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TWG LXXIV: Poker Face

Started by mikey, February 03, 2015, 05:04:40 AM

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Due to 'undesirables' on TWGNSM (that still haven't left) we will use NSMTWG.


zinc isn't an undesirable, it was the other guy who's not there now.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


oh wait, that's not zinc. idk
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


oh wait yeah it is. and two other people
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


I've been on NSMTWG for a few hours and there's no one here...
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Sorry. Not much happens night one, so it will be much more active later, especially durring the day phases


Oh, okay.  I'll come back later when stuff happens.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Night 1 is ending in 13 hours.  If you haven't used any powers tonight and would like to, please PM me!  Not much time left!


Quote from: Maelstrom on February 04, 2015, 08:23:48 PMSorry. Not much happens night one, so it will be much more active later, especially durring the day phases
with all the plays we can get off gambling,  there's nothing to talk about? Considering who's in the field, im a safe bet to die this phase so put it on.
seeing how I can't vote for myself. Moneys on bubbles tonight.
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: fank009 on February 05, 2015, 11:16:17 AMwith all the plays we can get off gambling,  there's nothing to talk about? Considering who's in the field, im a safe bet to die this phase so put it on.
seeing how I can't vote for myself. Moneys on bubbles tonight.
There are no rules against putting vote charges on yourself. That being said, if you do, I'll just PM you and ask you to think very hard about what you've done.


What happens if someone goes all in on themself and gets wolfed?


Players don't win bets until the player they bet for was already wolfed.  So the player would have died by the time they can win the bet, unfortunately.  Picture it this way: You send a warning to yourself that something might via the post, but by the time it gets to you it already happened.  You were right about it happening, but it's to late to do anything about it.


Story: Chapter 1- Missing a Detail
     The Guardian rose from his bed.  That is, if you could call it that.  It was a sack full of hay and cotton.  Either way, it served its purpose fine, so he wasn't complaining.  He looked around his dirty hut as a small cluster of cockroaches scurried across the floor and into cracks in the walls.  A small table and chair made of rotten wood sat in the corner.  Sunlight patched through the thin roof.  He heaved a sigh, fortunate it was sunlight and not rain coming through, like it had all last week.  He opened a small cupboard bolted soundly to the wall and took out a crust of bread.  Munching on the bread, he shuffled over to the one object of interest in his room: A stout oak stave with two anvils, one on each side.  The other villagers mocked him for his crude device, but it kept him strong as he lifted it, lowered it, lifted it, lowered it, without end.  While he was lifting his anvils, his mind wandered back to the previous Guardian, and the first time they had ever met.
   It was the darkest night the village had seen (or rather hadn't) in over a year.  Then the rain started.  First slowly, then picking up pace, faster and faster until it drenched everything caught in the torrential downpour.  It was impossible to see anything until the lightning flashed.  Then a huge peal of thunder broke the steady pitter-patter of the rain.  It woke up the young boy from his sleep.  His parents weren't at home; that was to be expected.  Like everyone else in the village, they were probably at the casino, gambling until they won it all, or, more likely, lost it all.  He got out of his soft down mattress-- and quietly stepped over to the door.  He was about to open it when it swung open of its own accord!  A flash of lightning revealed that a man had forced open the locked door from the outside.  He stood there, unmoving.  The man pushed the boy aside and rushed in.
   "Your parents are dead," he began.  "They were shot...  Killed by Zanoffe."
   The boy stared.  Surely he was jesting?
   "Boy, you had better believe me.  This is no joke.  Your parents won a fortune tonight- one that Zanoffe was unwilling to part with."
   The mysterious man sat down for a while, then got up and paced back and forth.  The boy stood there in shock, unwilling, unable, to believe the nightmare that was unfolding.  Finally, the man walked over to the boy's bed and tossed it out into the street.  The boy made a half effort to speak, but he was still in shock from the news.  The man turned and spoke to him.
   "From now on, you'll live with me.  It won't be easy, but someday you will be able to take your revenge on the Casino Owner."
     The Guardian was startled from his memories by a group of voices clamoring for attention.  It was impossible to distinguish any single voice from the crowd.  He set down his anvil and stepped outside.
   "What's going on?"  He boomed out.
   The crowd parted slowly to reveal a gruesome sight.  The wall of his house had been painted red with the blood of the man slumped on the ground.  The Guardian rolled the man  onto his back.  His face was marred so badly it was nearly impossible to distinguish who it was.  But the Guardian had been trained for things such as this and didn't miss a detail- the knife stuck through the man's gut, the footsteps leading away from the body into the village, the stiffness of the body that told him how long it had been like... this.  He stared intently at the man's mustache, and suddenly realized who it was.
   "It's... he..." He faltered.  "BlackDragonSlayer is dead."
disclaimer: The Guardian in the story is not necessarily the Guardian in the game; the Guardian living or dying in the story relies on the human or wolf victory.
read the story first!
BlackDragonSlayer has been wolfed.  It is now Day 1.  Day 1 ends at 10:00 PM CST on February 7th, regardless of when the update actually goes up.



Anyway BDS there's your story point put to good use.  You won the game of poker and you kept your mustache.