Arrangement Contest No. 6 in G# Phrygian "Bossification"

Started by Bloop, February 15, 2015, 01:29:19 PM

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Who won? Who's next? You decide! Epic Arrangement Contest of Historyyyyyy...

Storm Eagle - by them
1 (5.6%)
Sextus Templum - by FierceDeity
3 (16.7%)
For a Dream - by Echo
0 (0%)
Fugitives Last Stand - by Bespinben
14 (77.8%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Voting closed: April 23, 2015, 04:33:12 AM


I guess they did, I now suffer from notbeinghomeforlikeaweekaritus and isuckhorriblyatjudgingiticus. I'm doing my best to finish this off today and if needed tomorrow


These are the way-too-delayed results!

1. Orchestration: 6
The instruments you've chose work well for your piece. They've allowed you to depict the arrangement in such a way that is completely different to the original. Although I don't believe you should ever judge someone on something they haven't included, I find it rather concerning that you have absolutely no percussion (except harpsichord) in your piece. The original relies on it heavily and although you may have tried to steer clear of it, I don't think that was a good choice. Still, your use of instrument combinations and individual movement within parts demonstrates an excellent use of orchestration. It feels a bit light at times and also unnaturally empty around the harpsichord 'Fuge' section for a boss piece, but you're the boss!

2. Preservation: 9
The first section is a simple arrangement of the original piece and then transforms into a far more complex series of 'Theme and Variations' on the melody, which is very effective. Excellent use of a more 'Classical' approach to tackle the preservation and manipulation of a melody!

3. Creativity: 9
The creativity in this piece really shone after the opening section when the different variations were used. The transformation from an upbeat piece to a more Classical one was very interesting. The harpsichord 'Fuge' was very out-of-the-ordinary in a piece like this, as was the final part of the arrangement. The only bummer in the piece was the opening, really. It wasn't a direct transcription and yet wasn't anything completely new, so it didn't have a huge 'wow' effect that most boss tunes tend to go for. Nevertheless, you have great ideas going on there!

4. Criteria: 5
I was originally VERY hard on this arrangement, but the more I listen to it, I appreciate it. The ideas behind this arrangement are solid and make it a great rendition of the tune, but I don't think it's very boss-esque. You've chosen a piece that already has the making of being boss music, so in order to make it sound even bossier (hahaha!), you need to up the excitement and momentum. I think you managed to create some beautiful parts that were far more satisfying than the original, but overall I don't find this piece as engaging as the original. It has the making of being better, but you left out some really big things that help to make a boss piece a boss piece. *cough*percussion*cough* I do love your work, though, so keep it up!

5. Formatting: 5
All requirements have been included as well as a few other formatting conventions – dynamics, articulation, a double barline, etc. Although you have those previous things, MUCH more would be appreciated. Your middle sections lacked dynamics and articulation completely. Double barlines every 8 or 16 bars would be better for easy viewing. Try to keep 4 bars per line so it looks pretty and is easy to follow, or 8 if you have your page in landscape. Also, why are both guitars in 8vb clefs? They sound that way but aren't written like that. Anyways, the more you work on scores the better you get, so just keep pumping out scores and you'll learn how it all works.
Orchestration: 7p
The instruments make a perfect base for a standard boss theme, and the harpsichord was a nice addition. A drum set would be nice for the first part, though.

Preservation: 8p
The main themes are clearly present through the whole sheet, and developed nicely. A bit too bad on the intro bassline having the A on the beat instead on the offbeat, as the solo intro is an iconic part for this song. Not bad at all, though.

Creativity: 9p
The classical approach after the first part was a nice catch-on, it gave an epic feel to the song, as well as the medieval ending. Nice!

Criteria: 6p
The song is an alright boss theme. I could feel a boss fight going on during the baroque harpsichord part, but the song lacked that feel at some parts.

Formatting: 6p
The requirements are included, and articulations and dynamics are presented well in the first and last part. The middle section, though, lacked most of this, and made the sheet look empty.
fingerz: 34p
Bloop: 36p
Average: 35p
Popular Vote: 5p
Total: 75p
1. Orchestration: 10
What a massive amount of instruments used in such an effective way! The amount of colour and variation in this arrangement is immense. The individuality between different instrument groups and even within those groups is very impressive. A 'full' and complete sound is present all throughout – no instruments are laid to waste. What a fabulous job!

2. Preservation: 10
The arrangement takes a 'Theme and Variations' form of preserving the original piece, which is highly successful at keeping true to the tune but also exploring and manipulating it in many different ways. Presenting the original material untouched at the start was very effective. The Temple of Time is never lost.

