TWG LXXIV: Poker Face

Started by mikey, February 03, 2015, 05:04:40 AM

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Quote from: Latios212 on February 07, 2015, 07:40:06 PMI'm just trying to understand the reasoning here.  MLF is getting lynched because him being inactive matches up with BDS being wolfed (and the game being quieter as a result)?  Makes sense, I'm willing to roll with it, I guess.

MLF hasn't said anything in his defense...
Not what I meant, but if it came across like that I'm sorry. Everyone playing in this game currently that isn't fairly new has a history of being inactive (except for fank really). BDS being silenced would severely drop activity levels, making the entire game fairly quiet. If everyone is quiet it's easier for a wolf to blend in, because they're the same as everyone else

Now that's not the entire reason I'm ok with the mlf lynch. I have it as a standard thing for myself to lynch an inactive when I am 99% certain there are no other leads, since a quiet player isn't going to be much help anyways (besides their life counting for the humans if they are human.) This might not be the best of plans, but when there isn't any other options at least it's something. I would have lynched an inactive regardless of who was wolfed last night if the game was as quiet as it is now.

Also, since there's some new players and I feel I haven't been being clear enough, Guardian guard me next night phase.



I'm inactive cause there is really nothing going on.....


Quote from: mariolegofan on February 07, 2015, 08:48:03 PMI'm inactive cause there is really nothing going on.....
Quiet, you're dead.  Dead people don't talk.


Quote from: Bubbles on February 07, 2015, 08:10:22 PMNot what I meant, but if it came across like that I'm sorry. Everyone playing in this game currently that isn't fairly new has a history of being inactive (except for fank really). BDS being silenced would severely drop activity levels, making the entire game fairly quiet. If everyone is quiet it's easier for a wolf to blend in, because they're the same as everyone else

Now that's not the entire reason I'm ok with the mlf lynch. I have it as a standard thing for myself to lynch an inactive when I am 99% certain there are no other leads, since a quiet player isn't going to be much help anyways (besides their life counting for the humans if they are human.) This might not be the best of plans, but when there isn't any other options at least it's something. I would have lynched an inactive regardless of who was wolfed last night if the game was as quiet as it is now.

Also, since there's some new players and I feel I haven't been being clear enough, Guardian guard me next night phase.

Ah okay, I understand.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 07, 2015, 08:49:04 PMQuiet, you're dead.  Dead people don't talk.

Was that a confirmation? I'm looking forward to the story :D
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: Latios212 on February 07, 2015, 08:54:42 PMWas that a confirmation? I'm looking forward to the story :D
Yeah.....No one over said I was dead.


Quote from: mariolegofan on February 07, 2015, 08:57:44 PMYeah.....No one over said I was dead.
noct said that hammer was still at 11, story comes later when he can post.   
A mlf was a good lynch imo because of latios/mlf pairing... reactions seem evident that they are not a pairing

For those gambling, fank/mael seems like a good bet, mael has more vote charges and might be a safer bet in that concept, or you could switch and vote me
my gamble will be on mael (obviously)
I'll post a list of votes spent later when I have a chance.
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Ok. This is my last post then.


Quote from: mariolegofan on February 07, 2015, 08:57:44 PMYeah.....No one over said I was dead.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 07, 2015, 05:54:29 PMPhase ends at 10 cst tonight, but I'll be working.  Votes after the exact time will not be considered, no exceptions.  I am strict in the interest of fairness.
TWG rules state you are dead.
Quote from: Latios212 on February 07, 2015, 08:54:42 PMAh okay, I understand.
Oh no!

Maelstrom loses a story point for not noticing his cameo I gave him

Anyway, here's some impromptu, sorry it's so short I'll do something longer tomorrow to make up for it.  I need sleep :P
Chapter 3- Something to Sigh About
Some time later, the Guardian came out of his hut to find the people had found a "champion".  They kicked him, they bit him, they slapped him and spit on him.  MarioLegoFan was thrown in front of the Guardian.  He raised his head toward the man.  The Guardian could see desperation and innocence in his eyes.  Yet from another angle he could clearly see the blazing eyes of a madman.  He sighed with frustration.  There was no way he was getting out of this.  Closing his eyes, he took his sword from his back, winded up, and gave a mighty swing straight toward MarioLegoFan's head.  Flinching as he felt the resistance in front of his sword suddenly give way, the mob roared in an almighty rampage.  The Guardian opened his eyes, but averted his head.  He motioned for people to take away the mangled body, and the mob followed after.  Only the girl stayed.  The Guardian let out a shaky breath.
"You don't have to say anything," the girl responded.  "I understand.  The mob is satisfied, and the way will be clear for us to investigate."
"You're not coming with me.  It's too dangerous."
"Really?  You're going to pull that old cliche on me?  I'll be fine.  Besides, you won't find anything without me!"  She reminded him.
The Guardian sighed once more, drawing this one out.
"Fine.  Come back in a few hours."
"Fine."  The girl started to prance off.
"Wait!"  She halted.  "How might I address you?"
She turned and smiled.  "Call me Bubbles."
The seer in game and in the story have now merged.  If one dies, the other will die.
game update/read the story first!
1. mariolegofan
2. maelstrom
3. AwesomeYears
4. fank009
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. Bubbles
7. Jub3r7
8. Latios212

