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TWG LXXV: A Role Reunion Reprise

Started by davy, February 23, 2015, 07:52:20 AM

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So, I am "uncharistically quiet," but Fank "seems to be sitting back and enjoying the activity"?

Also, Maelstrom is seeming off this game, especially with his most recent quote (either that, or he really doesn't read things)...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I'm always off.

Anyway, I seriously did not read that properly.

I also was asking about wolf powers simply because I was wondering if the lynch could go suddenly out of control if wolf powers were used durring the day phase. Turns out, they can't be used. So....

And there just isn't enough activity to really post anything useful. Sorry.
I really don't have a vote at this point. There is just not enough to base anything off of.


Quote from: davy on February 25, 2015, 09:03:22 AMNocturneOfShadow died, then, he died again. There was no seer result. It's now day 1. Day one ends February 27th 12:00PM EST
Am I going crazy or did the phase end three hours ago??


idk if PM is supposed to mean midnight or noon.


nvm. It does mean noon.
The phase ended.

Where are you davy


Quote from: Bubbles on February 27, 2015, 12:22:25 PMAm I going crazy or did the phase end three hours ago??
Um... oops. Well, I guess that's what I get for not keeping track of the phase endings! :-\
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Also, watch out for Bubbles and/or Maelstrom (I don't think they would be wolves together, though).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 27, 2015, 11:29:43 AMSo, I am "uncharistically quiet," but Fank "seems tis tic allying qqqqqing back and enjoying the activity"?

Also, Maelstrom is seeming off this game, especially with his most recent quote (either that, or he really doesn't read things)...
-being busy, havent seen a lot from mlf, and when the person leading isnt doing anything... all the lobbying doesnt kean a thing if its not going to be used..  I have expressed plans with him at least, and I'll keep it at that
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...



welp this game is dead

anyone up for go fish


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Im going to put an insurance policy on Latios
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Sorry guys, birthday stuff kept my busy

TWG LXXV: A Role Reunion Reprise


1. White Walker Spy (TWG LIV: Game of Wolves)

2. Party Member (TWG LXI: We have always been at war with Eurasia)

The wolves have the following powers to use collectively:

Minipax - Picks two players.  Any vote for one of them will be treated as a vote for the other during the next day phase.  The use of this power is announced, just not which players.  Additionally, the two players will swap colors for the night phase this is used. Single use.

Miniluv - The Wolves select a player, controlling their vote for the rest of the game. The wolves will have to send in the vote through PM. The Wolf who used Miniluv (or minitrue if reuse) will have its vote count for 0. The use of this power is announced, just not what player. Single use.

Minitrue - Allows the wolves to reuse one of the above powers.  Undoes the original effect of their power.  Lynches will be re-calculated.

Miniplenty - Revokes every human power in the game for a night phase. Single use

Disguise Kit - Paints one of the wolves in a color of the users choice. Five uses, each use lasts through the night phase. Send a PM to the host with the player you're painting and what color you'd like to paint them in at night to activate it.

Nullify - Send a PM to the host with a player's name during the night phase stating that you would like to Nullify them. This makes any power they attempt to use that night phase fail. Single use.


3. Megakiller - Vigilante. Power only works on night 1. Must kill someone on that night or else he dies. If that player would die through other means (e.g. the wolves are already wolfing that person) or if his power is nullified during night 1, the Megakiller dies. If he scores the first vigi hit on Werewolf Sonic he will survive.(TWG LXIII: Second Chances)

4. Doctor Emmett Brown - Can chose to go to either the future or the past once during the game. Going to the past allows him to adjust his vote from one day to a different player; going to the future will give him a safe passage to the next day phase (meaning that if he would be lynched/wolfed that/those phase(s) there will be no succesfull lynching/wolfing. He has the item Gray's Almanac, granting the holder a tally of used wolf powers throughout the game. Single use. (TWG XLVII: Relax, I'm a Doctor)

5. Werewolf Sonic - (During the day he will seer BLUE, but will seer RED at night due to his werewolf form (remains human throughout) (as there are no day seers in this game, this means he will always be seer'd red). Can take any combination of 2 vigi's/wolfings before going down. When Sonic is wolfed/vigi'd the first time, it will be exclaimed that "Sonic has been wolfed/vigi'd! (1)." On the second kill, the player's name will be used normally, stating "Player X has been wolfed/vigid"). (TWG XXXIII: Beat Those Eggs, Jimmy)

6. Chimecho - Martyr  During a Day Phase, this player can sacrifice him/herself by sending a PM to the host, to revive somebody dead permanently (will go in effect at the end of the phase). Single use. This power will not go in effect if Chimeco dies through other means during that phase. Power fails if used on the Phoenix (Chimeco still dies, though) (TWG XXXIX: Perfect Apples)

7. Invisible Seer - Each night EVERY player will vote for someone to be seer'd, whoever has the most votes will be seer'd that night. Stops working when the Invisible sear is dead. Is told he is a normal human. (TWG XLVI: Have it Your Way)

8. Phoenix - Can revive himselve for one phase after dying. During this phase he can speak normally, but he does not count for human numbers, cannot vote, and cannot send or receive private messages. Is told he is a normal human until death. (TWG LXV: Haunting Spirits)

BlackDragonSlayer was lynched. It's now Night 2. Night 2 ends March 1st 4:30AM PST/5:30AM MST/6:30AM CST/7:30AM EST/1:30PM CET/8:30 PM AEST/10:30PM in New Zealand.

1. Maelstrom
2. mariolegofan
3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. Latios212
5. fank009
6. Yugi
7. NocturneOfShadow
8. Bubbles
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game