3. Creativity: 10
Creativity is off the charts with this piece! The different journeys taken with the original material are explored within different parts of the mini orchestra, creating beautiful sounds and textures unknown to the original. The different time signatures and implied signature over another was fabulously integrated. I love the lyrics later on in the piece too. Excellent work!

4. Criteria: 5
I think this is where the arrangement comes a little undone. It contains many sections that belong to the category of a boss tune, but the way it's structured and particularly due to its length, it's more of a cinematic piece rather than an actual boss theme. Boss music is usually not particularly long (a couple of minutes max) and has a greater sense of urgency that what is being conveyed here. I love it, but I couldn't imagine many people wanting to battle to this instead of Ganon's Battle Theme.

5. Formatting: 7
All requirements have been included EXCEPT a subtitle of with the name of the original song and the game it's from. Measure markings, dynamics and articulation are also present. Although the score is very neat, the occasional double barline and rehearsal number would make it easier to read – for instance, right before a change of key. Also, try to put key changes at the start of a page, otherwise they look messy. Well done on making such a good-looking score!
Orchestration: 9p
Orchestra is always a great instrumentation for the epic final boss fight. All instruments served their purpose greatly.

Preservation: 10p
The theme was completely introduced at the intro, and loads of variations on this theme were made throughout the song. You

Creativity: 10p
You went all nuts with a simple melody, including loads of time and key signature changes. It made a great orchestral, movie-esque theme. Also lyrics. Cooool ^^

Criteria: 8p
Despite the cinematic approach, I disagree with some people saying it's not well as an actual boss theme. This could work well as some kind of dodgy autoscroller final boss, like the final bowser in NSMBWii. Good going!

Formatting: 7p
Dynamics and articulation were handled perfectly for every instrument, but you did forget the subtitle noted in the requirements. Have to take away some points for that.
fingerz: 42p
Bloop: 44p
Average: 43p
Popular Vote: 7.5p
Total: 93.5p
1. Orchestration: 8
Excellent choice of instruments for this arrangement – the combination of strings and brass in pairs complement each other whilst the piano and drums add depth and much-needed character to the arrangement. The whole thing feels a little underdone when it comes to harmony and movement in extra parts to add depth to the sound, however, the piece is very engaging nonetheless. Excellent work!

2. Preservation: 10
The original piece is easily recognisable in this arrangement, particularly due to the way it's presented – harmonic emphasis in the strings helps with this. Even the original material contains elements that relate back to the original piece.

3. Creativity: 10
Excellent use of original material and conventions to add a touch of 'boss' to the piece – change of time signature, different rhythms, new material, brass stabs, etc. The use of softer moments building to those with greater energy were VERY exciting. Your exploration with this piece has been a huge success!

4. Criteria: 10
This is definitely a boss piece, and a very good one at that! It does a fabulous job at depicting a Fire Emblem boss theme too. If I didn't know what game this tune was from, I would've guess Fire Emblem, so well done for making such a true arrangement!

5. Formatting: 6
All requirements have been included as well as other formatting conventions – measure numbers, articulation, dynamics, etc. The articulation feels a little unnatural at times, but I believe that may be because you were aiming for the sound rather than the look. Your drum part isn't the friendliest thing I've ever seen – best to put cymbals beaming up and drums/snare beaming down. Rehearsal marks and double-bar lines every 8 to 16 measures would be ideal to help with readability. Also, try to keep the amount of measures for each page to 4 or 8 depending on your scale. It makes it look much more professional and easier to follow. Nevertheless, the chart looks pretty good!
Orchestration: 6p
The strings and brass go well together, but I'm really missing a bassline in this song. Bass is one of the most important things in music, and without it, the song sounds very empty. Also, some parts of the drumline are a bit hard to play or hard to read.

Preservation: 10p
The theme is clearly present through the whole song, and recognisable in other parts of the song. Good job!

Creativity: 8p
The change from 3/4 to 4/4 made this song a bit more interesting, as it has completely transformed from a calming song to a more agressive one. Nice!

Criteria: 8p
The transformation indeed made this song sound like a boss theme, but the emptiness because of the lack of bass did take away some of that feeling. 

Formatting: 8p
All requirements are there, and a bit of articulation too. Dynamics are alright, nothing special going on.
fingerz: 44p
Bloop: 40p
Average: 42p
Popular Vote: 2.5p
Total: 86.5p
1. Orchestration: 10
Superior use of instrumentation – all the instruments are actively involved and intertwined, demonstrating the importance of every part. A great variety of instruments are used which complement each other and create a 'full' sound. The individuality and care for each part is phenomenal!

