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TWG LXXIV: Poker Face

Started by mikey, February 03, 2015, 05:04:40 AM

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TWG LXXIV: Poker Face
Or: So I herd u liek to gambol
This village has a serious problem.  Nearly every villager has an addiction to gambling.
A bad one.
Each player starts the game with 5 vote charges.  Players may expend up to 2 vote charges per day phase to place a vote.  The number of votes you are using must be declared publicly- E.G., "I will place 2 vote charges on NocturneOfShadow"(2), "double on Noc"(2), "single on Noc"(1), "1 for NoS"(1).  This game has no penalty for not voting.  At night, each human player may expend up to 2 vote charges on the player they think is going to get wolfed.  If the player they voted for gets wolfed, they receive their vote charges back, plus a number of vote charges equal to the vote charges they expended.  The first human to place charges on a player during nighttime will be given an option to go "all in".  A player going all in will lose all their vote charges, but if they win the bet, they receive double vote charges plus all the vote charges of the player that died, and is announced as indestructible for the rest of the game.  If they lose the bet, they die and their charges are given to the Wolf Shuffler.

1. mariolegofan
2. maelstrom
3. AwesomeYears
4. fank009
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. Bubbles
7. Jub3r7
8. Latios212
8.5. FireArrow's Ghost

1. Master Wolf Casino Owner-Starts with 8 vote charges and may give one of his vote charges to the Wolf Shuffler at any time during night 1.
2. Wolf Shuffler-If he would die, instead he loses 5 vote charges.  If he ever has no vote charges, he dies.  When the wolf shuffler dies, each remaining player loses all vote charges, and the vote charges are redistributed randomly.  Indestructible players lose indestructible.

3. Human
4. Human
5. Human

6. Seer

7. Buff Guardian
-The Buff Guardian's abilities extend into the next day phase, and the player that was guarded cannot be lynched.

8. Miller-Is told he's a normal human.

Bonus points story-wise will be awarded to the most gambley human.

Updates and news:

Please note that I slightly altered the wolves to be weaker due to the exclusion of FireArrow (may he RIP in peace).

Role PMs are out.

The Prologue, entitled A Cat and Its Prey, has been published.
The Prologue, entitled Midnight, has been published.
Chapter 1, entitled Missing a Detail, has been published.
Chapter 2, entitled Sacrifices, has been published.
Chapter 3, entitled Something to Sigh About, has been published.
Chapter 4, entitled Investigations, has been published.

It is now Night 2.  Night 2 will end at 9:00:00 PM CST on February 8th, 2015, regardless of when the actual update goes up.

Prologue- A Cat and Its Prey
Night descended on the small village, slowly creeping forward, much like a cat tailing its prey.  It soon swallowed the village whole, very much like a cat would its prey.  From a distance, only one majestic building could be seen on nights like these, with its lights blazing through the windows, illuminating the comparably dull shacks with peeling siding, rusted bolts, and holes for windows in rows on either side of the cathedral.  The building itself was immeasurably tall, with a bell-tower at the top, beautiful stained-glass windows of all colors, depicting scenes from an age long gone by.  At the front of the building was a set of large stone steps-- so large they looked as though they had been made for giants-- rising toward a perfectly symmetrical set of large wooden doors.  One of these doors creaking open a hair broke the peace of the night.  2 small figures, dwarfed in comparison to the cathedral, slipped out.  As they dashed down the steps, bits and pieces of shiny round objects slipped out of holes in their patched rags.  A third figure, much larger, with much finer clothes, dashed out behind them.  He quickly caught up to them and apprehended them.  They cowered in fear from the man who carried himself as a noble.  He had something in his hand.  He waved it about.  The couple flinched, but did not return the spoils.  The man paused, and turned around.  He gestured to the couple and started walking away.  Then, cocking his head as if he had forgotten something, he turned around and raised his hand out.

