TWG 77: Player Sign Ups

Started by Mashi, March 13, 2015, 09:35:44 PM

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my laptop overheated sry

fank009's Hail the Chief
4 (40%)
Mashi's ℃-ute
4 (40%)
the_last_sheikah's Smite: Battleground of the Gods
6 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: March 17, 2015, 08:29:59 PM


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 14, 2015, 02:03:24 PMin
but only if you guys promise not to screw this up
+if we get 12 I'll host
Are you insinuating the people screwed up my last game? :'(

Also, Player Sign Ups will end tomorrow (February 15th) at 11PM EST.



A part of me would really want a break for a while... if you need me to fill a game with goos numbera conaider me in in hat way

and once more, in for hosting
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Hosts should try to have their games in by tomorrow (March 16) at 11PM EST.

By the way, no one commented about me ending Player Sign Ups a month ago. :(


I have a friend who is interested in TWG. Should I link him here?


Yeah, sure, it's always nice to get more Players.


... what is it 4th time the charm? if this don't work I'll just try my Man hunt game Withatwist
TWG 77: Hail to the chief

x wolves
y Humans

Gimmick: Each night phase, a president is elected. the president has a few duties and perks.
-The president can not be wolfed at the night phase, any wolfings will be redirected to a random human
-each day phase he is in charge of the lynch. he can only be overridden with a vote of 66% or greater
-at the end of the phase, he is to put one person in witness protection. they will spend the next day/night phase in witness protection and are immuned to a wolfing (including the redirected shot at the president) the person in witness protection loses their vote for the next day/night phase

Order of operations
-Put into witness protection

Election begins
-Votes counted

Humans win when wolves are dead
Wolves win when they have control of the vote

More questions answered when the game wins

Numbers will be filled when numbers finalized
Might chuck a seer in there if there's a demand for it...
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


TWG 77: ℃-ute

Role Cardflip - On
Day Start

1. Wolf Roleblocker - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Night Phase.  That Player cannot use his/her power for that Night Phase.
2. Wolf
3. Parity Cop - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Night Phase.  Will be told (if applicable) whether that person's alignment matches or disagrees with with the previous Night Phase's Player.
4. Wizard - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Night Phase.  That Player may not be wolfed, but cannot use any powers for that Phase.
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human

Colours don't matter since there aren't any Seers, but I added them anyway.  The only alignments this game are Wolf and Human.  Parity Cop and Wizard can't use their own powers on themselves.


TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

1)Fenrir: The Unbound, can vigi' one player only once, at any time
2)Bakasura: The Great Devourer, Will always win the buff camp attempted

3)Agni: God of Fire, If the person they vote to lynch survives, it will be announced to the thread that the survivor has been burned.
4)Kumbhakarna: The Sleeping Giant, takes 2 hits to kill
5)Nemesis: Goddess of Revenge, if killed, the last player to vote for her lynching/wolf who sent the PM/vigi'd her, will die(effect will not be active night 1)(player killed will be counted as vigi'd)
6)Ah Muzen Cab: God of Bees, lynch votes count as 1.1 votes
7)Sun Wukong: The Monkey King, cannot be lynched
8)Nox: Goddess of Night, if killed, the next night phase is skipped

Gimmick: Buff Camps
Each night phase, 2 random Buff Camps will spawn.  Players will send a PM with the buff they want to get.  Players will have a 1/(# of players attempting that camp) chance of winning it (unless Bakasura is one of them).  Buffs only last the following day phase(save for fire giant buff), and it is announced to the thread who attacked which camp. The possible buffs are:
Damage Camp: Player's votes are x2
Mana Camp: Player gets a one use seer
Fire Giant: Player cannot be lynched or wolfed the following night
Gold Fury: Player gets a one use revive
Attack Speed Camp: Player will win a KitB
XP Camp: Player cannot be lynched, but cannot vote

Wolves will be told their roles, Gods will only be told that they are a God, not which one.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


It seems a little too easy for the humans to win. I guess that is partially balanced out by the wolves' extra abilities. It just seems like the game could get ruined for the wolves N1 easy if they wolf Nemesis.


good point....may need to work out a few kinks....
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


How about make nemesis be able to throw in a secret next day phase vote after dying


Quote from: Mashi on March 16, 2015, 06:16:53 AM
mash's game
TWG 77: ℃-ute

Role Cardflip - On
Day Start

1. Wolf Roleblocker - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Night Phase.  That Player cannot use his/her power for that Night Phase.
2. Wolf
3. Parity Cop - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Night Phase.  Will be told (if applicable) whether that person's alignment matches or disagrees with with the previous Night Phase's Player.
4. Wizard - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Night Phase.  That Player may not be wolfed, but cannot use any powers for that Phase.
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human

Colours don't matter since there aren't any Seers, but I added them anyway.  The only alignments this game are Wolf and Human.  Parity Cop and Wizard can't use their own powers on themselves.
why do you have to have such the best designs for games mashi :/

I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 16, 2015, 01:41:00 PMHow about make nemesis be able to throw in a secret next day phase vote after dying
Too much power.


A few edits were made:

-Nemesis will not have her ability active during the first night phase and the player killed will be killed via vigi
-Kumbhakarna is no longer a guardian, I just forgot to take that out earlier
-The player who claimed the Buff Camp will not be announced, rather who attempted which camp will be

Not an edit but remember, the Gods don't know what role they are, they have to figure it out by trial and error.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!