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Tobbeh99's Arrangements (NEW: Pokémon Scarlet/Violet)

Started by Tobbeh99, February 06, 2015, 08:24:36 AM

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Finished another arrangement! my first Mario arrangement, Final Boss Phase 2 from New Super Mario Bros. Wii! Really epic song and really funny too (bom bom bom, bass line). Not sure if the bass melody is correct was hard to hear it.

[Sheet Music]
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Made a youtube video of my arrangement of "Clair" from Pokémon Crystal! :)
Sounds really good!
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


And here's another Mario arrangement! The Castle theme from New Super Mario Bros! It's a replacement since the current one is pretty bad and also a lot different from the original. I really like this theme, it sounds so courageous when you're running through the castle. i was disappointed when I played the Wii version that they not only didn't had the DS theme, but the theme they had was way worse, imo. I really liked the melodic nature of the song, but the Wii castle song had none of that. This song was also fun to arrange, and I think the end result is really solid.

[Sheet Music]
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Since I got a job, I've had less time making arrangements and videos. But I got a lot of free time during weekends so I can use them to do videos and arrangements. And here I've made a new video, of my Diablo III arrangement "And The Heavens Shall tremble"!
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Ok no, my plan was to arrange the soundtrack over the summer, but now that I see you already did it, it's pointless. Besides it all comes to fix your arrangements, so a new topic just for that is not necessary, my bad. I'll ask for the other topic to be deleted and move the discussion here if you don't mind.


[GBC] The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons & Oracle of Ages

Subtitle: OoS should go before OoA, OoS goes first chronologically
Composed by Kyopi and Minako Adachi
Copyright: Nintendo, Capcom c 2001

                                                  1. "Two Quests of the Triforce"  [MUS]
                                                  2. "Title Screen"
                                                  3. "File Select"
                                                  4. "Secrets of the Oracles"  [MUS]
                                                  5. "Din's Dance"
                                                  6. "Evil Spreads Across the Land"
                                                  7. "Overworld"
                                                  8. "Hero's Cave"
                                                  9. "You Found..."
                                                  10. "Horon Village"
                                                  11. "House"
                                                  12. "Shop"
                                                  13. "Knowledge of the Maku Trees"
                                                  14. "Gnarled Root Dungeon"
                                                  15. "Here Comes Maple!"
                                                  16. "Maple's Mad Dash!"
                                                  17. "Welcome to Subrosia"
                                                  18. "That Popular Subrosian Dance!"
                                                  19. "Temple of Seasons"
                                                  20. "Snake's Remains"
                                                  21. "Subrosian Living, Home and Market"
                                                  22. "A Date with Rosa"
                                                  23. "Poison Moth's Lair" [MUS]
                                                  24. "Sunken City"
                                                  25. "Hidden (Stolen) Treasure"
                                                  26. "Dancing Dragon Dungeon"
                                                  27. "The Windmill"
                                                  28. "Caves"
                                                  29. "Unicorn's Cave"
                                                  30. "Tarm Ruins"
                                                  31. "Ancient Ruins"
                                                  32. "Pirate's Gigue"
                                                  33. "The Pirate's Game"
                                                  34. "Samasa Desert"
                                                  35. "Explorer's Crypt"
                                                  36. "The Dungeon Tunnels"
                                                  37. "Sword & Shield Maze"
                                                  38. "Ominous Message at Northern Peak"
                                                  39. "Miniboss Battle!"
                                                  40. "Boss Battle"
                                                  41. "Dungeon Clear"
                                                  42. "Ending 1 - Din & Nayru Rescued!"
                                                  43. "Fairy's Fountain"  [MUS]
                                                  44. "Trouble on the Raft!"
                                                  45. "Just Another Mad Dash!"
                                                  46. "Rolling Ridge and Goron Mountain"
                                                  47. "Sadness"
                                                  48. "Secret Maze on the Sea of No Return"
                                                  49. "Nayru's Song"
                                                  50. "Lynna City (Present)"
                                                  51. "Maku Path"
                                                  52. "Lynna Village (Past)"
                                                  53. "Overworld (Past)"
                                                  54. "Spirit's Grave"
                                                  55. "Fairies' Woods"
                                                  56. "Wing Dungeon"
                                                  57. "Crescent Moon Island"
                                                  58. "The Tokay's Island Home"
                                                  59. "Moonlit Grotto"
                                                  60. "Symmetry Village (Past)"
                                                  61. "Symmetry City (Present)"
                                                  62. "Skull Dungeon"
                                                  63. "Crown Dungeon"
                                                  64. "Mermaid's Cave"
                                                  65. "Queen Ambi's Palace"
                                                  66. "Beneath the Waves"
                                                  67. "Zora Village"
                                                  68. "Jabu-Jabu's Belly"
                                                  69. "Ancient Tomb"
                                                  70. "The Black Tower"
                                                  71. "Ralph's Theme"
                                                  72. "The Tower's Top Floor"
                                                  73. "Final Confrontation"
                                                  74. "Final Battles! Veran & The Dark Dragon"
                                                  75. "Oracle's Finale 1" (Under "Zelda Awakens")
                                                  76. "Oracle's Finale 2"
                                                  77. "The Room of Rites"
                                                  78. "Twinrova Battle"
                                                  79. "Ganon, King of Evil"
                                                  80. "Ending 2 - Princess Zelda Rescued"
                                                  81. "Credits"
                                                  82. "Game Over"