Two loud shots echoed into the night until they were swallowed up, much like a cat would its prey.
Prologue- Midnight
     The same bell on top of the cathedral from all those years ago pealed out, notifying the citizens of the time.  A well-dressed man sat in a dimly lit room with nothing but a desk and a chair, counting out the individual hours.  One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.  Excellent.  Revealing his great height as he rose up, he procured a mask from inside his overcoat and slipped it onto his face, then left, securely locking the door behind him.
     Citizens came rushing out from their huts, fists full of general commodities and, in some rare cases, gold pieces.  They flocked to the cathedral and stood in front of the large doors, waiting.  Suddenly, the doors were thrown open and a tall man stood in front of the mass of people.
     "Greetings, all!  I, Zanoffe, welcome you to the casino!" He boomed.  The crowd gave a mute cheer and pushed past each other in their eagerness to get to the tables.  The merry mob tossed gambling items at each other, each hoping to strike it big.  Then as everyone settled into their games and the stakes grew higher, things quieted down.  People were willing to put their life on the line if it meant living like Zanoffe- rich, powerful, mysterious, he was the idol of the town.  Or he would be if anyone knew who he was, for he always wore a mask that covered his entire face.  For several hours, nothing happened.  Then, at a nearby poker table, an unusually tall man jumped up in pure joy as he shouted, "Full house!"  Everyone glanced over at the man, who had just beaten the dealer in a high-stakes game of 5 draw.  If it was possible for the room to be even more silent, it was.  The last time anyone had actually won was 12 years ago.  The bell broke the silence by ringing out 12 strong strokes.  The man picked up his winnings, sliding them into his pocket, and left the cathedral.  As everyone turned back to their games, each thinking that they would be the next lucky person to jump up and leave, nobody noticed a mysterious figure slip into Zanoffe's room, then out into the street after the man...
Chapter 1- Missing a Detail
     The Guardian rose from his bed.  That is, if you could call it that.  It was a sack full of hay and cotton.  Either way, it served its purpose fine, so he wasn't complaining.  He looked around his dirty hut as a small cluster of cockroaches scurried across the floor and into cracks in the walls.  A small table and chair made of rotten wood sat in the corner.  Sunlight patched through the thin roof.  He heaved a sigh, fortunate it was sunlight and not rain coming through, like it had all last week.  He opened a small cupboard bolted soundly to the wall and took out a crust of bread.  Munching on the bread, he shuffled over to the one object of interest in his room: A stout oak stave with two anvils, one on each side.  The other villagers mocked him for his crude device, but it kept him strong as he lifted it, lowered it, lifted it, lowered it, without end.  While he was lifting his anvils, his mind wandered back to the previous Guardian, and the first time they had ever met.
   It was the darkest night the village had seen (or rather hadn't) in over a year.  Then the rain started.  First slowly, then picking up pace, faster and faster until it drenched everything caught in the torrential downpour.  It was impossible to see anything until the lightning flashed.  Then a huge peal of thunder broke the steady pitter-patter of the rain.  It woke up the young boy from his sleep.  His parents weren't at home; that was to be expected.  Like everyone else in the village, they were probably at the casino, gambling until they won it all, or, more likely, lost it all.  He got out of his soft down mattress-- and quietly stepped over to the door.  He was about to open it when it swung open of its own accord!  A flash of lightning revealed that a man had forced open the locked door from the outside.  He stood there, unmoving.  The man pushed the boy aside and rushed in.
   "Your parents are dead," he began.  "They were shot...  Killed by Zanoffe."
   The boy stared.  Surely he was jesting?
   "Boy, you had better believe me.  This is no joke.  Your parents won a fortune tonight- one that Zanoffe was unwilling to part with."
   The mysterious man sat down for a while, then got up and paced back and forth.  The boy stood there in shock, unwilling, unable, to believe the nightmare that was unfolding.  Finally, the man walked over to the boy's bed and tossed it out into the street.  The boy made a half effort to speak, but he was still in shock from the news.  The man turned and spoke to him.
   "From now on, you'll live with me.  It won't be easy, but someday you will be able to take your revenge on the Casino Owner."
     The Guardian was startled from his memories by a group of voices clamoring for attention.  It was impossible to distinguish any single voice from the crowd.  He set down his anvil and stepped outside.
   "What's going on?"  He boomed out.
   The crowd parted slowly to reveal a gruesome sight.  The wall of his house had been painted red with the blood of the man slumped on the ground.  The Guardian rolled the man  onto his back.  His face was marred so badly it was nearly impossible to distinguish who it was.  But the Guardian had been trained for things such as this and didn't miss a detail- the knife stuck through the man's gut, the footsteps leading away from the body into the village, the stiffness of the body that told him how long it had been like... this.  He stared intently at the man's mustache, and suddenly realized who it was.
