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TWG 76: p ess tree HAS NO GAEMS

Started by Mashi, March 07, 2015, 08:40:57 PM

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That was, by far, the most frivolous way of saying "the person with the most votes is revived" ever, of all time.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Quote from: the_last_sheikah on March 08, 2015, 10:12:20 AMThat was, by far, the most frivolous way of saying "the person with the most votes is revived" ever, of all time.
Unless that's not what it means anymore. ;) ;) ;)







I'm more than a little confused about the night reviver mechanic.

Mashi, are you taking the first value of the Fibonacci sequence as zero or one?

Also, you said "The process is repeated until a number in base n is made where n is the highest number of votes made on a Player." But what if this ends in a single-digit number larger than n?

Are these votes for reviving sent privately or publicly?
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Mashi on March 07, 2015, 08:40:57 PMNight Phase Reviver Mechanic On - Every Night Phase, each Player votes for a dead Player whom they want revived.  The total number of votes on each Player is tallied and assigned to the variables a, b, c, d, ... until termination occurs.  Then the ath, bth, cth, dth, ... terms of the Fibonacci Sequence are taken and multiplied together.  The digital root of the resulting number is then taken and then multiplied by the total number of votes made.  Each digit of the resulting is then added together.  The process is repeated until a number in base n is made where n is the highest number of votes made on a Player.  The Player with the number of votes closest to the resulting number is the Player that is revived.  If a tie results, decided between the tied results.
Reviving occurs before wolfings.
Ok, let's do math then, shall we?

Warning: Long math post
Let's say it's Night 2, and 3 people are dead(wolfing 1, Lynch 1, shotgun 1). At random let's say it's myself, Bird, and Maelstrom. That means there are 7 people to vote on a revive.  Let's let the vote count be:

Then we do the fibonacci part, ignoring 0 as it will only result in zero:

The digital root is the single digit sum of all the digits in the answer:

times 7 votes made:

digital root of that:

Now for base n.  N is 4 in this case, so we need a number in base 4, which from 1 to 10 looks like this:
So we need one of these, so we repeat the digital root steps:



and repeat,



Finally!  If we take 13 as the number to compare, Bird was the closest with 4 votes and gets revived.  If we take the normal base 10 version (7), Bird still is revived.

Q.E.D. the person with the most votes is revived.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


another scenario:

Let's say it's Night 2, and 3 people are dead(wolfing 1, Lynch 1, shotgun 1). At random let's say it's myself, Bird, and Maelstrom. That means there are 7 people to vote on a revive.  Let's let the vote count be:

Then we do the fibonacci part, ignoring 0 as it will only result in zero:

The digital root is the single digit sum of all the digits in the answer:

times 7 votes made:

digital root of that:

Now for base n.  N is 3 in this case, so we need a number in base 3, which from 1 to 10 looks like this:
So we need one of these, so we repeat the digital root steps:



and repeat,



and again,



Finally!  If we take 10 as the number to compare, Bird was the closest with 3 votes and gets revived.  If we take the normal base 10 version (3), Bird still is revived.

Q.E.D. the person with the most votes is revived.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


For Night 3:
Let's say it's Night 3, and 5 people are dead(wolfing 1/2, Lynch 1/2, shotgun 1/2, revival 1). At random let's say it's myself, Bird, Maelstrom, Nocturne, and Bubbles. That means there are 5 people to vote on a revive.  Let's let the vote count be:

Then we do the fibonacci part, ignoring 0 as it will only result in zero:

The digital root is the single digit sum of all the digits in the answer:

times 7 votes made:

digital root of that:

Now for base n.  N is 6 in this case, so we need a number in base 6, which from 1 to 10 looks like this:
So we need one of these, so we repeat the digital root steps:



Finally!  If we take 3 as the number to compare, Bird was the closest with 2 votes and gets revived.  If we take the normal base 10 version (3), Bird still is revived.

Q.E.D. the person with the most votes is revived.

Oooh, what if the princess is killed?
Let's say it's Night 3, no day 2, only 3 people are dead(wolfing-2, Lynch-1, shotgun-1, revive-1).  This means the calculation is the same as the wolfings are immediately counteracted with a revive.
Let's say it's Night 4, and 5 people are dead(wolfing-3, Lynch-2, shotgun-2, revive-2). Same as before, but a day later.
actually rather lame...
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Sorry I'm a little late to the party, I just came back from a little trip!!

mashi did you get a hold of my secret diary and tailor the twg game of my dreams??

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 08, 2015, 11:15:37 AMI'm shooting Bird
Not sure if this is a joke but shootings are during the day phase

I disagree with any public claimings, excluding the Jester and his Apprentice. In fact, the two proposed plans combined would be exactly the issue! When the Jester dies, the reviving mechanic is turned off. If the Princess claims and is wolfed N1 (or any night after that) the Jester will be dead and there will be no revivals.


Quote from: Bubbles on March 08, 2015, 12:41:41 PMI disagree with any public claimings, excluding the Jester and his Apprentice. In fact, the two proposed plans combined would be exactly the issue! When the Jester dies, the reviving mechanic is turned off. If the Princess claims and is wolfed N1 (or any night after that) the Jester will be dead and there will be no revivals.
Wait, what? If the Princess claims, why would the Jester die? If the Princess claims, we completely forgo the need for the Jester, at all- and thus, we would have to actually fight to keep the Jester alive. Plus, if the Princess claims, we avoid accidentally trying to lynch them.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on March 08, 2015, 01:34:10 PMWait, what? If the Princess claims, why would the Jester die? If the Princess claims, we completely forgo the need for the Jester, at all- and thus, we would have to actually fight to keep the Jester alive. Plus, if the Princess claims, we avoid accidentally trying to lynch them.
We tried to tell her that in the chat
but I don't think she understood D:
either way, we've reached a "wait for day 1" because we've already figured out the math behind the revive


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on March 08, 2015, 01:34:10 PMWait, what? If the Princess claims, why would the Jester die? If the Princess claims, we completely forgo the need for the Jester, at all- and thus, we would have to actually fight to keep the Jester alive. Plus, if the Princess claims, we avoid accidentally trying to lynch them.
You misread my sentences (they were dependent on each other, not two separate scenarios). tl;dr: If the princess and the Jester claim, thats a no-no

Also in the chat: I decided the Jester claiming was a bad idea after all since I actually want to be able to revive sometimes


Lynching the jester wastes a day phase and loses said mechanic

Not to mention shotgun...

jesters have always been anti human, and considering how much voting power they have to be able to joint for the win...

we shouldnt be worried about them and focus on shooting them more than anything.

in terms of shooting... we should shoot jester possiblities and lynch wolf options

in terms of the princess claiming...
Pros claiming- Someone to potentially get targeted.
Cons Claiming- no real benefits to claim other than knowing seer. seeing as how princess is dead and comes back every so often...
Also jester

Pros not claiming- getting princess lynched gives 2 people who are not wolves
cons- princess getting lynched gives wolves more power, also if jester's already lynched, gg
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


the revive is super important we can't risk lynching the jester day 1