Tobbeh: Here comes mah sheets:

btw my "Two Quests of the Triforce" is more like an "Intro Medley", including the title screen theme as well.

Don: Ok, let's start from the beginning then. Besides maybe suggesting to split "Two Quests" and separate "Title Screen", I have few things to say until I hear your thoughts.

I've been looking some of your sheets, and you seem to sometimes overemphasize the echo effect of the song (Two Quests the second part, Secret of the Oracles...). The way I see it it's just an echo effect, nothing else, which can be translated perfectly to the piano with the pedal. Transcribing every single echo note not only overcomplicates the sheets, but most of the time it doesn't generate a good effect at all (Secret of the Oracles is a perfect example).

Also, it's not wrong, but remember the GB has 3 main audio channels. The added voices you have (i.e. octaves Title Screen part) are great but I'm not very sure how this relates to accuracy.

So yeah, I'd like to hear your thoughts about that and Two Quests in particular. :J
Also added some game info in the OP.

Tobbeh: I think my "Two Quests of the Triforce" sheet is more like an "Intro Medley" like some other sheets on site, like Ben's "Introduction" from Zelda: Link's Awakening. I found it naturally to arrange it that way and keep both songs as the title screen song comes just after the Intro song, you can't even hear it loop (repeat) in the actual game, it's more like it transcends into the other song.

I do agree with your opinion on echos on Two Quests of the Triforce, because how difficult it is. Otherwise I think it just adds to the arrangement as the echo effect makes it sound like there are more notes and if you only write down the "main notes" it can sound a bit empty or like something is missing. And I don't think you can just use the pedal to imitate the effect, as the echo makes it sound like there are more notes where the pedal only sustains notes. I also think my "Secrets of the Oracles" is really well arranged as I made a text telling that the echo notes can be ignored for the sake of playabilty.

Y the GB has only 3-layer polyphony. And some of my sheets have more than that is in the original. Sometimes I only have octaves instead of unison notes, but other times I have added a lot. I think some are OK, but others I've gone too far.

Also I think all the dungeon themes should have something like "Level" in the title. All OST videos have it, and people might remember themes from which level the dungeon was.

Don: Weird, the soundtrack I have loops it. Well anyways it's not a problem. Both arrangements offer different styles, so both can be kept for this.

Yeah but like in SotO all the echo notes are practically unnecessary. Even if you put that they can be ignored, playing the song with them is nearly impossible. It depends on the case, sure, but most of the time it's better to just omit them.