   "It's... he..." He faltered.  "BlackDragonSlayer is dead."
Chapter 2-Sacrifices
The Guardian sat in his hut, oblivious to the incessant pounding of the mob outside.  The body of BlackDragonSlayer sat before him, his lifeless eyes piercing the Guardian, almost mocking, as if to say, "How could you let this happen?"  It was the Guardian's responsibility to prevent crime in the village.  His reputation alone was usually enough.  Occasionally the upstart pickpocket came to town and the Guardian had a little chat with him.  The Guardian's chats had a strong correlation with people leaving town, but no causation had ever been shown.  If a little coercion was not enough, usually the Guardian would physically force wrongdoers out of the town and into the surrounding woods.  The fact that somebody had been murdered, (outside the Guardian's home no less), had people very worried.  Some had even begun to be suspicious of the Guardian himself.  He ran his eyes over the small line of evidence found next to the body.  A sample of blood on a kerchief (most likely BlackDragonSlayer's), the murder weapon, a short one-sided knife about 8 inches long with a pearl pommel-stone and leather-bound hilt, a careful sketch of the boot track left behind.  Careful study of these objects led him to 2 deductions- that the killer was very rich, and that the killer was very smart.
   The Guardian knew that this killer was either a henchman of Zanoffe or even Zanoffe himself.  The question was, which of the villagers dressed up every night to masquerade as the tall stranger?  He had a hunch more than one person had to be involved to make the blind run smoothly.  A sharp knock on the door reminded him that his real problem wasn't the killer; it was sating the bloodlust of the mob mentality.  Without seeming action the villagers would be angry and might react violently.  He needed an alternative that allowed him to do some sleuthing at night while also throwing Zanoffe off the scent.  Then it came to him.  All he needed to do was let the crowd decide.  This would soothe them and also send a message to Zanoffe saying he was clueless.  Well, he was clueless, just not as clueless as he wanted Zanoffe to think.
   He gingerly picked himself up out of the rotting chair and lumbered over to the stout door (he was amazed it had still kept its integrity at this point).  As he came to the door he could distinguish individual voices.
   "I told you he would die!  He announced his win far too loudly for someone to not be jealous!" cried a voice.
   "Oh, shut up.  I don't owe you anything," said another.  The Guardian recognized this voice.  It was The_Subjective_Thought, from across the woods, in town for a day or so.  "Besides, you didn't say he would die.  You just said he was getting mugged."
   The Guardian swung the door open to the harsh sunlight.  Several dozen pairs of eyes swung toward the Guardian, and the same number of ears listened attentively.
   "I have reached a conclusion," he said boldly.  "Unfortunately, it's not a very good one.
   "I believe our only course is to quarantine the huts closest to the cathedral and the casino.  While we can't say exactly who the boots belong to, the tracks don't go very far at all, and this represents a proximity to the cathedral that can't be ignored.  I'd say, oh, about 8 or so houses, including mine, and BlackDragonSlayer's."
   The crowd murmured in approval.  Clearly they would find the killer fast enough.  After all, they had it narrowed down to 8 houses!  This would be a snap.  Satisfied, the Guardian nodded his head and stalked back inside his hut.  The members of the crowd stared at each other disdainfully, suspicion plain in their eyes, and each went their separate ways.  All except one.
   "Open the door!  I need to talk to you!"  A high voice called out.  The Guardian opened the door to see a girl standing there.  "I know what you're planning.  Let me help you.  I have good eyes, and I might be able to spot something that can help you."
   The Guardian considered the girl's offer, then decided if she could see he was up to something, she might be able to see what others were up to.  So he told her to meet back at his hut at nightfall, then sent her away.  Before she could go, however, she said one last bit:
   "You know that that explanation isn't enough for the people.  They want blood, and they'll do anything to get it."  With that, she dashed off.
   Sure enough, hours later her prediction came true.  The mob came back, screaming, poking and prodding at each other, calling out people on suspicious behaviour they had seen in the past few hours.  The Guardian remembered what the girl said.
   "Do you wish for justice?"  He called out.  The mob roared its approval.  The Guardian sighed, realizing that there was no other option, and waved his hand.
   "Democracy rules.  Decide who will be your wolf in sheep's clothing, and let him be sacrificed!"  The mob hit a fever pitch, tearing at each other's rags and starting fistfights in the midst of the crowd.  The Guardian had a feeling this would end badly, but it was his job to keep the peace.  If it had to be done, sacrifices would have to be made along the way.
Chapter 3- Something to Sigh About
