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TWG 76: p ess tree HAS NO GAEMS

Started by Mashi, March 07, 2015, 08:40:57 PM

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"LULZERS" sed malestronk, "just WAT are we doin' today guys?"

"Why are you talking like that?" Bubbles inquired, adjusting the glasses on her face so that they did the really cool reflecting light thing like they do in the animes.

"Mashi, I don't even wear glasses!" Bubbles pouted as they mysteriously disappeared.

fank009 sighed.  He was foreboding what terrible displays of frivolity Mashi had prepared for everyone.


Bubbles and fank009 sighed.  This was going to be a long, long game.  "What does this even have to do with PS3's," Bubbles cautiously asked.

"This story is an allusion to the rift of fiscal dilemmas erupting from a myriad of corollaries resulting from the combined, while unintentional, efforts of Nintendo, X-Box Corporation, and Sony, to aggrandize their potential aptitudes in a multitude of media, irrespective of their respective original inceptions.  That considered, the penultimate resolve of each corroboration is abject and abortive in nature," NocturneOfShadow responded.

"W-What?" fank009 asked?

"Time dilation," Bubbles responded with a serious face like when L is being cool in Death Note or something when he's made a major discovery.

"Huh.........???" fank009 was confused.  (Just in case the question marks didn't make it clear to you)

Bubbles stood up dramatically even though everyone is already standing but I guess she stood her standing to the next standing level?  Is that how Jojo's works?

"So this is what you're planning, hmm, Mashi?" she stared at the sky, looking at no one in part- wait, hold on, can you see me behind the fake sky?  Umm, please pay no mind to the person behind the sky.

fank009 had given up all prospects of understanding what was going on and decided to just roll with it.  He didn't know what was going on with Bubbles, but if he had to be the voice of reason, it was a Role he would have to take.



It is now Night 1.  Night 1 ends March 8th at 11PM EST.

1. maelstrom
2. Bubbbles
3. Latios212
4. fank009
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. NocturneOfShadow
7. the_last_sheikah
8. AwesomeYears
9. mariolegofan
10. Bird

1. Wolf Painter with Autism - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player.  That Player is seered Green for that Night Phase.
2. Wolf Painter with Schizophrenia - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player.  That Player is seered Red for that Night Phase.
3. Jester with OCD - Wins the game if lynched during an odd number Day Phase.  Redirects wolfings on self to a random non-Wolf Player.  If the Jester wins, the Reviver Mechanic is turned Off.  It is announced when the Jester with OCD wins.
4. Apprentice with Inferiority Complex (and OCD) - Wins with the Jester with OCD.
5. Seer Who's Batman - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Night Phase.  At the end of the Night Phase, learns that Player's colour and whom they voted to revive.
6. Beloved Princess with Bipolar Spectral Disorder - Skips next Day Phase if lynched.  It will be announced that someone threw a tantrum when lynched.
7. Human With Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - Told he/she's a normal Human.
8. Humankin - Told he/she's a normal Human.
9. Cirno - Told he/she's a normal Human.  If in the setup, theme music plays during every Phase.
10. Vanilla Townie - Told he/she's a normal Human.

Shotgun Mechanic On - Every Day Phase, there will be a shotgun on the table with one bullet in its register.  Each Day Phase, a Player may post publicly in the thread that they would like to shoot a Player.  If there are n Players alive during the Day Phase, the first shot has a 1/n chance of succeeding, the second has a 1/(n-1) chance, then 1/(n-2), 1/(n-3) chance, etc.  When a successful shot is fired, the shotgun cannot be used again for that Day Phase.  The Shotgun must make a successful shot every Day Phase or else everyone dies and the Host wins.  To attempt to shoot someone, a Player must bold the words "I shoot [Player]" to take a shot.
Night Phase Reviver Mechanic On - Every Night Phase, each Player votes for a dead Player whom they want revived.  The total number of votes on each Player is tallied and assigned to the variables a, b, c, d, ... until termination occurs.  Then the ath, bth, cth, dth, ... terms of the Fibonacci Sequence are taken and multiplied together.  The digital root of the resulting number is then taken and then multiplied by the total number of votes made.  Each digit of the resulting is then added together.  The process is repeated until a number in base n is made where n is the highest number of votes made on a Player.  The Player with the number of votes closest to the resulting number is the Player that is revived.  If a tie results, decided between the tied results.  The Player with the most votes is revived.
Reviving occurs before wolfings.  The same Player cannot be revived more than once.

Note on Victory Conditions - Wolves win when all Humans have been eliminated.  Humans win when all Wolves have been eliminated.

Role PMs:
QuoteYou are the Jester with OCD.

QuoteYou are the Apprentice with Inferiority Complex (and OCD).

QuoteYou are the Seer Who's Batman.

QuoteYou are the Beloved Princess with Bipolar Spectral Disorder.

QuoteYou are a Human.

Day 1 - Bird is wolfed.
--- NocturneOfShadow attempts to shoot BlackDragonSlayer.
--- AwesomeYears attempts to shoot mariolegofan.
--- maelstrom attempts to shoot NocturneOfShadow.
--- BlackDragonSlayer attempts to shoot NocturneOfShadow.
--- Bubbles shoots NocturneOfShadow.
Night 2 - maelstrom and BlackDragonSlayer are KitB'd.  maelstrom is lynched.
Day 2 - Bird is revived, Bubbles is wolfed.
--- the_last_sheikah attempts to shoot Latios212.
--- BlackDragonSlayer attempts to shoot Dude.
--- Dude attempts to shoot BlackDragonSlayer.
--- Latios212 attempts to shoot the_last_sheikah.
--- fank009 shoots Dude.
Night 3 - Latios212 is Insta'd.


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


What in the world is this story lol
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I... don't even know what to make of the "story".
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


ffr anime club started so i didnt get to finish ill do that tonite yo



pro story is pro... (a good read on what I'd say xD)

Just for everyone to know... I intend on shooting whenever I get the possibility to
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Adding some clarifications on the Fool With OCD and the Shotgun Mechanic.


oooh... so thats how the shotgun mechanic works...

so plan...
We shoot, most suspicious to least suspicous (I guess Im still shooting first? xD)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...



Sup everyone.

I think we should have our bipolar princess claim. After she does that, the seer claims to her, and then the bipolar princess can report to the thread the seer results without the seer revealing his or her identity publicly. If the bipolar princess is wolfed, we can just revive her the following night phase.

also im gonna be mad if im wolfed n1 in my first game back
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Also the Jester and his Apprentice should claim to the thread. We can lynch them day 1 to avoid accidentally shooting any humans on the first day phase. We'll help them win, they'll help us win, it's a great plan.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


i changed the reviver mechanic btw everyone


okay well ignore my princess claiming plan until i figure this reviver thing out
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


But then we'd loose the reviver....
Which now makes no sense.