2. Preservation: 10
Variations of the melody are used tastefully throughout the arrangement, interweaved with original material. The preservation of the original piece is what gives this arrangement its shape and momentum. It's also incredibly catchy, so that helps as well.

3. Creativity: 10
The arrangement goes WELL above the criteria in many different aspects – change of style, addition of instruments, heaps of complimentary material, etc. There's not a dull moment in the entire arrangement. Creativity runs deep in this one!

4. Criteria: 10
Not only is this a masterful interpretation of a piece into a boss tune, it's also complimentary to actual boss themes from the PMD series. It sounds like it belongs in one of the games, so very well done! If this was done with the sounds from the game, I wouldn't be able to tell it apart!

5. Formatting: 10
All requirements have been included and even formatting extending far beyond – measure numbers, rehearsal marks, dynamics, extensive articulation, no cramping of parts, 4 measures per line, EVERYTHING! The amount of detail in the score is fabulous! The only thing I could really niggle you about would be the order of your instruments in your score – your violin and drum parts should be swapped around. Your order would be correct in an orchestra, but for this kind of music it would be best to have it the other way. Apart from that, I don't have anything else to say but words of praise!
Orchestration: 9p

The instruments merged very well together, it's nice to listen to. The drums are killing, though. Drum fills like in m. 22 are impossible to play.

Preservation: 10p
The main song was completely transfered to a catchy hard rock song, and no part of the song was left out. Detailed very well too, very nice!

Creativity: 10p
All the articulation in this piece made the song very interesting to listen to and to look at. You want all nuts with piano chords and it's great.

Criteria: 10p
The song and all its epicness are perfect for a boss theme, particularly in a Pokémon game. Very nice!

Formatting: 9p
Loads of dynamics, slurs, articulation, requirements are handled well, great! The only thing notable is the order of the instruments; In scores like these, the order is usually vocals (or violin in this case I guess), guitars, piano, bass, drums. The way it is right now is more of an orchestral order, I think
fingerz: 50p
Bloop: 48p
Average: 49p
Popular Vote: 10p
Total: 108p

So the winner iiissss...





1st: Bespinben (108p)
2nd: FierceDeity (93.5p)
3rd: Echo (86.5p)
4th: them (75p)

Congratulations! You win and you get NOTHING! MWUAHAHAH
Nah you get praise. Enjoy the praise. I have nothing ;_;

But still, congratulations everybody! All participants have done an outstanding job, you all should be proud of yourself! And now, I should go back to arranging, as I'm the worst at organizing and judging an arrangement contest. See you next time!


Congratz, bespinben! i should mspaint you a sig banner or something lol
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100% agree with the judging; congrats, bespinben! (now seriously, what sound libraries did you use, I gotta know XD)


For the most part, I agree that my arrangement wasn't as enthusiastic as the others, but I have to say in my defence:

The harpischord is not known for its dynamic diversity which is why I didn't mark the harpsichord with any dynamic markings.

I didn't add drums because I don't like unpitched percussion.

That's about it.


Oh yeah, I didn't notice that but if you marked them down for that then yeah harpsichord doesn't really do dynamics. I only included them in mine because I never really intend to have mine performed outside of a digital space, so I was thinking more in terms of levels within a DAW.

Also, anyone mind if I try my hand at hosting the next one?


Alright with me ^^ Did we have another idea for this contest already actually?


Congrats Bespy! And everyone else too, it was interesting to see the different ideas about how to make a boss theme!

Thanks a lot for the judging and advice fingerz and Bloop, I love how I got called out on cutting corners (rushed it out since I started on the night before it was due lol). Oh, and thanks again Bloop for hosting it all! I don't think anyone's upset about the delays, and it's fair since you gave the contestants extensions too, haha.


Quote from: Bloop on May 09, 2015, 11:38:18 AMDid we have another idea for this contest already actually?

Not that I know of, but I have a couple ideas myself. I'll make a thread in a few



I mean, the last two contests have had their own brainstorming threads, so it makes sense to me to make a separate one for this to avoid in-thread clutter.



Man, I would LOVE to be a judge again!! It's so much fun investigating how someone's manipulated a theme to fit something else. ^^
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


And you did a great job of it, fingerz! We may have only had a 50% completion rate for judging, but you and bloop provided some well-detailed and transparent feedback. I'd definitely like for you to judge again.