Eh dunno, it feels redundant, Level 1, 2, 3... The important part is the name of the dungeon, I don't see how anyone would remember the themes by the number of the dungeon. That said, it doesn't hurt I guess (I'll update the names as we get to those).


Back to Two Quests, maybe you should clean it a little though? The staves are too close. Also maybe take a look at the first two pages: m. 9 clearly goes to Eb, time signatures are very wonky in that section and the last part until m. 17 clearly resolves in E major. We could also talk about the enharmony of m. 6 or the madness that is the "Presto misterioso", but if that's how you want those parts we'll keep them as they are.

Title Screen is good, general cleaning would suffice.

After that, we can move to File Select.

Tobbeh: Y, I know I need to review Two Quest of the Triforce. I'll see what I can do, and work when I got time.

Don: K then, let's cross it for now then.


Quote from: DonValentino on July 04, 2016, 02:11:34 AMI'll ask for the other topic to be deleted and move the discussion here if you don't mind.
I got you.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Y, Don, my internet has been down but during the time I fixed my Zelda OOA/OOS arrangements a bit. Mostly small fixes like formatting and stuff. I'll tweak them a bit more, and listen through the originals, now when I have internet, and return later with better quality sheets.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Made a small youtube video of one of my Animal Crossing: New Leaf arrangements: "Loading the Game (Isabelle)". Hopefully I'll find more time to make more videos and arrangements even though I got a job.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Made a new video! I made one of my arrangement of the Main Theme from Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure!
It sounds pretty good I think! :)
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Arranged a New Super Mario Bros. song "World 6 (Canyon)"! Really nice theme! The mountain themes from Super Mario Bros. always seems to be really great! I think it went good, I think I got all the harmonies right.

[Sheet Music];
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


And here's another one from New Super Mario Bros., World 5 (Snow)! This started out kind of tricky as I fiddled with the grace notes to make them sound right. But after a while I realized that they shouldn't be grace notes, but instead the entire song went in 16's-swing. First time ever I had a song in 16's-swing I think, or actually it's the 2nd, "Skystones" from Skylanders: Giants also has Swing 16's. But that time I couldn't make it work, but this time I made it work! So I think I arranged it quite well. I also think I'm done with the songs from New Super Mario Bros. There were a few I wanted to arrange, but I don't have much interest for the other ones, there are a couple in the Wii version which I have interest for, but I still don't think I'll arrange those as there are many songs from other series that I want to arrange.

[Sheet Music]
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Made a new youtube video! This one is of my Meta Knight's Revenge from Super Smash Bros. Brawl! Took a while making this, but the result is really great I think! :)
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Made a new arrangement! "Night of the Legends" from Wild Arms 3. Really beautiful and tranquil song. It was kind of easy to arrange but there were things which were a bit tricky. The rhythm was a bit tricky, I made it 32th-dotted 16th rather than just 2 16th notes. I think it's more accurate and makes it a bit more "bouncy" rather just plain 16ths. Also the text in the beginning is meant to tell you that you should start a bit below Q=60 and the accel. to 60. I don't know how to write that, if there are some sort of expression for it, but I think the text I made makes sense.

[Sheet Music]
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Made some new arrangements! I arranged some victory themes from Smash 4! Pretty much all from my mains. I think all went well. Wii Fit Trainer is perfect I think, Dark Pit is good, not sure if the LH is too hard. And Bayonetta was the hardest one, not sure about the chord at the very end, and also not completely sure about the bass line.

Bayonetta: [Sheet Music]
Dark Pit: [Sheet Music]
Wii Fit Trainer: [Sheet Music]

I also changed the links in my OP, so now all the accepted sheets links to my arranger page on the main site. This makes the links shorter and also directs people to the final and correct sheet as I often don't update my dropbox links with the new sheets after they've been accepted.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Made a new youtube vid! From my arrangement of "Castle" from new Super Mario Bros.

I think it went really well. I also had better quality settings for this video, trying it out to see if it's any better. :)
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh