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Need a music layout/edit that your Finale product can't handle? Ask here!

Started by ZeldaFan, June 02, 2008, 02:59:32 PM

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Hmm, quite a lot of restrictions. Finale-only and now no Mediafire?

Looks like I'll have to give up arranging.


Mediafire is frowned upon because of ads and stuff. Its setup is just kinda.... yuck.

In regards to Finale only, this comes up from time to time and I want to stress that we don't want to discourage arrangers, but we do have our reasons:
Quote from: Latios212 on December 24, 2016, 10:41:15 PMHere's a practical reason without saying "because it's always been this way": Using a Finale file as a master file allows us to keep everything in sync - that is, generate a .mid and a .pdf file off of the .mus so we know they're all up to date by checking against one file. Trying to incorporate files from other notation software would make our retention of multiple file types asynchronous, meaning that any small change in one would have to be made in the exact same change in the other, which is really bad because it's easily prone to error and causes more work for the arrangers and updaters, who would (and should) rather be checking an arrangement for its content and not having to deal with using multiple notation softwares. It's good practice to consistently offer the same file type for every arrangement, and also simplifies site maintenance for the staff (should anything need to be changed, a quick change to the .mus and a couple of exports is all that is needed).

All that said, there are people around here more than willing to help you iron out the kinks with file conversion. MuseScore arrangers still have potential to be successful here - just read some of the above posts. So don't worry too much.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Well, it's not that you can't use Mediafire, but there are far superior ways to share your files. I'll point out now that there are quite a few of us that primarily use MuseScore and only have NotePad, and we get things to work out just fine. I don't think asking you to quickly set up a Dropbox account and export an .xml file from whatever program you use is "quite a lot of restrictions."

ninja'd by Latios, and he's exactly on point
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Well, I just looked up what LilyPond is, and it's different from all the other arranging software than I know, because you write code than you can compile in pdf, mid etc, so there's probably a compiler wich compiles to musicxml out here


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


'Ello! I've finished both of these arrangements from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon for a while already, but in musescore, so now I want to submit them to the site! However, as usual, Notepad is being inept at what it does :P
I think I've done all I could in Notepad 2012 with the xml files.
I'm not quite sure how far Finale can fulfil these requests but here they are anyway:

Pokémon Exploration Team Theme (I saw somebody else do this track but they've not really done anything for a few months):
broken mus:

Basically, I would want the score to follow the musescore pdf:
- If there's a way, hide all the pedal markings
- Add header/footer for every other page (why does it disappear?!)
- Add measure numbers every new line (again, why?!)
- Change all the 8vbs to actually say 8vb instead of 8va
- Change the fonts of text at m0, 15, 17 and 69 to Times New Roman
- Fix the coda and repeat text
- For some reason the measures after a break in the stave are looking really weird, is there a way to fix that?

Welcome to the World of Pokémon!:
broken mus:

Again, I'd just like to follow the pdf:
- If there's a way, hide all the pedal markings
- Add header/footer for every page
- Add measure numbers every new line
- Move the rests down/up if something's clipping it in the bass clef (eg. m2)
- Move the notes which are clipping others (eg. m8)
- Fix the coda and repeat text
- Hide the tempo markings and the decrescendo near the ritardando at the end of the score

Sorry if I sound a bit demanding, heh ;D
I might post on this thread often, like really often. I just really want to have people actually be able to open my arrangements in Finale (and also submit them)!


My request was fulfilled (now how to delete this post...?)
I don't care if it's impossible, I'm doing it anyways.


How do I remove the abreviaton of the instrument (pno.) at the left part of the score??

Im using finale 2012 and the option in the menu required for doing it does not exist.

Ok, solved.


Can someone help get me a blank template file that uses two bass clefs?
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.




When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Hey, I figured out how to do everything in Finale except 2 things. One: I need to get rid of the Pno. abbreviation at the start of each line, and two, I need to add measure numbers at the start of each line. I've looked up how to do it, but it doesn't seem my version of Finale (2012) has the correct options. Also, I need to move the arpeggio marks on some of the songs since they block the accidentals.


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