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Arrangement Contest No. 6 in G# Phrygian "Bossification"

Started by Bloop, February 15, 2015, 01:29:19 PM

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Who won? Who's next? You decide! Epic Arrangement Contest of Historyyyyyy...

Storm Eagle - by them
1 (5.6%)
Sextus Templum - by FierceDeity
3 (16.7%)
For a Dream - by Echo
0 (0%)
Fugitives Last Stand - by Bespinben
14 (77.8%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Voting closed: April 23, 2015, 04:33:12 AM


Welcome to the 6th annual monthly sometimely Arrangement Contest!

Welcome, one and all! This is the sixth installment of the Arrangement Contest. This time, the theme will be:

Write any video game theme into a boss theme.

Take any song from a video game, and write a boss theme for it. This makes an exception for themes that already have boss themes (like a couple of Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo series songs), and of course boss themes themselves. So no Angry Aztec, Mayahem Temple, Final Bowser, for example. If you're doubting whether the song you are choosing is valid, send me a PM. There are no restrictions on instrument choices.

The score will be based on the following criteria:

1) Orchestration: Do the instruments serve the music? A simple copy/paste would result in a low score, while a dynamic orchestration would yield something higher. (1-10 points)
2) Preservation: Does the arrangement make it clear what the original was while meeting the criteria? If the arrangement only makes a single reference to the original while it does something else entirely, then it'll get a low score. (1-10 points)
3) Creativity: Does the arrangement go beyond the criteria? If it only does the basic change, low score. (1-10 points)
4) Criteria: Does the arrangement meet the criteria for the challenge? (1-10 points)
5) Formatting: Make sure your piece has the following information: a title, a subtitle (including the original song title and the game it's from), the the composers name, and the arrangers name (either your NSM alias or real name). You get more points if you arrangement had other standard things such as measure numbers, dynamics, etc. (if such things apply to your piece). This category should result in easy points. NOTE: G-Han's formatting guidelines in the submission board DON'T apply here. Points will only be given for the fields specified here. (1-10 points)
6) Popular vote: Each entry gets a corresponding score from everyone who votes, an average from the votes for the piece out of all the votes. (1st: 10, 2nd: 7.5, 3rd: 5, 4th: 2.5)

Your total amount of points will be the average of your earned points multiplied by 2 (+ possible popular vote points). This means the lowest score you can get is 10.

Here are some links to earlier contests, for consideration:
Arrangement Contest No. 1 in A "Praeludium"
Arrangement Contest No. 2 in C "The Grand Dance"
Arrangement Contest No. 3 in G minor "Going Solo"
Arrangement Contest No. 4 in F diminished "Nightmarish Visions"
Arrangement Contest No. 5 in E-sharp "Variable Mix"

Sign-ups! CLOSED
1. Bloop
2. FireArrow
3. Yugi
4. fingerz

1. NocturneOfShadow
2. Maelstrom
3. MaestroUGC
4. them
5. Clanker37
7. Bespinben
8. FierceDeity
9. SlowPokemon
10. Olimar12345
11. Echo

Once you've signed up, please PM me with your song choice. First come, first served.
When you've finished your song, PM it to me. I will forward it to the judges. A MUS file is required, I will make a MP3 and a PDF from it (if needed). Anything else is appreciated.

Sign-up cut-off: Saturday Feb. 28th
Start: Monday Mar. 2nd
Due Date: Friday Apr. 10th Saturday Apr. 18th
Results: Wednesday Apr. 15th 22nd


I am not usually a fan of the arrangement-contests, but this sounds pretty awesome! Really looking forward to it.

Quote from: Bespinben on February 03, 2015, 07:49:27 PM
I give the Bespin seal of approval to Xaoz's critique (^o^)=b


Quote from: Xaoz on February 15, 2015, 01:42:31 PMI am not usually a fan of the arrangement-contests, but this sounds pretty awesome! Really looking forward to it.
This sounds neat!
I'll stick around. I'd love to judge but I'll be to busy this next week.


I'd love to judge and participate. Um, though whether or not I could participate effectively is directly proportional to the amount of free time I get. But heck with it: sign me up. Worst that can happen is I don't have a finished arrangement to bring to the table. ::)
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26




I think I'm in.
Not 100% sure how this will turn out, though.
Worst case scenario, I end up as a judge.


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I'll judge (since I know I'll end up rushing it last minute.)
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department



Quote from: JDMEK5 on February 15, 2015, 05:57:46 PMI'd love to judge and participate.
oh we haven't had this since cobra's contests
I guess this is alright, you'll just judge the pieces after you sent in your entry

I noted everyone up to this point. Them signed up via PM


^That really won't work, as its not fair for him to judge his own entry, nor for him to not have a full score due to a missing judge. There's a reason we stopped doing that.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 15, 2015, 10:21:21 PM^That really won't work, as its not fair for him to judge his own entry, nor for him to not have a full score due to a missing judge. There's a reason we stopped doing that.

Bloop isn't holding a serious money match competition, he's holding a blooptacular fun competition! With that in mind, I think we can trust JDEMK to judge fairly.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

The Deku Trombonist

Just a thought, probably for a future contest: What if instead of having judges, all the participants judged each others entries (not their own)?

Waddle Bro

That system would also have the chance of corruption, as some judges could give other entries less points on purpose or subconsciously to boost the win chances for their own entries.

If you really need a judge tho, I can do it if you want