf would want to frame him for trying to seem human. In other words, I have not clue what to make of this quote.

Quote from: them on March 22, 2015, 01:23:46 PMI'm not sure what the wolves were thinking when they killed Latios. Did they want the attention off of maelstrom, or did they want us to lynch him?
This is how he explaines it himself, but he doesn't mention the consequences for himself, which seems to be he's trying to take the attention off of himself (a wolfish move).

What I've seen from Bird so far is mainly comments about the game/buff camp strategy/wolf rush prevention and votes with barely to no explanation all of which is very unlike Bird (both wolf Bird and human Bird). Also he hasn't voted in either of the camps, which is something I'd see Bakasura do.

What I found most interesting about AY is his expectation to be wolf'd lynched. I'm not really in the mood to look at older games to see how he plays there, so I'm not really sure if that's wolf behavour, human behavour or something that doesn't indicate his allegiance. Revealing the seer result to the seered player is something I would see a wolf doing in order to seem human, but is not something I would see AY doing if he's a wolf.

So, I'll vote Bird because he's both the likeliest final wolf left and (together with Lommy) the likeliest to be among the final two wolves left.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Wow. Quite a detailed analysis. I will wait to vote for a little until someone gives a rebuttal


Well thanks a lot for taking your time to analyse my post and responding to it, everyone.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Noooo, I didn't see what time it was. I was waiting for rebuttals to bump the page when I got home b/c I hate mobile keyboards.


So if bird and i were wolves, we would vote for maelstrom, win the vote, wolf someone, and win the game.

If there are two wolves left, the nemisis is dead and the wolves have little technical problems
Why is everyone voting for me? It's obvious bird and i aren't a wolf team.



I'll give you a reprieve Maelstrom, my bad for not updating on time.
But holy crap you guys, this game has NO BREAKS!!!

TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. AwesomeYears
3. NocturneOfShadow
4. maelstrom
5. Bird
6. Latios212
7. them
8. Bubbles
9. davy

them survived!

The Attack Speed Camp was attempted by no one.
The XP Camp was attempted by them, davy, and AwesomeYears.

It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end March 27 at 11:00PM EST.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Case in point. Davy is a wolf, 100%. You better hope he doesnt get that revive buff.


Also if there were two wolves then the game would be over right now because i get wolved and then it's just two on two.

Night - davy wolves me

Day - davy cant be lynched. The best the humans can do is to vote for him because at least no human dies.

Night - davy has a new buff and kills another player. If NoS was the nemesis then we really are doomed because the only way the humans can survive is if davy gets really bad buffs like the seer vs kitb buff.

Day - 2 on 1. Davy is probably hoping to win with a good buff or something and he probably will.


Pretty disappointed in that lynch outcome, although I suppose I'm at least partially to blame. I didn't list reasons for why I suspected Davy, even though I was feeling pretty confident about lynching him!

Anyway, Lommy is right about the game being over if there are two wolves, but the game might also be over if there's just one wolf. If the last wolf is Bakasura, they got the XP camp, and three people will die before there's a chance to lynch them. And if the last wolf is Fenrir, and they got the final buff, they'll make another kill and win next day phase.

The only way we can win is if the last wolf didn't win the XP camp buff. Otherwise the game is over!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Well, that ignores the fact that we have Nox, Geb, and GOD OF BEES probably still on our side. But still, things are looking pretty grim.

the_last_sheikah, let me ask you something as a player rather than a member of the TWC: could we have that vote on maelstrom removed? For starters, we eliminated the "phantom votes" mechanic since it penalizes an entire team for the actions of a single player. It would be pretty lame if we lost just because the host decided to give someone an extra vote. And on top of that, when we did have phantom vote penalties, the first penalty against a player was just a very small (.0001) fraction of a vote against the player, rather than a full vote.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


You make an excellent point bird.  The vote on him was only going to last that phase anyhow, simply to try to get him to participate.  In the end, he did participate, and no one else voted for him, so no harm no foul.  I will try to do a better job of handling inactivity in the future.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


? Maelstrom still can revive someone...


QuoteBuffs only last the following night phase(save for fire giant buff)


Hey guys I figured it out.

NoS is Fenrir and davy is bakasura. Well, see you all in the post game.


 Oh crap you're right about NoS. He knew he was getting lynvhed, so he used his vigi then. I can't believe I didn't think of that.