MarioLegoFan's head got brutally cleaned out by a one-man mob.  (Sorry bout that...)  It is now Night 2.  Night 2 ends at 9:00:00 PM CST on Sunday, February 8th.  This is a short phase, so make your bets quickly!

(ps fank I'm keeping track of how many vote counters everyone has, so if you want you can check up with me after the game ends.)



Chapter 4-Investigations
    As night once again fell on the village, all the townspeople flocked to the cathedral.  All except for two, that is.  Bubbles and the Guardian rendezvoused in front of his hut and started staring at each other.  Both were unwilling to be the first one to speak.  At length they seemed to reach an accord and, instead of speaking to each other, simply nodded and started marching toward the cathedral together.  When they reached the cathedral, rather than go in they walked past it and stopped in front of MarioLegoFan's house.  The Guardian was the first to break the silence.
    "I suppose this is as good a place to start as any," he muttered.  "Bubbles, do you have any clue what we should be looking for?"
    "First and foremost we should be looking for the boots that match the print.  Do you have it?"
    "Right here."  He took the rough boot print sketch out of his pocket.  Handing it to Bubbles, he lightly pushed the door.  It
wasn't locked.  He stepped inside, then motioned for Bubbles to follow.  Bubbles walked in and gasped.  He turned questioningly at her and saw she was pointing to something on the floor in front of them.  He examined the pair of boots in front of him, looking at the treads.
    "This is the exact same boot!"  He announced.  "There's even a bit of blood on this one!"
    Bubbles nodded, then opened the nearby closet.  Well, it wasn't so much a closet as a cupboard, but it held clothes so people called them closets anyway.
    "How rich was MarioLegoFan?"  She asked.
    "Not particularly.  Why?"
    "There's another pair of boots in here.  It takes a lot of money before someone can afford to waste money on a second pair of boots." 
    The Guardian sighed, realizing it meant nothing for or against MarioLegoFan's innocence.  This Zanoffe was better than he could have imagined.  He continued looking around the small hut, seeing nothing in the main room.  He moved over to the back room and looked around.  There were a lot of interesting items here.  He needed Bubbles so that he could discover a clue.  As if summoned, Bubbles walked into the back room and looked around.
    "Hmmm," she whispered.  "There's definitely some useful bits in here- nothing condemning MarioLegoFan, but it could certainly help condemn someone else."
    The Guardian nodded.  He started to pick up objects, one at a time, and examine them.  Wooden picture frames, eating utensils, anything within reach, he brought it close and looked for clues.  Without much success, he leaned back and watched Bubbles do the same thing on the other side of the room.  She was digging through the items at a rapid rate, as though she were looking for something specific rather than any thing at all.  Eventually, she stopped and said, "There's nothing here.  We'd better go."  Putting everything back, they stepped out of the hut and walked down the path.
    "It's getting late.  Everyone will be done gambling soon," the Guardian said.
    "Sure, but there's one more house I need to check out.  I have a good feeling about this one!" She said as she dashed across the town. 
    The Guardian rolled his eyes and sauntered after her.
                                 *   *   *
    "Do you think he will fall for it, sir?"  Two shadowy figures, one tall and regal, the other hunched and timid, were sitting in a slightly darkened room, in front of a desk.  The larger one responded.
    "It would be foolish to believe the Guardian will fall for a trick so obvious.  Rather, I put my boots in MarioLegoFan's hut to remove suspicion from him.  My ultimate goal is to torture the Guardian into submission, force him to watch his fellow peasants die, one by one, as he searches for the true master of this town."
    "But what if he discovers you?"  The smaller man questioned.
    "I will not be discovered, for I am staying here.  Rather, you must go out and discover the location of the man who won tonight.  People have been profiting more than usual lately, and I must put an end to it.  This village... is mine."




TWC Post

I will be replacing NocturneOfShadow as Host of the game, seeing as he has been banned.  Please send all game related PM's to me.

The Phase will be extended to February 9th at 11PM EST.

EDIT: Also, everyone please send me your Role PM so that I know everyone's Roles.



On your PMs to mashi, I mean.