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TWG 76: Player Sign Ups

Started by Mashi, March 03, 2015, 09:00:11 AM

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whos the dankiest

1 (11.1%)
8 (88.9%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: March 07, 2015, 08:16:08 PM



Lets take this (somewhat) back to basics

TWG 74: Hail to the chief

x wolves
y Humans

Gimmick: Each night phase, a president is elected. the president has a few duties and perks.
-The president can not be wolfed at the night phase, any wolfings will be redirected to a random human
-each day phase he is in charge of the lynch. he can only be overridden with a vote of 66% or greater
-at the end of the phase, he is to put one person in witness protection. they will spend the next 2 phases in witness protection and are immuned to a wolfing (including the redirected shot at the president) the person in witness protection loses their vote for the next two phases

Order of operations
-Put into witness protection

Election begins
-Votes counted

Humans win when wolves are dead
Wolves win at parity

More questions answered when the game wins

Numbers will be filled when numbers finalized
Might chuck a seer in there depending on numbers
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Going to end Player Sign Ups on February 5th at 11PM EST.  Presuming all potential Hosts have their games up by then, I'll put up the poll at the same time too.


can we pls have more than 8 players


9 sign ups so i can add cirno pls


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 04, 2015, 06:50:29 AMcan we pls have more than 8 players
If I win we have 7 :/
but yeah, we need more players other than the regulars...
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


sry guys i fell asleep yesterday

Poll will be up today at 11PM EST tho.




TWG 76: p ess tree HAS NO GAEMS

1. Wolf Painter with Autism - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player.  That Player is seered Green for that Night Phase.
2. Wolf Painter with Schizophrenia - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player.  That Player is seered Red for that Night Phase.
3. Jester with OCD - Wins the game if lynched during an odd number Day Phase.  Redirects wolfings.  If the Jester wins, the Reviver Mechanic is turned Off.  It is announced when the Jester with OCD wins.
4. Seer Who's Batman - Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Night Phase.  At the end of the Night Phase, learns that Player's colour and whom they voted to revive.
5. Beloved Princess with BPD - Skips next Day Phase if lynched.  It will be announced that someone threw a tantrum when lynched.
6. Human That Acts Like He/She Has OCD But Doesn't - Told he/she's a normal Human.
7. Human With Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - Told he/she's a normal Human.
8. Humankin - Told he/she's a normal Human.
9. Cirno - Told he/she's a normal Human.  If in the setup, theme music plays during every Phase.

this game is really politically incorrect but ill change the names to something not politically correct if people want me to

Shotgun Mechanic On - Every Day Phase, there will be a shotgun on the table with one bullet in its register.  Each Day Phase, a Player may post publicly in the thread that they would like to shoot a Player.  If there are n Players alive during the Day Phase, the first shot has a 1/n chance of succeeding, the second has a 1/(n-1) chance, then 1/(n-2), 1/(n-3) chance, etc.  When a successful shot is fired, the shotgun cannot be used again for that Day Phase.
Night Phase Reviver Mechanic On - Every Night Phase, each Player votes for a dead Player whom they want revived.  The Player with the most votes will be revived.

Note on Victory Conditions - Wolves win when all Humans have been eliminated.  Humans win when all Wolves have been eliminated.


Political correctness is for scrubs





Wait, you might be able to fill in for NoS.