Some time later, the Guardian came out of his hut to find the people had found a "champion".  They kicked him, they bit him, they slapped him and spit on him.  MarioLegoFan was thrown in front of the Guardian.  He raised his head toward the man.  The Guardian could see desperation and innocence in his eyes.  Yet from another angle he could clearly see the blazing eyes of a madman.  He sighed with frustration.  There was no way he was getting out of this.  Closing his eyes, he took his sword from his back, winded up, and gave a mighty swing straight toward MarioLegoFan's head.  Flinching as he felt the resistance in front of his sword suddenly give way, the mob roared in an almighty rampage.  The Guardian opened his eyes, but averted his head.  He motioned for people to take away the mangled body, and the mob followed after.  Only the girl stayed.  The Guardian let out a shaky breath.
"You don't have to say anything," the girl responded.  "I understand.  The mob is satisfied, and the way will be clear for us to investigate."
"You're not coming with me.  It's too dangerous."
"Really?  You're going to pull that old cliche on me?  I'll be fine.  Besides, you won't find anything without me!"  She reminded him.
The Guardian sighed once more, drawing this one out.
"Fine.  Come back in a few hours."
"Fine."  The girl started to prance off.
"Wait!"  She halted.  "How might I address you?"
She turned and smiled.  "Call me Bubbles."
Chapter 4-Investigations
    As night once again fell on the village, all the townspeople flocked to the cathedral.  All except for two, that is.  Bubbles and the Guardian rendezvoused in front of his hut and started staring at each other.  Both were unwilling to be the first one to speak.  At length they seemed to reach an accord and, instead of speaking to each other, simply nodded and started marching toward the cathedral together.  When they reached the cathedral, rather than go in they walked past it and stopped in front of MarioLegoFan's house.  The Guardian was the first to break the silence.
    "I suppose this is as good a place to start as any," he muttered.  "Bubbles, do you have any clue what we should be looking for?"
    "First and foremost we should be looking for the boots that match the print.  Do you have it?"
    "Right here."  He took the rough boot print sketch out of his pocket.  Handing it to Bubbles, he lightly pushed the door.  It
wasn't locked.  He stepped inside, then motioned for Bubbles to follow.  Bubbles walked in and gasped.  He turned questioningly at her and saw she was pointing to something on the floor in front of them.  He examined the pair of boots in front of him, looking at the treads.
    "This is the exact same boot!"  He announced.  "There's even a bit of blood on this one!"
    Bubbles nodded, then opened the nearby closet.  Well, it wasn't so much a closet as a cupboard, but it held clothes so people called them closets anyway.
    "How rich was MarioLegoFan?"  She asked.
    "Not particularly.  Why?"
    "There's another pair of boots in here.  It takes a lot of money before someone can afford to waste money on a second pair of boots." 
    The Guardian sighed, realizing it meant nothing for or against MarioLegoFan's innocence.  This Zanoffe was better than he could have imagined.  He continued looking around the small hut, seeing nothing in the main room.  He moved over to the back room and looked around.  There were a lot of interesting items here.  He needed Bubbles so that he could discover a clue.  As if summoned, Bubbles walked into the back room and looked around.
    "Hmmm," she whispered.  "There's definitely some useful bits in here- nothing condemning MarioLegoFan, but it could certainly help condemn someone else."
    The Guardian nodded.  He started to pick up objects, one at a time, and examine them.  Wooden picture frames, eating utensils, anything within reach, he brought it close and looked for clues.  Without much success, he leaned back and watched Bubbles do the same thing on the other side of the room.  She was digging through the items at a rapid rate, as though she were looking for something specific rather than any thing at all.  Eventually, she stopped and said, "There's nothing here.  We'd better go."  Putting everything back, they stepped out of the hut and walked down the path.
    "It's getting late.  Everyone will be done gambling soon," the Guardian said.
    "Sure, but there's one more house I need to check out.  I have a good feeling about this one!" She said as she dashed across the town. 
    The Guardian rolled his eyes and sauntered after her.
                                 *   *   *
    "Do you think he will fall for it, sir?"  Two shadowy figures, one tall and regal, the other hunched and timid, were sitting in a slightly darkened room, in front of a desk.  The larger one responded.
    "It would be foolish to believe the Guardian will fall for a trick so obvious.  Rather, I put my boots in MarioLegoFan's hut to remove suspicion from him.  My ultimate goal is to torture the Guardian into submission, force him to watch his fellow peasants die, one by one, as he searches for the true master of this town."
    "But what if he discovers you?"  The smaller man questioned.
    "I will not be discovered, for I am staying here.  Rather, you must go out and discover the location of the man who won tonight.  People have been profiting more than usual lately, and I must put an end to it.  This village... is mine."






Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 03, 2015, 05:04:40 AM7. Buff Guardian[/color]-The Buff Guardian's abilities extend into the next day phase, and the player that was guarded cannot be lynched.
Seer should probably claim.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Not sure if you clarified, but 2 things. Night bets are NOT announced publicly, right? And does it count as a correct bet if the person wolfed was invulnerable/guarded?


Quote from: Maelstrom on February 03, 2015, 04:39:00 PMNot sure if you clarified, but 2 things. Night bets are NOT announced publicly, right? And does it count as a correct bet if the person wolfed was invulnerable/guarded?
Gambling is done through PM, I should have clarified that haha
the player has only to get wolved-regardless of dying or not- to win the bet.

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 03, 2015, 04:06:58 PM
+1 story point to BDS


Although as humans you could consider publicly declaring if you are going to gamble or not.  I won't advise for or against it, just pointing out it's an option.



And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


so first mashi thinks im a host

and now

now im not even in the game

this is the most appropriate music

Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


moar appropriate music?


Noct stealing all my optimal ideas xD
Anyway, We should publicly state what our night votes are going to be, AND place them on someone we want day 1... force them into a corner of wether everyone else gets an extra vote, or let said person live to day 1.

if you have the option, don't push. (them poker terms ;)) we have 1 mislynch, and losing 1 person to a bad all in push will lose us that mislynch (-guardian saves)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...



We will be using the mibbit chatroom #NSMTWG so everyone is on the same page.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 04, 2015, 01:16:06 PMWe will be using the mibbit chatroom #TWGNSM so everyone is on the same page.

I've never used it before, how do we go there?
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!
